Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 838 Innate Sword Qi specializes in treating bells and whistles


With a loud noise, Zhou Xiong's entire body hit the ground hard.

Everyone present was shocked.

Because they really couldn't understand how Murong Fu did it.

It should be a magic technique, [Taishan Presses the Top].

But I didn't see him cast the spell.

Some people only need a split second to cast a spell.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled and said: This kid is really interesting. He is so strong. I really want to compete with him.

Suddenly, a pair of hands as white as green onions pinched Zhuge Qingyun's ears fiercely.

He twisted it so hard that Zhuge Qingyun cried out in pain.

Zhuge Qingyun just wanted to turn around and teach that man a lesson.

But he saw a delicate face with an angry look.

In an instant, there was no trace of temper.

Little aunt, little aunt, please be gentle, what are you doing?

The delicate woman said with a smile:

Haha, you also know that I am your little aunt.

Why? You lost the first game?

It has completely disgraced our Zhuge family!

Zhuge Qingyun explained: That boy is pretty good.

If I compete seriously with him, I will easily hand over my trump card.

This is not good for me to go to [Canglan Sword Sect].

The exquisite woman's name is Zhuge Xiaobai, who is the cousin of Zhuge Qingyun's father. She said with disdain:

I told you, even if you get that thing, you may not be able to understand it.

You go to [Canglan Sword Sect], why not come back and learn a few more sword techniques.

It might as well be passed on to some disciples in the family who are unable to practice [Qimen Magic].

Zhuge Qingyun replied disapprovingly: Haha, [Wuhou Qimen] is so simple, is it possible that someone can't learn it?

Zhuge Xiaobai was very unhappy and prepared to take action again.

But he was attracted by a loud noise on the field.

Murong Fu kicked Zhou Xiong on the back of the head in an extremely strange posture.

Zhou Xiong felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and a dog was eating shit.


The entire Qingyuan ship shook when he fell.

Zhou Xiong has never been teased like this before since his debut.

My heart became even more angry.

His body actually grew again, and the hair all over his body turned red.

Then there was a bang and a huge fire ignited.

Hey, I didn't expect it to be the bloodline of [Fire Bear]! Zhuge Xiaobai said in surprise.

In her impression, there are many people with the bloodline of [Earth Violent Bear].

But there are very few people with the bloodline of [Fire Bear]. .

Is there any difference between my little aunt's bloodline? Zhuge Qingyun asked curiously.

Zhuge Xiaobai said: [The Flame Bear] is born with an affinity for flames.

As long as there is fire, he can grow infinitely.

There was once a giant flaming bear that swallowed an entire active volcano's lava.

The strength has suddenly entered the tribulation stage from the integration stage.

Zhuge Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief and said:

Haha, okay, okay, there are no active volcanoes here.

He can't become that powerful all of a sudden.

Zhuge Xiaobai said contemptuously: What do you know? The fire in your heart is also fire!

As long as he is constantly stimulated, he can still grow bigger.

Until he explodes to death just like that flaming bear back then.

Zhuge Qingyun worried: The power he revealed will not endanger the [Qingyuan], right?

Zhuge Xiaobai said: It's hard to say.

As far as I know, it shouldn't be difficult to blow a big hole out of this ship.

Zhuge Qingyun suddenly felt bad. He didn't want to sink to the bottom of the river, so he quickly stood up and shouted:

Brother Murong, stop playing around, hurry up and subdue him, don't let him get bigger, otherwise this ship will be in danger.

When Murong Fu heard Zhuge Qingyun, he suddenly felt confused.

However, he didn't want to deal with Zhou Xiong anymore.

Decided to end this battle quickly.


Zhou Xiong's animal nature has surpassed human nature at this moment.

With a strange scream, a hot flame came out of his mouth and burned towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu sensed the slightest danger and did not dare to take the risk.

I wanted to repeat the old trick and crawl on Zhou Xiong's body.

Anyway, every hair on his body was like lava, so hot that he couldn't stand on it.

Helpless, I had no choice but to turn around and go around again.

He thought to himself: If I had known earlier, I should have learned [Lingbo Weibu] first.

Zhou Xiong is like a tireless machine.

He hit Murong Fu desperately and crazily.

And as time goes by, Zhou Xiong's body is getting bigger and bigger.

Miss! Aunt Xiao also saw that something was wrong.

Situ Xiaoxiao said: Don't worry, if we look at him again, there is nothing he can do to win this game with his own strength.

Okay! If he can't kill him in another ten breaths, then I will have to take action myself. Aunt Xiao said.

Yeah. Situ Xiaoxiao agreed with Aunt Xiao.

It is impossible for her to cause damage to the [Qingyuan] due to this game.

Looking at Murong Fu's solemn look, he said secretly.

It depends on what you do with this matter.

The reason why Murong Fu looked solemn was not because he couldn't deal with Zhou Xiong.

Instead, he was thinking about what kind of moves would be the best to deal with the opponent, and said in a deep voice:

It seems the only option is to kill him.

Roar! Zhou Xiong's giant palms fell one after another.

Blocking out the sky creates fear.

With a thought in Murong Fu's mind, he took three simple small swords in his hands.

The moment the giant palm fell.

He rushed out suddenly, his spiritual energy wrapped around his feet.

Blocking the temperature on Zhou Xiong's hair.

He took this opportunity and ran quickly towards Zhou Xiong's eyebrows.

Everyone was curious.

The woman in red invited by Zhao Xian said in confusion:

Those three small swords can't break Zhou Xiong's bearskin at all.

If he rushes over like this, isn't it the same as sending him to death?

Old Mogu sneered and said, Haha, the elderly place too much emphasis on winning or losing.

I have already given up defeat.

And just when everyone thought that Murong Fu was stupid.

I saw him throwing out the three small swords in his hand lightly.

Swish swish~

Three piercing sounds resounded in the competition arena.

When everyone thought it was useless.

The three small swords seemed to be piercing the paper.

It fit easily into Zhou Xiong's eyebrows.

Blood spurted out from his eyebrows like a red pillar.


A fishy smell instantly entered Murong Fu's nasal cavity.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't understand.

Why did Murong Fu increase the power of the magic weapon in just a short moment?

The small sword that was originally unable to pierce Zhou Xiong's skin became so sharp.

How... was this done? Zhuge Qingyun asked, making everyone curious.

This kid is weird! Zhuge Xiaobai shook his head and said.

If someone wanted to ask Murong Fu, he would answer:

Give an object an acceleration and it becomes more powerful.

But he said proudly in his heart:

[Innate Sword Qi] specializes in treating bells and whistles!

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