Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 882 The treasure in the treasure box

Murong Fu walked into the hall, using the spiritual power of his palms, he waved lightly, and the three gold boxes slowly fell to the ground.

He glanced left and right to make sure there was no ambush, and joked: It seems that the sixth Emperor Qian is pretty good, there is no ambush here.

Quick, let's open a box and take a look. Li Guoer did not do it himself, but stood aside and urged.

Qimeng saw that the former didn't move. She was an outsider and couldn't express herself too much. She was worried that the two of them would kill each other to seize the treasure and kill her here.

Murong Fu picked up a gold box, weighed it a few times, and said with a smile: Hey! Things made of pure gold are expensive.

Li Guoer glanced at him with disdain and said, Don't be embarrassed. It's just yellow and white stuff. Da Qianguo can have as much as it wants. Don't be shy and open it quickly....

Murong Fu smiled and didn't explain much.

If this golden treasure chest were placed in the original world, the value alone would be enough to make people fight over it.

Opening the gold box, there was a jade slip longer than the palm of your hand, with the four characters Eight Demons' Warfare written on it.

I think this is the technique practiced by the sixth Emperor Qian.

Li Guo'er spoke, but judging by her tone, she seemed not to be interested in this technique.

Why does the name sound a bit like a magic skill? Qimeng asked curiously.

Hmph, it's either like it or not. Li Bao'er said: The main reason why the sixth Emperor Qian failed to promote the Da Qian Kingdom to the third rank was because his Kung Fu was not pleasing to the eye.

So much so that the sect from above intervened and forced him to death.

What? Murong Fu and Qimeng were shocked at the same time, and said in unison: You mean, the sixth Emperor Qian was forced to death?

Of course. Li Guo'er said very naturally: Otherwise, why do you think he suddenly entered the secret realm when he is only over three hundred years old and in his prime?

No wonder, some people say that the sixth Emperor Qian died mysteriously. Qimeng suddenly realized.

I see that [Da Ru Realm] does not seem to reject magic skills, so why should they prevent him from being promoted to the sect? Murong Fu asked in confusion.

This matter is rather complicated. Li Guo'er thought for a few moments before explaining:

The main enemy of [Da Ru Realm] is the demon clan. However, they will come out to cause trouble from time to time.

As a result, the four holy places don't like the devil either, so all the major forces tacitly attack the devil.

Murong Fu smiled haha and understood: The four holy places need the devil to be pawns and cannon fodder. They allow the other party to survive and preach, but they do not allow the other party to grow bigger.

Li Guo'er gave Murong Fu a thumbs up and said, Yes, that's it.

Seeing that the two of them were talking endlessly, Qimeng coughed twice and reminded: You two, why don't we take a look at the remaining two treasure boxes?

Li Guo'er said angrily: Why are you so anxious? It's not like I don't care about you.

I'll do it. Murong Fu took the treasure box in his hand again and slowly opened it. This time, there was still a jade slip lying inside, but as you can see from the name, it is not a skill, but a skill. Gate Formation Book.

[Tian Yuan Formation Book]? Li Bao'er said slightly surprised: Unexpectedly, this book is actually here.

What? This book is famous? Murong Fu asked.

Li Guoer rolled his eyes at Murong Fu and said, You're so stupid. Why don't you know anything?

[Tian Yuan Formation Book] is so famous that it can be said that almost everyone knows about it.

It is the most famous formation book from a hundred thousand years ago, and the methods recorded in it can be traced back to Emperor Xi.

Murong Fu took the jade slip of [Tian Yuan Formation Book] in his hand, looked around and threw it back into the treasure box.

He had no interest in Zhan Fa Yi. If Lai Wenjun were here, he could reward him with it. He picked up the last one and handed it to Li Bao'er:

Here you go, come and see what's inside.

Li Baoer smiled hehe, feeling very amused. He held the gold box to his ear and shook it twice. When he heard a gurgling sound coming from inside, he said, It should be a bottle.

Bottle? Murong Fu and Qimeng showed a look of anticipation. Usually, bottles usually contain elixirs that enhance spiritual power.

As the strongest emperor, the things left behind must be of the highest quality.

Open it and let's take a look. Murong Fu urged.

Yeah. Li Guo'er stopped playing and opened it in front of the two of them.

Sure enough, there was a bottle inside just as she said. When she held it in her hand, she felt a heavy feeling on her palm.

It doesn't seem to be a pill inside, it seems to be a liquid.

As she spoke, she opened the cap of the bottle, and a refreshing aroma spread into the nostrils of the three of them.

Out of curiosity, Li Guo'er poured out a drop and put it in his hand, and couldn't help but said with great joy:

The color is golden, the smell is fragrant, and it is soft and smooth to the touch. If I guess correctly, this thing should be [Rehmannia glutinosa spirit milk].

Is that it? Qimeng said slightly excitedly: This thing is a rare treasure.

Murong Fu also saw this thing in his medical books.

The book says that taking [Rehmannia glutinosa Lingru] can improve your physical condition.

Purifying the impurities in the body and strengthening the meridians can double the speed of cultivation.

If used internally and externally, the effect will be better.

Even though the bottle in front of you is just a small one, the space inside the bottle is as big as a square meter.

Divided equally among three people, it was enough for a bath.

Haha, the sixth Qianhuang is indeed the strongest Qianhuang, the treasure here.

Whichever one you take out will be priceless. Li Guo'er said with a smile.

Hey, let's divide them up, Qimeng reminded in a low voice for fear that Murong Fu and Li Guo'er would change their minds.

Murong Fu glanced at Li Guo'er, and when he was about to agree, he sniffed the air and said:

Did you smell a strange smell?

Qimeng frowned slightly and said, Sir, don't you want to share these good things with me?

No... Murong Fu thought he was quite generous, except for the [Dihuang Spiritual Milk] which had some effect on him.

He didn't want the other two things at all.

Qimeng showed a trace of contempt, thinking that Murong Fu just wanted to take the treasure to himself.

Suddenly, he frowned, looked left and right, and muttered:

What's going on? There's really a strange fragrance.

The words of the two quickly attracted Li Guo'er's attention.

She reacted immediately and said:

Sorry, I forgot to take back the magic weapon.

While speaking, with a thought in his mind, Xiaohui [Mandarin Duck Spider] withdrew four phoenix feathers from his body, spread his hands and said:

Okay, it should be fine.

Just as she finished speaking, a bang sound came from [Mandarin Duck Spider].

Immediately a fire burned from its belly.

Murong Fu smiled and said, It seems we have roasted spider meat to eat.

Li Bao'er joked: This...I really haven't eaten it before.

The two joked a few words, but Qimeng's face became more serious.

Li Guoer asked strangely: What's wrong? It didn't come back to life. What are you afraid of?

Qimeng smiled bitterly, turned to look at Li Guoer, and said:

[Mandarin Duck Spider] has a special sachet inside its body.

It's specially used to stimulate lust, but if you broke it, I'm afraid...

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