Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 828 The Unpopular Murong Fu

[Fan Licheng] Inside the city lord's mansion.

In order to express his gratitude to Murong Fu, Lu Rong specially ordered someone to prepare a table of delicious food.

Ding, congratulations to the host for saving the damsel in distress and obtaining [Thirteen Thunder Fists].

As soon as Murong Fu sat down, he heard the system's reward sound.

[Thirteen Fists of Thunder] Xuan-level top-grade technique.

Use the power of thunder to train your body. One punch will retreat the wind, two punches will break the river, and three punches will split the mountain...

Thirteen punches to destroy the immortal.

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile knowingly and said to himself:

Not bad, really good!

This last punch of [Thirteen Thunder Fists] is not powerful enough to reach the earth level.

Another invisible benefit is that you can refine your body.

His skills and Long Yuan are all used to strengthen the body.

However, there is never a systematic exercise method.

Coming to [Daru Realm] gave him this opportunity.

Fu Lang, thank you for saving my Lu family. Lu Rong said while holding the wine glass.

Murong Fu smiled and said, Uncle, you're welcome, but I'm just following the trend.

Haha, this is not polite. Lu Rong shook his head: Don't you think that if I lose, the head of the family will really let me go?

Murong Fu thought for a while after hearing this, considering the background of the Lu family.

Plus Lu Rong, who has been the city lord for so many years.

There are bound to be many treasures.

As a result, the so-called rules cannot be established at all.

Maybe as soon as he leaves the city gate, countless people will devour him!

Uncle, are you planning to reshuffle the cards?

Lu Rong shook his head and said, No!

You have helped me get rid of the most troublesome Ma family.

For the remaining people, killing or not killing doesn't mean much.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Why doesn't uncle take them all into his own family?

Lu Rong smiled bitterly and said: This group of centuries-old families, although their background is not good.

But most of the disciples in my family have connections with other sects.

If I use force, I will definitely get their backlash.

It's better to let nature take its course and let them develop.

Murong Fu said Oh and said, Uncle Lu, this junior has just come out of the mountain.

I don't know much about the sect. I wonder if you can introduce it to me?

Lu Rong chuckled lightly, and just as he was about to speak, Lu Yao said first:

I know I know.

[Daru Realm] is divided into three continents: [Xiao Mi], [Lu Dou], and [Dan Hua].

The sect is divided into nine grades from top to bottom.

And where we are in [Xiao Mi Province], there are four first-grade sects.

Lu Rong smiled and said, Yao'er is right.

The four first-class sects are [Tianmen Taoist Temple], [Lingxiao Sect], [Canglan Sword Sect] and [Tathagata Temple].

As for some other sects, they also have strong men in charge.

You can't, underestimate them.

Murong Fu was curious and asked: What sect does [Da Qian Kingdom] belong to?

Lu Rong smiled and said sheepishly:

The combined strength of the entire [Da Qian Kingdom] is only that of fourth-class sects.

However, due to the special characteristics of the country, we can barely squeeze into the third-class forces.

Murong Fu was shocked. He didn't expect that such a majestic dynasty was only a fourth-grade power.

He could barely reach the third level.

Lu Rongdao: Besides the righteous sect, you should also be careful of the demonic sect.

Murong Fu said: There is no coexistence between good and evil. Does that mean we will fight to the death when we meet?

Lu Rong laughed haha and said:

Everything in the world is for profit.

As long as it doesn't concern your vital interests, it's better to do less than to do more.

Murong Fu suddenly realized that it was the same in every world, and profit was the first priority.

Lu Yao said: Fu Lang, has your master told you?

What sect is he from?

Murong Fu smiled bitterly and said, I think my master is a casual cultivator. He didn't even tell me his name.

Lu Yao said happily: Then you said you can join other sects?

With your qualifications, I'm afraid you can easily enter the four major sects.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment and asked:

Will entering the four sects attract the attention of others?

Lu Rongdao: The four major sects recruit one thousand, two hundred and ninety-six disciples every three years.

The selected disciples will be listed in the [Zongmen Fengyuelu] and sold by major tooth shops.

And the first place will be on the [Hidden Dragon List] and become a respectable existence.

Murong Fu couldn't help but be overjoyed. The more famous he became, the easier it would be for Dongfang Bubai, Su Ying and Jingyu to find him.

Moreover, relatively speaking, there should be more resources in the four major sects.

This is also more beneficial to saving Luo Tianxi.

It’s just this time…

I wonder, uncle, how long will it take before we recruit a hundred disciples?

Lu Rong thought for a moment and said, If I remember correctly.

Except [Tathagata Temple] recruits disciples and pays attention to casualness.

In three months, the other three sects will recruit disciples.

This is great. Murong Fu was overjoyed and said, In this case, I can just catch up.

Lu Rong smiled and said: [Xiao Mizhou] is so vast that it can be counted thousands of times.

If you rely on flying, start from [Fanli City].

In less than half a year, I'm afraid you won't be able to reach any of them.

Murong Fu was slightly surprised and said, Then what should I do?

Lu Rong said: I wonder which sect my little friend wants to join?

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows. He had not thought about which sect he wanted to join, so he said:

Any sect is fine, I just want to get first place and be famous all over the world.

Pfft... Lu Rong almost choked to death after taking a sip of old wine, and said sarcastically:

My little friend, it's not my uncle who is attacking you. There are so many talented people in the world.

In addition, there are many disciples from aristocratic families. They have profound knowledge, not to mention magic weapons and secret techniques.

It's really difficult for you to stand out among them.

Dad! Lu Yao heard Lu Rong attack Murong Fu and immediately stopped: You have seen Brother Murong's strength.

How is it possible that there is someone better than him among his peers?...

Lu Rong said: Dad also hopes that nephew Murong Xian can become famous all over the world.

I also hope he can be number one, but the strongest will have the best.

If the goal is set too big, if it is not achieved, it will damage the Taoist heart.

After thinking about it, Lu Yao thought it made sense and said coquettishly to Murong Fu:

Fulang, let's not set our goal at number one.

The top ten is also very good. If it doesn't work out, the top five will be better.

Murong Fu smiled and said, You two don't have to worry, I just said it casually.

“I don’t know which sect I should choose at that time is more suitable for me.”

Lu Rong thought carefully for a moment and said:

Did your nephew use sword energy in his previous fight?

Murong Fu nodded and said without hiding anything:

That's right, when you break Ma Dongling's double swords.

It's the [Innate Sword Qi] I cultivated!

[Innate Sword Qi]! Lu Rong said in shock: Incredible! Incredible!

In this case, what else to choose?

[Canglan Sword Sect] is the most suitable for you!

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