Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 877 Mutated Big Spider

Hmph, Daqian's [Heaven-Blowing Hand] is nothing more than that. Wang Tian was very calm, and an extremely yin force appeared in front of him.

He easily neutralized Qin Jiu's fist and took advantage of the momentum to retreat back.

He quickly formed a seal in mid-air, and instantly, countless small black swords appeared behind him, pointing at Qin Jiu and shouting:


Countless small black swords fell towards Qin Jiu like raindrops.

Hmph! [Shenglong Fist]

Qin Jiu shouted loudly, and a golden dragon shadow appeared behind him.

He opened his mouth and swallowed the sword rain from the sky in one mouthful.

Continue to bite Wang Tian.

Explosion! Wang Tian also had to be a vegetarian and calm down.

With extremely yin power, the dragon's belly exploded.

The golden dragon shadow wailed and exploded.

The strong force of the explosion created a wave of air, sending Wang Tian flying out and slamming him against the wall.

From this point of view, Qin Jiu still has a small victory.

Wang Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly:

The most powerful prince is nothing more than that.

Now it seems that there is probably more of an element of bragging in it.

The scholar chuckled lightly and said, Haha, that's not true.

My prince only needs to use 80% of his strength.

If he had killed me, you might have been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

I can't say anything so rude.

Wang Tian was unconvinced and said: In our Hehuan Sect, we have always been husband and wife, and our combat power has increased dramatically.

If I join forces with my junior sister, I'm afraid a few princes won't be affected.

After hearing this, Qin Jiu said disgustedly: Asshole!

If you are not convinced, you can ask your junior sister to compete.

Wang Tian looked at Qimeng expectantly, wanting to fight alongside Qin Jiu.

Junior sister, let's teach this arrogant prince a lesson.

Let him understand what a real strong person is.

Qimeng shook her head and said, Senior brother, don't forget the purpose of our coming out.

As long as you get that thing, will he still be your opponent?

After Wang Tian heard Qimeng's words, he calmed down instantly.

Junior sister is right. As long as we get that thing, our strength will increase dramatically.

Seeing Wang Tian calm down, Qimeng persuaded him: Your Highness Qin Jiu, we really don't care about your royal family heritage.

The purpose of coming here is to find a spiritual pet.

Spiritual pet? Qin Jiu asked in confusion: How come we, the Royal Secret Realm, have the spiritual pet that you, [Hehuan Sect] want?

Qimeng said: The sixth Emperor Qian was a close friend of the director of the [Hehuan Sect] at that time.

Our curator also gave him a [Mandarin Duck Spider] for this purpose.

[Mandarin Duck Spider]? Qin Jiu became even more confused and said in a deep voice: You came here just to find spiders?

That's right! Qimeng said truthfully.

The scholar looked around and said:

Impossible, there isn't even a trace of spider thread around here.

How is it possible that spiders exist?

Qimeng said calmly: [Mandarin Duck Spider] will be extremely irritable without a partner.

In order to calm down its irritability, it will choose to sleep.

This palace is also the place where the sixth Qian Emperor is seated. It is normal that there are no spider threads.

Qin Jiudao: Then how do you find it?

It's easy. Qimeng smiled and took out a recorder from her waist.

He blew it in front of everyone. M..

The sound of the flute is quiet and low, like an underground river, making people feel panicked.

I asked where this strange sound came from, and it turned out to be her.

Murong Fu had heard this strange whispering evil sound during the previous earthquake.

I thought it was due to the wind.

Now when I listen to it, it turns out to be the sound of the recorder played by Qimeng.

Prince, it's better to be careful, the scholar reminded.

It will definitely not be easy to be the spiritual pet of the sixth Qian Emperor.

Even if he was just a little ant back then, I'm afraid, now that he's practiced, he's still a giant monster.

Wang Tian said proudly: Haha, don't be afraid, [Mandarin Duck Spider] is used for communication.

Although he is irritable, that thing will remain strong no matter how long he practices it.

It is already the limit to be able to cultivate to the Yuanshen stage.

Qin Jiu's expression changed when he heard this, and he said coldly: Hmph! Do you think I can't even deal with a Yuan Shen stage spirit beast?

Upon seeing this, the scholar quickly replied no.

This Qin Jiu is really arrogant. Murong Fu teased Qin Jiu while bullying Li Guo'er.

Murong Fu, that's enough! Li Bao'er finally couldn't stand Murong Fu's torture anymore, so she grabbed his arm and bit him hard.


After one sip, Li Guoer immediately felt the urge to cry.

Murong Fu's arm was nothing but a steel bar, and he said with a cry:

Uh-huh, my teeth!

Murong Fu laughed, not waiting to take revenge.

The ground began to shake violently again.

Centered on the north side of the main hall, there were constant dong-dong crashing sounds.

As time went on, the sound of the crash grew louder and louder.


A piece of the north wall suddenly cracked, revealing a claw that was more than a foot long and as black as a sickle.

Standing out in front of everyone, his power is astonishing, making people subconsciously take a step back.

Seeing this, Qimeng's face flashed with a look of doubt.

In her memory, [Mandarin Duck Spider] should not be so ugly.

It shouldn't have such a big momentum!

When everyone sees the spider, it will appear.

Qin Jiu looked at the three gold boxes suspended in the palace and ordered:

What are you still doing? Get me the baby quickly.

Everyone under his command showed fear and did not dare to step forward.

Qin Jiu said: What are you afraid of? Anyone who gets the treasure box back for me will be heavily rewarded.

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man behind a lot of money.

There were really a few who were not afraid of death and rushed towards the treasure chest.

There is murderous intent! Murong Fu whispered.

Qin Jiu's men easily caught three treasure boxes.

Several people looked relaxed and were about to return with their feet on the ground.

There was a rumbling sound in Zhenghe Hall.

Ten-foot-long iron spears shot out from the ground and instantly crucified several treasure hunters.

Qin Jiu was shocked. He never expected that his ancestor would do something like this.

At this time, the scholar also shouted:

Oops, the palace door is closing!

This... Everyone was stunned for a moment.

If you want to seize the treasure, you must not leave the main hall.

If you don't leave the main hall, you have to face the spider behind the wall.

Just when everyone was in a dilemma, the north wall shattered.

A huge black shadow rushed towards several [Hehuan Sect] disciples in an extremely fast way.

Before everyone could react, the chests of several disciples had been penetrated by spider claws.

The latter acted as if there was no one around and swallowed the food into his mouth with relish, chewing it crunching, crunching.

Qin Jiu asked angrily: Is this the Nascent Soul Spider you are talking about?

Wang Tian's face became extremely ugly, and he asked in a low voice: Junior sister, what is this?

Qimeng thought for a moment and suddenly said with great joy:

Senior brother, it has mutated, it has mutated.

The bloodline of this [Mandarin Duck Spider] has been improved.

The medicine in it will definitely multiply!

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