I wonder if there is something wrong with Manager Situ? Murong Fu said politely.

I'm here to deliver the program list to the distinguished guests. Please accept it. Situ Xiaoxiao politely handed over a piece of gold paper.

It is densely covered with delicate small characters.

Murong Fu looked at Situ Xiaoxiao with slight surprise: Did you write these words?

Haha, yes! Situ Xiaoxiao said politely, I have loved calligraphy since I was a child.

So when you can write, try to write by hand.

Murong Fu glanced at the program list.

Song and dance performances, chatting, large-scale auctions...

Are there any fighting skills?

Situ Xiaoxiao smiled and said, I and other immortal cultivators spend all day practicing in seclusion.

Of course, it's also good to have some entertainment.

Otherwise, sailing for several months would be more boring than being in seclusion.

Murong Fu asked curiously: Can the entire ship participate?

Situ Xiaoxiao said politely: Except for the A-level ones, anyone can participate as long as they pay a ticket.

Murong Fu suddenly said: Haha, I am Meng Lang.

Situ Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, It doesn't matter. If your guest wants to ask anything, just ask.

Murong Fu said politely: It's okay! Thank you, steward, for letting us know.

Situ Xiaoxiao said Hmm, bowed and said goodbye, and then stopped again.

This distinguished guest must be traveling out for the first time.

Situ Duozui would like to remind you that the road to becoming an immortal is long, so bear with it if you can.

Murong Fu was a little surprised and thanked him.

Close the door and return to the house. M..

Lu Yao asked curiously: Why did we chat for so long?

Murong Fu took out the program list and handed it to Lu Yao: Let's take a look!

It was sent by the steward of the [Qingyuan].

Lu Yao, a girl with good temperament, took the list and looked at it, and quickly clapped her hands and applauded:

I thought the journey would be lonely.

I didn't expect there to be so many fun things.

Fulang, let's go and see if it's okay.

Murong Fu was silent for a moment, nodded and said: Okay!

He is also very curious about the world.

However, Situ Xiaoxiao's words earlier made him hesitate.

My heart smiled bitterly:

This kind of timid life is really not what people should live.

Immediately, the three began to study the program list.

For example, feeding river sharks and buying an elephant requires a spiritual stone.

Swim and sunbathe inside the boat.

The most interesting thing is that there is a buffet on this boat.

Eat whatever you want.

Fulang, let's go eat! Lu Yao said excitedly.

Murong Fu looked at the young Lu Yao in front of him and smiled.

He was joking.

Unexpectedly, Fang Qian's starry eyes were shining with expectation.


Girls all like to eat.

Haha, don't worry, this buffet is available every day, if you two don't get tired of it.

We eat every day, no problem.

After some discussion, the three selected a few must-see shows and left the others to chance.

the other side.

Situ Xiaoxiao had just returned to the room when a woman dressed as a young woman appeared behind her.

Miss, I have a letter from the master asking you to return to Beijing this time.

I'll live there for a while and run the wine business together with the Seventh Prince.

Situ Xiaoxiao smiled and said sarcastically: Dad, are you really planning to marry me to the seventh prince who has never even seen him?

The young woman said: Miss, the seventh prince is the most powerful contender for the throne.

The master thinks that marriage is the best choice for us [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce].

Otherwise, your position as president of the Chamber of Commerce in the next term may not be secure.

Situ Xiaoxiao heard the sound and said, If you can't sit still, I won't sit down.

Dad, why are you so obsessed with the position of president?

The young woman said: [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] has been controlled by the Situ family for thousands of years.

If someone is replaced, it will be unacceptable to the entire chamber of commerce.

Situ Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and said:

Aunt Xiao, I understand this.

But I don't want to pass and rely on others to get this position.

Aunt Xiao said helplessly: Miss, a person will eventually get tired.

If I can have a shoulder to lean on, I don't think it's a bad thing.

Situ Xiaoxiao sighed, waved his hand and said, Okay, I understand.

Please help me tell my father that I will stay in the Imperial Capital for a while.

If the seventh prince can't do it, don't blame me for not agreeing.

Aunt Xiao said she understood and took the initiative to leave the room.

When he came to the door, he couldn't help but shook his head.

I also felt unfair for Situ Xiaoxiao.

However, the head of the Situ family has only one daughter like her.

Time flows like water.

In a blink of an eye, there was another knock on the door.

Murong Fu was reminded that it was time for the buffet.

The three of them followed the disciples of [Qingyuan] and came to an extremely luxurious hall.

It is filled with delicacies.

There are many strange dishes that even Lu Yao has never seen before.

However, as the daughter of the city lord's palace.

Lu Yao looked extremely noble.

After taking a small taste of each dish, evaluate whether it is salty or bland.

They looked completely different from the two people inside the house.

The three of them ate happily.

After a while, I had more than a dozen dishes.

Lu Yao patted her belly and said, It feels good.

Murong Fu said: You only eat one bite of one dish, how can you possibly endure it?

Lu Yao said: What do you know? I'm a girl, so I can't eat too much in front of others.

Fang Qian chuckled and said, Let's sit here for a while.

Maybe sister Yao'er can eat more later.

Lu Yao nodded: Yes, the scenery here is nice.

Just right, you can see the scenery on the shore.

“Absolutely a great location.”

Murong Fu followed Lu Yao's gaze and looked into the distance.

The sky is high, the eyes are wide, and the mind is relaxed and happy.

Indeed, this is a good viewing position.

You three, I wonder if you have eaten well?

At this time, a group of people came to Murong Fu's table.

The person who spoke was wearing the clothes of a disciple of [Qingyuan].

Unceremoniously, he interrupted the conversation between Murong Fu and the three of them.

Murong Fu asked in a bad tone:

What's the matter with you?

The disciple turned sideways and let out a young master behind him, saying:

Master Zhao, I want your position. I wonder if you can give it to me?

Lu Yao frowned, pointed not far away and said:

Are you blind?

Can't you see there's an empty table over there?

The disciple was stunned, not expecting Lu Yao to have such a bad temper.

I scolded him when I came up!

He seemed to feel that he could not hold back his face, and said in a deep voice: Miss, please pay attention to your attitude.

Mr. Zhao Xian, he is a distinguished guest with the B title!

Lu Yao laughed disdainfully:

What's so great about the size B?

We're still the A's!

If it's okay, just go away quickly and stop embarrassing yourself here.

It affects this girl's appetite!

[Qingyuan No.] Disciple, when he heard that Murong Fu and the others were distinguished guests of the A-name, he almost knelt down and apologized.

Unexpectedly, the woman brought beside Zhao Xian said unconvinced:

My Xianlang is the son of the Zhao family in the imperial capital.

If I hadn't arrived too late, I would still be a top grader now!

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