Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 850 The Theory of Good and Evil

Women's soft, close-fitting armor, this is a good thing.

The key is to be able to block the attack of the Avatar without being damaged.

Absolutely enough!

Murong Fu couldn't help but feel excited after listening to the words of the people around him.

The strength of the two women around him is too low, and they have no ability to protect themselves when encountering danger.

Who to buy it for is a difficult question.

As the old saying goes, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

Just one thing, who am I buying it for?

Just when she was thinking that it would be better to do less than to do more, Lu Yao, the little girl, spoke first:

Fu Lang, buy this soft armor and give it to Sister Fang Qian.

Whenever I'm in danger, she always protects me.

Murong Fu joked: Why should I pay the bill if you return the favor?

Lu Yao said shyly: I don't have enough spiritual stones.

How about waiting until I see my mother and ask her to return the favor to you.

Murong Fu smiled and said: There is no need to pay back the money. Just be obedient from now on.

Hehe, be good! I'm good. Lu Yao said with a smile.

Murong Fu glared at Lu Yao fiercely, raised his hand and shouted: Three thousand.

Situ Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and said:

Mr. Murong has three thousand, do you have any more?

Others were curious when they saw that it was Murong who took action.

What is the origin of this person? Is he a descendant of some family?

Didn't you hear Miss Situ call him Mr. Murong? He is probably from that reclusive wealthy family, the Murong family. it the Murong family?

Murong Fu was slightly speechless. He had nothing to do with the Murong family in this world.

Excellence comes entirely from yourself.

Fellow Taoist, I also want to buy a self-defense treasure for my little granddaughter. Old Mogu said with a smile.

Murong Fu glanced at the quiet granddaughter beside old Mo Gu, and chuckled:

Fellow Taoist, you are polite. The bidding does not harm the harmony.

Old Mogu smiled, raised his hand and called out the price: Fifty-six thousand!

When everyone saw this, they all started shouting prices.

After one round, it increased by 21,000.

The terrifying number of seventy thousand spirit stones has been reached again.

Fulang, if it's too much, forget it.

Now that I'm with you, I don't have to do risky things anymore.

It's very safe. Fang Qian said virtuously.

Murong Fu shook his head. Since he chose to buy it, he must have been mentally prepared.

Impossible, give up halfway.

He gave Fang Qian a look and simply shouted: One hundred thousand!

One hundred thousand? All those who wanted to buy the house shook their heads.

Their money didn't come from strong winds.

He couldn't afford such a luxury. He could get a hundred thousand spirit stones with just one mouth.

Old Mogu smiled bitterly and said, You are so domineering, little friend.

I admire you.

If I had known you were so rich, I wouldn't have opened my mouth.

Murong Fu said: No way, now we are already short of money.

“If I buy a few more, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to afford food.”

Old Mogu shook his head and put on an expression that said, I believe in a ghost.

Seeing that no one was taking action, Situ Xiaoxiao gently dropped the hammer and had someone hand the armor directly to Murong Fu.

Continue to the next auction item.

Murong Fu smiled and asked Fang Qian to come next.

[Yunlan Gold] is produced from the Yunlan Mine. It is a rare earth-based material and is also suitable for refining weapons and making treasures.

After the soft armor was sold, the maid came up with the tray again.

Situ Xiaoxiao used her beautiful voice to continue introducing the next auction treasure.

After whetting everyone's appetite, the bottom price will be revealed.

[Yunlan Gold] weighs ten kilograms and has a base price of seventy thousand spiritual stones.

Seventy thousand? Everyone said in surprise: Although [Yunlan Gold] is rare, it won't be so expensive, right?

Yes, although this thing is useful, its real function is just that.

How can it be sold so expensively?

Cries of dissatisfaction reached my ears.

Immortal cultivators who can participate in the auction.

Most of them are knowledgeable people and know the market prices well.

Naturally, I won’t buy everything easily when my head gets hot.

Someone said bluntly: Miss Situ, don't you think of us as stupid rich people with too much money?

Fool as much as you want.

Some photographers echoed: Doing this is the same as robbery.

After spending so many days together, Murong Fu knew that Situ Xiaoxiao was not a short-sighted person.

We are not stupid, so we can't just say what we say.

Haha, fellow Taoists, don't be anxious. How can I, my little girl, not understand that a gentleman loves money and should get it in a proper way?

You can't smash my [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] sign for just tens of thousands of spiritual stones. The reason why I dare to sell it is 70,000.

It's because our country's largest [Yunlan Gold] mine has begun to dry up.

It will be completely hollowed out in three years at the earliest and seven years at the latest.

The price of a piece of [Yunlan Gold] will be more than 70,000 yuan by then.

You may not be able to buy it even for 100,000 or 200,000 yuan.

When everyone heard this, the noise gradually subsided.

Someone sighed: Oh, finally, finally it's empty.

Yes, the resources of the world of immortality have been severely depleted in recent years, and I am afraid that we will reach the end of the Dharma Age again.

Old Mogu also said:

I vaguely remember the last Dharma-ending era.

It was because the ancient holy sects of Emei, Qingcheng, and Kunlun fought against Ancestor Youquan and broke Chi You's blood points.

As soon as this statement came out, the group of old antiques couldn't sit still.

They all talked about what happened back then.

Although, they all heard about it.

But he didn't hesitate to look excited when he spoke.

It's a pity that in the end they were all lost in the dust and smoke of history.

Murong Fu felt a little strange when he listened to everyone's words.

The sects they talk about are all doing well in the [original world], except that they are not as strong as before.

Could it be that all their so-called ancient sects have gone to the [Original Realm]?

Situ Xiaoxiao said: Seniors, distinguished guests.

It's good if you can understand me. As for the matters of the ancient sect, I really don't understand.

But I can reveal that there will be a treasure later, which is related to the ancient [Shushan Sword Sect].

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The things of the Holy Sect are no small matter.

The [Shushan Sword Sect] was formed when several major holy sects united.

The one-yuan number that checks and balances [Da Ru Realm] has become the object of worship for countless people.

Murong Fu felt a little excited.

He is completely in two different worlds, and the relationship seems to be much closer than he imagined.

Everyone, let's start. The base price is 70,000.

If you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to meet [Yun Lanjin] next time.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was drawn back to the auction.


The spirit stone started to move upwards like it was on a plane.

Finally, it was sold to a mysterious monk for 300,000 yuan.

Fu Lang, that man is covered in black energy and seems to be a demonic person. Lu Yao said mysteriously.

I was afraid that if my voice was too loud, someone would hear me.

Murong Fu was also curious, he thought so at first.

There is no balance between good and evil.

When they encounter a demonic person, this group of so-called righteous people will kill them.

Haha, little friends may not know that demon cultivators are very powerful. As long as there is no conflict of interest, no one will take care of it. Old Mogu said with a smile.

Murong Fu smiled and said:

So that's the case. It's exactly what I thought.

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