Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 888 His Highness Ninth Prince cannot lose

Seeing Qin Jiu's iron fist, which was carrying a huge force, fall down, Murong Fu frowned slightly, his expression unchanged, and he struck first.

Also punched out.

[True. My style of boxing - Tai Tian Bang]


The two fists collided, and the air waves rushed around like a flood.

Circles of ripples rippled, knocking over all the people eating melons around them.

So strong. This is the first time I've seen someone in the same realm who can take a punch from the Ninth Prince. The follower scholar beside Qin Jiu murmured with shock on his face.

And a bald monk with a fierce look on his face walked out beside him and said in a deep voice: His Majesty Ninth Prince cannot lose!

The scholar naturally understood the weight of this sentence. Once Qin Jiu loses, it will definitely leave a stain on the future battle for the throne. He said solemnly: I believe His Majesty the Ninth Prince can win.

The monk looked at Murong Fu, who was filled with fighting spirit, with an extremely solemn expression.

Murong Fu and Qin Jiu competed against each other, and their strength seemed to be about the same.

However, Qin Jiu's eyes gradually revealed a look of fear. Murong Fu's fists were far more powerful than he expected.

A cold color flashed in the divine light, Qin Jiu's whole body glowed red, the dragon shadow behind him became more solid, and his combat power instantly increased several times.


When Murong Fu saw the red fist attacking him, he showed no signs of timidity.

The corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

Since he came to [Da Ru Realm], no one has fought with him in this way for a long time.

Spiritual power poured into the meridians in his Dantian, and his arms burned into a ball of black.

He pushed towards Qin Jiu seemingly very gently.

Heaven and earth will destroy the great Ziyang hand!

Qin Jiu immediately felt the extraordinary black flame on Murong Fu's hand, with a touch of demonic power, and said in surprise: You are a demon cultivator!

Two energies, one red and one black, collided with each other, causing air waves to fluctuate again.

It made everyone miserable.

The two fighting men were several steps apart.

Looking at each other seemingly calmly.

It seems that I can't tell the difference between fists and kicks. Qin Jiu thought, took out a thousand-jin Fangtian painted halberd, pointed it at Murong Fu: Let me use it to send you to death.

Murong Fu took out the [Heaven's Secret Stick], smiled contemptuously, and cursed secretly: If you weren't the Ninth Prince, I could beat your father even if you don't even know you.

When Qin Jiu saw Murong Fu's smile, he felt sicker than if he had eaten a fly. He cursed bastard and slashed him from the air.

In mid-air, a sharp edge immediately appeared and struck Murong Fu from top to bottom.

Murong Fu took the strike forward, which seemed to be an ordinary slash.

Suddenly, he saw a smirk on Qin Jiu's face, and felt something was wrong.

[Lingbo Weibu] stepped out of the Nine Palaces and Bagua in the air, and transformed into several figures to avoid the sharp edges.

When he was wondering if he was worrying too much, he heard Qin Jiu's proud smile:

It's useless. My move [Mantianhua Slash] is not a single attack, but a group attack.

As soon as he finished speaking, he yelled again: Let's go!

The huge edge exploded instantly, turning into countless brilliance as fine as dust and scattering in all directions, slashing towards Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's eyes widened, and countless sharp edges as fine as dust were reflected in his eyes, attacking towards him.

In one breath, all his shadows were shattered.

Haha, let's see how you die! Qin Jiu gritted his teeth and wished he could tear Murong Fu into pieces.

Everyone also thought that Murong Fu was cornered, and they all became interested in how he could break the situation.

On the contrary, Li Guo'er and Qimeng's expressions on their cheeks remained unchanged, as if they were full of confidence in Murong Fu.

That's it?

The [Tianji Stick] was spun at extremely high speed by Murong Fu, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge shield blocking his face.


A crisp metal collision sounded in everyone's ears.

Qin Jiuzhong snorted, knowing that Murong Fu could not be defeated by this trick, red flames burst out from his body again, and he suddenly rushed towards Murong Fu.


Fang Tian's painted halberd hit Murong Fu with the force of splitting the mountain.

Murong Fu's expression turned sharp and he took a step back, dodging Qin Jiu's attack. His face changed, and the arm that was holding the [Tianji Stick] seemed to have swelled in size, and he no longer held it back. Just when Qin Jiu's old strength had dissipated, and new strength had not yet arisen.

[Tianji Rod] is like a spear, stabbing Qin Jiu's heart.


Qin Jiu's expression suddenly changed. He never expected that Murong Fu would react so quickly. It was already too late to hide if he wanted to.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused on Murong Fu's strike.

They all showed joking expressions.

As a prince, Qin Jiu naturally has something to protect his life.

But if you are dealing with a kid who has no foundation in the [Daqian Empire], then use life-saving tools.

If he tells it, it will become a shadow for his life.

But if you don't use it, you will be knocked to the ground by the opponent.

I'm afraid it will be worse.

Qin Jiu was furious and confident that Murong Fu would not dare to kill him. However, his thoughts were the same as everyone else's. It would be a shame to be beaten.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

I will never admit defeat! Even if I die, I cannot be defeated here.

Suddenly, a feeling of death arose in Qin Jiu's heart, and his eyes turned gray strangely.

No, His Highness Ninth Prince seems to have gone crazy. Xiucai was the first to notice something was wrong and shouted.

When the monk heard this, he didn't care about anything else. He took out a scarlet iron ring in his hand, uttered a spell in his mouth and threw it to the sky.

The red ring let out a cry and instantly turned into a red line, hitting Murong Fu's back.

[Death-killing Orangutan Ring]! Seeing this, Li Guo'er cursed despicable and warned in a sweet voice: Murong Fu, be careful, there is a sneak attack.

Murong Fu flapped his ears, sneered mockingly, and continued to stab Qin Jiu regardless.


Seeing that the [Tianji Rod] is going to hurt him.

Qin Jiu's whole body was extremely violent, and with a wave of his hand, he slashed Fang Tian's painted halberd towards Murong Fu's neck.

You're going to trade your injuries for your life! The old man who was watching the excitement discovered in surprise.

Qin Jiu's Fang Tian Hua Ji seemed to be looking at Murong Fu's neck, but it was actually an inch longer.

This inch was exactly the distance that Murong Fu had calculated and shot away.

Everyone felt chills running down their spines when they heard this, and secretly swore that they would never offend this prince in this life.

Haha, interesting. Murong Fu was well versed in close combat. He could tell what Qin Jiu was up to with just a glance from the corner of his eye, but he still continued to fight unabated.

[Inside Daqian Palace].

Emperor Qian and the foreign ministers of the surrounding kingdoms were always watching everything that happened in the royal secret book.

Except for some hidden knowledge, it cannot be observed.

Everything that everyone did was actually seen clearly by them.

Since Murong Fu first entered the secret realm, he defeated the peerless genius of [Xishan Kingdom] - Queen Tuoba Li with the technique of tapping acupuncture points.

The minister of [Xishan Kingdom] kept staring at him.

I wish I could eat meat and suck marrow.

But when he saw that Murong Fu was about to depose the ninth prince of the [Daqian Empire], the expression on his face became very exciting again, and he mocked:

Haha, this genius from [Daqian Empire] is really amazing.

It actually drove your Ninth Prince to go crazy. It's interesting. It's interesting.

Bijuan's face turned cold and he said displeasedly: Young man, it's just a normal sparring session, why make such a fuss?

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