Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 866 Banquet Competition

As soon as Murong Fu said these words, Li Guo'er immediately blushed.

She gritted her teeth and glared fiercely: Okay! If you lose, you will kneel down under my pomegranate skirt and shout three times, good sister.

Okay! Murong Fu smiled like a handsome young man.

Soon, Qin Yi set up several arenas in the center of the banquet and began to announce the rules of the competition.

The competition is divided into two parts, the preliminary round and the final round.

First of all, each contestant is asked to choose a ring and defend the ring. Those who are defeated or fall off the ring will lose.

In the end, only one person can be left in each of these four arenas for the finals.

Qin Yi stood there, slowly scanning the crowd, and finally his eyes fell in the direction of Murong Fu, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

Friendship comes first, competition comes second. It's better for everyone not to hurt the harmony.

The next moment, he waved his hand behind him, and an old man came out from behind holding a brocade box.

Qin Yi took it and opened it with a smile. Suddenly everyone present held their breath and looked at his hand.

It was a green fairy grass with a few golden rays of light flashing faintly, and a touch of red in the middle.

When people look at it, they immediately feel refreshed and feel like they have been purified.

This is... a big green grass that only appears in ancient books! Qin Qi couldn't help exclaiming and stood up.

Qin Shisan also had a certain determination to win in his eyes, and he clenched his fists excitedly.

Situ Xiaoxiao, Li Guoer and others also exclaimed in unison and looked straight at Dabi Cao.

Everyone, I got this big green grass by chance. It is said that it contains hundreds of years of spiritual power. With his help, practitioners can make great strides.

Today will be the prize for the martial arts competition.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present immediately started talking.

Sure enough, the eldest prince is still generous and can even take out such precious fairy grass.

Yes, I heard that this fairy grass only exists in legends. This is the first time I have seen it.

Don't try to steal it from me. This grass must be mine.


Murong Fu listened to the discussion in his ears and became a little interested, and looked at the fairy grass.

Well, it really is a masterpiece.

Now, the game begins! Within half an hour, the four people left on the ring will advance to the finals!

Following Qin Yi's order, all the contestants rushed forward to snatch the four arenas.

I saw that the four arenas were suddenly filled with people, and each of them showed their special skills and tried their best to knock down the people around them.

Soon, the field was in chaos, and only the clanking of swords, guns, swords and halberds could be heard, as well as the muffled sound of fists hitting flesh.

It seems that today's competition is really interesting! Angelica, are you confident? Qin Qi looked at the people in the melee with a bit of amusement in his eyes.

Behind him, a man whose whole body was wrapped in black cloth, with only a pair of eyes exposed, took a step forward and said in a deep voice:

Don't worry, Seventh Prince, they are just a bunch of low-class people, and my subordinates don't take them seriously.

Hehe, this subordinate of the emperor's brother really has a strong tone, why not give it a try? After saying that, he winked behind him.

The latter immediately took a step forward with understanding and bowed lightly to Angelica: I'm working in the lower palace, please give me some advice!

Pfft! Murong Fu was listening at the side when he suddenly spit out a mouthful of wine.


Immediately, it attracted the attention of everyone present, and Wu Yunnan said angrily: What? Are you afraid?

Murong Fu ignored him and looked at the four arenas on the field.

There are no longer as many people as there were at the beginning. There are only about four or five people in each ring, and they are still fighting.

Angelica and Gong Gong looked at each other at the same time, tapped the ground with their toes, and flew towards the two arenas respectively.

Only a few muffled sounds were heard, and the two people on the stage were kicked off one by one as if they were being kicked.

Murong Fu counted the time and flew up to stand on a stage, defeating everyone effortlessly.

Soon, the situation on the court had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Angelica, Gong Gong, Wu Yunnan and Murong Fu each occupied one of the arenas.

Even though there were still a few unwilling people who wanted to go up and test them, they were kicked away or defeated without any accident.

Clang clang clang!

Qin Yi slowly walked forward with a smile and looked at the four of them: The preliminary round is over. Congratulations to everyone for successfully entering the finals.

For the final showdown!

As she spoke, a maid held a tray with four notes on it.

Qin Yi picked up two of them, glanced at them and said, The first group is Angelica and Gong Gong; the second group is Murong Fu and Wu Yunnan.

After hearing this, Wu Yunnan looked at Murong Fu with a bit of pride: Let me see what you, the newly promoted honorary elder, are capable of!

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew directly to the ring where Murong Fu was, his long whip snaking like a snake.

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect him to be so impatient and take the lead before the game started.

He stared straight at Wu Yunnan. Just when the whip was about to touch him, he moved his feet slightly and turned around to avoid the blow.

Wu Yunnan didn't panic. The long whip was waving with his arms, making a sharp sound.

On the other side, the battle horn between Angelica and Gong Gong also started.

The two of them were fighting fiercely with each other, going back and forth.

Angelica's sword stood like a white snake spitting out a message, standing against the wind, as if a dragon was flying through the air, and the long sword seemed to be alive in his hand.

Wherever the palace worker's heavy sword passed, it was as powerful as a broken bamboo. The sword, which was almost as tall as a man, seemed to be weightless in his hand.

The moment the swords touched each other, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and sparks flew everywhere.

The two men fought back and forth, and after the fight reached one hundred and fifty-six moves, the speed of the two men's sword moves was a bit slower.

Qin Qi and Qin Shisan's eyes never left the ring, both wishing they could beat the opponent to a pulp.

Imperial brother, I'm afraid your subordinates are a little out of their depth! Qin Qi mocked as he watched Angelica pierce the palace worker's left shoulder with his sword.

Qin Shisan was not polite at all and counterattacked: I'm afraid Angelica won't be able to hold on much longer!

The two people on the ring were all injured to varying degrees at this time, and the blood was attached to the swords and slid to the ground.

On the other side, the fight between Murong Fu and Wu Yunnan was also in full swing, with their shots moving at a dizzying speed.

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