Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 886 Leaving the Secret Realm

The two girls were so moved that they hugged Murong Fu tightly, saying nothing.

After several in-depth exchanges.

Li Guoer and Qimeng were finally conquered by Murong Fu's powerful physique.

Murong Fu built a simple fire and took out the jade slip of the Eight Demons' War Technique with a look of hesitation.

What's wrong? Li Bao'er asked curiously.

Yes, Young Master, if you have anything to say, let me and Sister Guo'er help you with your advice. Qimeng agreed.

Murong Fu said awkwardly: To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered this jade slip. How do I use it?

What? Li Guo'er seemed to have heard a big joke and sarcastically said: Haha, what did I think it was? It turns out you don't even know how to use the jade slips.

Well, where I am, this thing is not fashionable. All records are based on documents. Murong Fu said speechlessly.

Really? Qimeng was slightly surprised. People who cultivate immortality in the [Daru Realm] usually use jade slips as the main items.

Only some truly big religions, sects, and big families will retain ancient books.

Thinking of Murong Fu's surname and Li Guo'er's attitude towards him, the beauty's expression changed instantly and she said, Master, you are not really a disciple of the Murong family, are you?

Murong Fu shook his head and nodded, not knowing how to explain it well: Although I am a disciple of the Murong family, I am not the Murong family you know.

Li Guo'er said contemptuously: Oh, there is only one Murong family in [Daru Realm], and you are just a branch of the clan at most.

Nonsense! I said that my family has no relationship with them, but it means that there is no relationship. Even if there is a relationship, it is not certain who is the master and who is the part.

Murong Fu attached great importance to his family's reputation, especially since his orthodox status was related to his future as emperor. His tone couldn't help but become a little serious for a while.

You...are you mean to me? Li Baoer pointed at Murong Fu and asked angrily.

Murong Fu also felt that he was taking it too seriously, so he quickly coaxed him a few words, then took the jade slip and asked, How many times can this thing last?

Qimeng smiled and said: This is not necessarily true, but you can try it, sir. If it breaks, you can just carve a jade jade piece again.

Oh... Murong Fu asked, Wouldn't that be seen by the eldest prince?

What are you afraid of? Li Bao'er said, Have you forgotten what your little lover does at home?

Murong Fu was stunned and said: My little lover? Who is it?

Young Zhuang, you and Situ Xiaoxiao from [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] are flirting with each other. Don't tell me that you two are innocent. Li Guo'er exposed Murong Fu's shortcomings without any politeness, but what she exposed was not accurate.

The person who had an affair with the latter was not Situ Xiaoxiao, but Xiao Qing beside her.

After hearing this, Murong Fu laughed haha and said: Miss Situ and I are indeed innocent, and we have never done anything beyond the pale.

Li Guoer didn't believe it: Really? You didn't lie to me?

Of course, we can learn from heaven and earth. Murong Fu nodded seriously.

Huh, what you said is true, but I always see Situ Xiaoxiao, and I see something unusual in your eyes. If you ask her to make an ancient slip, it won't be a big problem. Li Guoer said.

Murong Fu also thought it was a feasible method. He was really curious about what kind of skills the sixth Qianhuang practiced, and it required several sects to jointly suppress it.

Put your spiritual consciousness into the jade slip.

In an instant, a dazzling light shone on his consciousness.

From time to time, rows of floating words appeared in front of me.

It is the [Eight Magic War Techniques].

[Eight Demons War Technique] Use battle to nourish demons, the demonic heart will be perfected, and the fighting power will be boundless!

Murong reread the words above for a long time, but it was only a moment.

He was a little surprised, because this technique was extremely compatible with him.

It seems to be a branch under the [God of War Catalog].

Its cultivation method is very simple, which is to keep fighting.

Accumulate fighting spirit through fighting, and use this to break through one realm after another.

To put it simply and easily, we can call it combat madness.

This kind of people are actually not very popular in every world.

No wonder the sixth Qianhuang is very powerful but not popular.

Who would like to meet such a comrade next to me?

Murong Fu shook his head and started thinking.

I don’t know whether its emergence will be good or bad for Daqian Country.

Hey, have you finished watching? Li Bao'er asked curiously when Murong Fu remained silent.

Murong Fu nodded and said with a smile:

Haha, fortunately the jade slip was not broken.

Then he handed it to Li Bao'er and asked, Do you want to read it?

Li Guo'er decisively refused: I don't want to practice magic. If my father finds out, I'm afraid I will be banned by him for a hundred years.

Qimeng also shook her head:

Although [Hehuan Sect] is an evil sect, it also prohibits the practice of demonic arts.

Forget the good intentions of the young master.

Murong Fu smiled softly and said:

Okay! This technique is indeed not suitable for women, so I'd better put it away.

Li Guoer's eyes suddenly lit up and he suggested:

By the way, we'd better divide the [Dihuang Spiritual Milk] quickly, it's a good treasure.

Murong Fu didn't waste any time and took out [Dihuang Spirit Milk] and distributed it to the two girls.

He has a system to help him and doesn't care much about these external things.

There is one [Tian Yuan Formation Book] left, do you two want to take a look?

Li Guo'er pouted and said, You can engrave it on the jade slips and wait until I have time to look at it.

Qimeng also said: Haha, sir, please give me a copy of this. M..

Murong Fu saw the two girls' disgusted looks and knew that they didn't like to study.

Okay, it's just that I don't have a jade slip on me. Which of you two does?

Li Guo'er rolled his eyes at Murong Fu, took out two jade slips, handed them to him, and said:

Just use your spiritual consciousness to recreate it. It's very simple.

Murong Fu smiled, he naturally knew simplicity.

He reached out to take the jade slip and pressed it between his eyebrows.

In the blink of an eye, the copy of the [Tian Yuan Formation Book] was completed and handed over to the other party.

Hey, he's quite smart. Li Bao'er took the jade slip and praised it after taking a look at it.

Murong Fu shrugged and said, It's just a small matter, don't make a fuss about it.

However, Qimeng was more polite and thanked her softly.

The sound is like the oriole's chirping, which is crisp and pleasant, which makes people happy.

After the division of the spoils is over.

The three of them looked at each other again and expressed their concerns.

After discussing with each other, we decided not to go anywhere else for the remaining two days.

Spend a quiet time by this hot spring.

In addition to being heavily guarded by soldiers, the royal back hill of Kyoto was surrounded by groups of disciples from various sects and families with anxious expressions on their faces.

They stretched their necks one by one, waiting for their disciples and disciples to come out.

Suddenly, a huge space tunnel appeared above the mountain.

From time to time, someone would run away.

Immediately afterwards, various colors of light appeared from it.

After a while, a large centaur ran out.

Murong Fu, Li Guo'er, and Qimeng also walked out.

Breathing the air of the outside world makes people feel friendly.

Thief Murong Fu, I knew you were not dead!

With a behind-the-scenes sound, Qin Jiu appeared in front of Murong Fu with a group of subordinates.

Look at the posture, the person coming is not good!

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