Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 840 Bone Monk VS Old Man of Mo Valley

After having enough wine and food.

Murong Fu thanked Situ Xiaoxiao and went back to prepare for the next game.

He now understands the beauty of dual cultivation more and more.

Yin and yang meet, nourish yin and yang, and feel happy.

Fu Lang, I never expected that Miss Situ is actually the eldest lady of the [Qingyuan].

Murong Fu stroked Lu Yao's delicate body and said:

Disciples from big families seem to like to come out to practice.

You, you just lack exercise.

Lu Yao rolled her eyes and Murong Fu said:

Nonsense, I went to see my mother this time just to practice well.

When I surpass you in the future, I will let you

Murong Fu burst out laughing and said, It doesn't have to be like this. If you like it, you can go up there now.

Lu Yao secretly looked towards

Otherwise, she won't speak for another day.

Fang Qian was unconvinced and said: Oh~ next time, you come.

Lu Yao covered her face and smiled: Hehe, I don't want it.

A happy night passed.

Murong Fu continued to participate in the competition in high spirits on the second day.

However, due to the intensity of the subsequent games.

They come every few days.

Murong Fu drew lots and found himself three days later.

As for today's match, it was Old Mogu who had always spoken to him in the tone of an elder.

His opponent was a great monk with a skull around his neck.

Damn it, why is he an old man?

Monk Bone didn't know the old man Mogu, and there was no trace of politeness in his tone.

Old Man Mogu was not angry either, but said calmly:

Monk Bone, what you practice is the [Demon Bone Golden Bell].

In terms of strength, this ship ranks among the top ten.

It was the third place in last year's competition.

Is my intelligence work right?

Bone Monk raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

Haha, why are you like a dead rat? You always like to do some habitual research.

Even if you know what kind of skills I practice, what can you do?

Old Mogu said proudly: Of course it won't be anything like that.

But I heard that your strength was greatly damaged in the battle with Chu Lan last year.

I'm afraid your current combat power cannot reach 70% of what you were at your peak.

Monk Bone's face changed and he said disgustingly: You guys are so disgusting!

If you can't defeat them with open swords and guns, you just resort to these dirty tricks.

It's disgusting, it's really disgusting!

Old Mogu smiled slightly and said:

Haha, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

I'm not a kid playing house, so naturally I have to be more cautious.

Bone Monk let out a cold hum and punched with a roar: Let me see how capable you are.

As soon as the fist came out, it roared across the ground and a big hole was plowed out.

What a strong fist.

Murong Fu vaguely remembered that at the same level, there could be people with such amazing boxing skills.

Only the King of the Golden Wheel who uses [Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu]

Haha, young man is brave enough!

Old Mogu smiled slightly after dodging Bone Monk's attack.

A big wave of his hand.

Countless tiger-skin bees flew out and flew towards the opponent.

He also hid aside and kept wandering around.

Qiu Haozi said in surprise: Good guy, the old guy actually wants to win over Bone Monk with his spiritual pet.

I'm afraid I don't know how scary Bone Monk is.

Murong Fu heard the sound and forgot about the past.

I saw a short man with a handsome face.

Although he had seen this person play before, he didn't know his opponent's name.

Just by listening to his tone, he seemed to know Bone Monk very well.

Fang Qian said: His name is Qiu Haozi, nicknamed Mouse.

That's the person that Monk Gu on the stage scolded.

Murong Fu said in surprise: How did you know?

Lu Yao said: Hehe, don't underestimate Sister Qian.

She is a master of intelligence.

Fang Qian said in a low-key tone: These are basic skills, not very strong abilities!

Murong Fu smiled and said nothing, but a beautiful image flashed in his mind.

If she were here, she might know more.

What's the matter, Fu Lang? Fang Qian was curious when she saw that Murong Fu just smiled and said nothing.

Murong Fu shook his head and said truthfully:

I just thought of one person.

Lu Yao rolled her eyes and said, Humph, it must be a woman.

Murong Fu laughed haha and said:

When I have the chance, I will introduce you to each other.

Tch, I don't want it. Lu Yao tasted it.

Fang Qian was thoughtful and guessed:

Is she good at gathering information?

And, the ability is still higher than mine?

Murong Fu said: Indeed, her intelligence ability is very strong.

Fang Qian didn't say anything more, she just said: I understand.

The three of them talked and turned their attention to the arena.

Monk Bone has killed tens of thousands of [Tiger Bees], which made the old man of Mo Valley extremely worried.

These [Biger Bees] are the culmination of his hard work and decades of cultivation.

Normally, he would not be willing to let them come out to join the battle.

Who could have imagined that so many people would be killed by the other party as soon as they came out today? He said angrily:

Damn it!

The smelly monk is so murderous!

Bone Monk smiled and said: Haha, stinky old man, you want to use these stinky bees to harm your Bone Grandpa.

I think you are so stupid!

A trace of murderous intent flashed through Old Mogu's eyes.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and his voice was like ice at minus three thousand degrees, and he said:

Idiot, the more you kill, the faster you will die!


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Tens of thousands of dead [Biger Bees].

Suddenly it exploded into a stream of pulp, revealing a small silver needle in its belly.

Stab towards Bone Monk.

Hmph! Those things that fool people also want to...

Bone Monk took his last breath and didn't take the [Biger Bee] seriously.

The next breath, I felt the danger coming from above.

Don't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Spiritual power circulated, and a bone bell appeared around his body.

Just listen to the collision sound of ding-ding-ding-ding and ding-ding-ding-ding.

Old Mogu's face became a little solemn and he said in admiration:

As expected of the Bone Monk, the [Devil Bone Golden Bell Cover] cultivated is indeed extremely hard.

It's a pity that you are too simple-minded after all.

You fell into my trap!

Bone Monk said disdainfully: Smelly old man, don't try to trick me with your words.

No one can break my bone clock.

Even Chu Lanyi won because he was stronger than me with his spiritual power.

When Chu Lan heard this, his face became a little ugly.

The old man Mogu was proud:

The best way to destroy something solid is to start from the inside.

Look at your feet, how many [killer bees] are inside the clock!

Monk Bone felt something was wrong and looked down.

The [Biger Bees] under your feet can pile up like a hill.

Before he could react.

Then I heard old man Mogu shout: Explode!

Bang bang bang~

Countless [Biger Bees] were at the feet of the Bone Monk and inside the bell.

Exploding like crazy!

Thousands of bee stings carrying bee venom pierced the Bone Monk's skin.

Monk Bone felt numb all over his body, and his whole body welcomed the power of the explosion.

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