Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 836 Wuhou Zhuge Family

The venue for the preliminary round was a huge millstone.


It is a small space formation.

Murong Fu stepped into it, and a white light flashed in front of his eyes.

After a while, a young man holding a feather fan appeared in front of him.

Haha, brother, you are really unlucky.

As soon as I came up, I met Zhuge Qingyun.

Murong Fu asked curiously: What do you mean by this? Why don't I understand!

Zhuge Qingyun said proudly: It doesn't matter if you don't understand. I just advise you to surrender quickly.

Save me the pain of having to eat some flesh. It will take a long time to treat the injury.

Nonsense! Murong Fu was speechless, why did he come out by himself?

Everyone I meet is so strange.

Is it possible that most people who cultivate immortality have some kind of mental illness?

Point with both hands.

Three small bronze swords flew towards each other.

But the art of sword control, this is simple, let me cure you!

Zhuge Qingyun muttered words, and a strange power suddenly emitted from his body.

He shouted loudly: Genzi·Tu Waterfall!

In an instant, countless flying sand and rocks appeared on the ground, merging into large clods of soil.

He threw it at the three small swords.

Murong Fu took it indifferently and commanded the small sword with his hand.

Clumsily dodging clods of dirt.

Haha, it's useless. My soil is like a natural star.


You can't hide them all.

As he spoke, countless thorns sprouted from the ground, heading directly towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu had very few physical skills and relied entirely on instinct to dodge.

After easily dodging the stabbing on the ground, I couldn't help but have doubts in my heart.

Could it be that all those in the Nascent Soul stage outside are so powerful?

The two of you come and go.

In order to hide his clumsiness, Murong Fu did not use [Innate Sword Qi] or [Heavenly Secret Stick].

Just simply dealing with Zhuge Qingyun.

Zhuge Qingyun mistakenly thought that Murong Fu was a novice in cultivation, so he kept attacking:

It's useless, spiritual power is limited.

Even if you can escape the first grade of junior high school, you can't escape the fifteenth grade.

It's better to surrender quickly!

Murong Fu said: I have a lot of spiritual power.

If you want to exhaust me, I'm afraid you can only think about it.

Zhuge Qingyun curled his lips: Haha, really?

Originally I just wanted to play casually, but it seems you really don't know how powerful I am.

Murong Fu paid attention to the distance between the two and prepared to get closer and capture the opponent in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, when he was just one foot away from Zhuge Qingyun.

The guy on the other side quickly formed seals with his hands and shouted:


Hearing this, Murong Fu suddenly felt weak.

He was so frightened that he quickly jumped into the air to avoid the changes underground.

Haha, brother, I fell into the trap!

Zhuge Qingyun laughed loudly and recited the spell again.

The swamp on the ground instantly spurted out and turned into strong and sharp stone thorns, stabbing towards Murong Fu.

Kun Zi·Earth stabs the sky!

Damn it! Murong Fu glared.

Too eager.

I didn't expect that the fake Taoist priest in front of me would be so skillful in fighting.

After only a few rounds, he forced himself to use his true strength.

Suddenly, Murong Fu had an idea and stopped the small sword not far from his feet.

He pushed hard and narrowly escaped.

Good guy, is this all possible? Zhuge Qingyun said in admiration: This is the first time I've seen someone step on their own magic weapon to avoid my move.

Your boy is so talented in fighting.

Murong Fu smiled calmly and said, Fortunately, I just don't have as many weird skills as you.

Zhuge Qingyun shrugged and said:

This is what I call the ultimate strategy.

But it's still worse than my ancestors.

Murong Fu asked casually, Who is your ancestor?

Haha, you look illiterate at first glance.

I already told you that my surname is Zhuge, so naturally my ancestor is Marquis Zhuge Wu.

Murong Fu asked in surprise: You said you are a descendant of Zhuge Liang?

Zhuge Qingyun said displeased: Haha, it's not good for brothers to chat like this.

You can also call my ancestor by his name.

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when they heard about Zhuge Qingyun's background.

It was Situ Xiaoxiao, who had always had his eyes set high above his head, after hearing Zhuge Qingyun's words.

He was also shocked and couldn’t believe it: “How is that possible!”

How long has it been since the Zhuge family was born?

Why did he suddenly come to me!

What shocked her even more.

At this time, Murong Fu was actually able to fight Zhuge Qingyun.

I'm afraid, if it were another person, he would have been defeated by the Zhuge family's [Wuhou Qimen].

It seems he didn't lie yesterday.

It still has some strength.

Zhuge Qingyun seemed to be enjoying it. Everyone looked surprised and clapped their hands and said:

Brother, I didn't even hit you hard in the previous moves!

I advise you to think carefully about surrendering, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

Murong Fu dusted himself off and smiled:

I have to say, your technique is really weird.

But so what? If you can't hit me, it's still useless.

Really! Zhuge Qingyun took a step forward and spit out the word ding.

This word ding seems to have magic power.

Or maybe it was as heavy as ten thousand mountains, weighing down Murong Fu and unable to move.

What's going on? Murong Fu's expression suddenly changed.

I couldn't believe that I was really immobilized and couldn't move.

Haha, I'm really sorry, [Wuhou Qimen] seems to have magical powers.

As long as you enter my palace, I have the final say in everything here.

Murong Fu suddenly realized that when he was with Lai Wenjun.

I have often studied formations, and all formations must have corresponding spiritual objects.

Used as a base.

Unexpectedly, there are people in [Da Ru Realm] who put themselves first and serve as the formation's eyes.

If you tell Lai Wenjun, I'm afraid he will ask the other party for details.

Go down! Zhuge Qingyun seemed to no longer want to tangle with Murong Fu.

With a wave of his feather fan, countless fireballs flew towards Murong Fu.

Li Zi, little fireball!

In the box, Lu Yao said excitedly:

It's over, it's over, why don't Fu Lang hide?

The horse of fire is going to hit him!

Fang Qian guessed: Fu Lang must have been immobilized by some kind of spell. He couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

Lu Yao asked: What should we do? Are we going to lose?

Fang Qian showed a wry smile and said, It seems... right!

At the same time, Situ Xiaoxiao also sighed: The people of the Zhuge family are really powerful.

What a pity for this distinguished guest. With his qualifications, it shouldn't be difficult to break into the top thirty.

Everyone saw that there was only a thin line between the fireball and Murong Fu.

Get ready to look at other venues.

Murong Fu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, his whole body was filled with the power of the stars, and he said:

Use his way and give back to him.

[Dou Zhuan Xing Shi] give me back!

When Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he suddenly felt something bad, as if he had lost control of the fireball.

I saw countless fireballs bouncing back uncontrollably and hitting me.

I couldn't help but said: I'm a good boy, what's going on?

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