Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 905 Making a Carriage

Ahem, Brother Zhuge, I advise you not to think wildly. Be careful that walls have ears. She is hearing her. Murong Fu kindly reminded you.

What are you afraid of? Brother Murong, she can still... Before Zhuge Qingyun could finish speaking, a crisp slap suddenly sounded in his ears.


His body spun around in circles several times uncontrollably.

Yu Tianjiao's arrogant voice also sounded: If you dare to gossip again, be careful I will kill you.

You... Zhuge Qingyun was like a deflated rubber ball, and the word dare was released with a sigh of relief.

Haha, brother Zhuge, don't talk nonsense. Have you replied to the letter now? Murong Fu joked.

Believe it, I definitely believe it! Zhuge Qingyun looked around suspiciously, obviously still unconvinced.

Fang Qian saw the wound on Murong Fu's arm and asked worriedly: Fu Lang, is your hand okay?

It's not a big deal. Murong Fu shook his head. He had the Dragon Essence in his body to protect him, so it was no longer a problem for him to be poisonous. We'd better think about leaving.

It seems that we can only walk on foot. Zhuge Qingyun said helplessly. The carriage was broken down, and it was terrifyingly difficult to get to the Jianzong Mountain Gate within half a month.

Humph, it's all your fault. Liu Sen looked at Murong Fu displeased: If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be without a car.

Hey, kid, what are you talking about? Zhuge Qingyun walked towards Liu Sen unhappily. He had just been taught a lesson by Yu Tianjiao and was feeling angry.

He raised his hand and faced Liu Sen with one move, Tuhe Che!

Liu Sen was startled. Zhuge Qingyun had been able to deal with Taoist Bat before, but he didn't dare to be careless at all.

He took a few steps back until he was far away from the opponent, and said anxiously: Zhuge, what do you mean?

Humph, what do you mean? Zhuge Qingyun said contemptuously: It's boring, I just want to fight with you.

I heard that the Liu family's swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and the [Gu Ying swordsmanship] created by the ancestor of the Liu family is even more unique throughout the ages. Why don't you and I try it?

Your Zhuge family's [Wuhou Qimen] is indeed powerful, but my [Gu Ying Sword Technique] is not a vegetarian either. Liu Sen knew that he would not lose the battle if he lost. His integrity told him that even if he was beaten, he would still fight Zhuge Qingyun. Have a fight.

Zhuge Qingyun smiled coldly, his spiritual power circulated rapidly from his dantian, and the power of thunder and lightning faintly flashed out of his hands.

Gudu~ Liu Sen felt the thunder and lightning in Zhuge Qingyun's hand, exuding a terrifying coercion and couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Sister, should we stop him? Liu Rui asked carefully.

No! Liu Miao shook her head. As the eldest of the three, her understanding of sword cultivation is much higher than the other two: Swordsmen pay attention to moving forward without hesitation. If even Zhuge Qingyun doesn't dare to take action, I'm afraid this time He won’t achieve much in his journey to the Sword Sect.”

But... Liu Rui said worriedly: If Zhuge Qingyun takes the opportunity to kill him, my brother may be injured.

No way, people from the Zhuge family will not treat our Liu family like this. Liu Miao firmly believes that the friendship between the two families will not disappear because of the passage of time, and will definitely still exist.

Haha, boy, be careful. My move is the thunder-inducing sound in Zhenzi Jue. Don't blame me if you are stunned. Zhuge Qingyun said with a hehe evil smile.

Yaokong pointed his finger and blasted towards Liu Sen.

Although Liu Sen was frightened, he did not flinch at all and shouted: Emperor Zhaolie protect me!

Suddenly, Liu Sen danced with a sword in his hand and stepped on the green dragon, one after the other, making a big circle.

It is the echo between the beginning and the end of [Gu Ying Sword Technique].

The thunder and lightning fell on Liu Sen's sword and he pulled it onto it. With a mysterious force, he sealed it tightly to prevent it from exploding.

Haha, you have learned the Liu family's forbearance very well. Zhuge Qingyun chuckled lightly and looked down a little. .

Another lightning bolt fell from the sky and hit Liu Sen's sword impartially.

Liu Sen suddenly felt numbness in his arms, but he gritted his teeth without flinching and said solemnly: Come on!

Okay, I'll help you! Zhuge Qingyun's expression also became solemn, and he formed seals with his hands quickly, and thunder suddenly erupted from the sky. It was obvious that his power had reached a new level.

Fang Qian asked in a low voice: Fu Lang, will anyone die?

Don't worry. Murong Fu said calmly: Brother Zhuge is just playing for fun, it won't be too serious or too serious.

Boom! A thunder snake cut through the void, fell from above, and opened its bloody mouth, as if it wanted to devour Liu Sen alive.

Damn it! Liu Miao shouted, holding the sword in mid-air, and then stabbed towards the thunder snake.


Thunder Snake fearlessly swallowed the sword into his belly without stopping at all, and continued to rush towards Liu Sen.

Damn it! Liu Sen was shocked, and his whole body was suppressed by Lei Wei.

When Liu Rui and Liu Miao saw this, they became worried about their brother.

He wanted to rescue him, but when Razer swallowed Liu Sen.

Zhuge Qingyun shouted lightly: Disperse!


As soon as the words fell, the thunder snake turned into a faint light point and disappeared into nothingness.

You... Liu Sen looked at Zhuge Qingyun at a loss.

I'm just kidding you, don't take it too seriously. Zhuge Qingyun chuckled.

Okay, brother, let's go!

Liu Sen's face turned red, with a hint of warmth and anger: What do you mean by the surname Zhuge?

It's not interesting. Zhuge Qingyun shrugged and prepared to turn around and leave.

At this time, Liu Rui and Liu Miao also came to Liu Sen and said: Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers, so don't pay too much attention.

I... Liu Sen was speechless. He also knew that there was a huge difference between himself and Zhuge Qingyun. He glanced at the other person helplessly and said:

Let's go!

Fang Qian supported Murong Fu and said, It seems we are going to hike today.

Haha, actually we are going on a hike? Murong Fu asked with a smile.

Now that there is no carriage left, what can we do? Fang Qian looked at Murong Fu in confusion and asked.

Murong Fu didn't say much and simply snapped his fingers.

In an instant, extremely strong iron wood appeared in front of everyone.

This item was exactly what he used to stockpile supplies when he was on his way to conquer Japan.

Wood? Fang Qian looked at Murong Fu in confusion and said, What are you doing?

Murong Fu smiled and said: The coachman and his horse haven't left yet, why don't we just take a carriage?

Zhuge Qingyun slapped his head and said happily: Yes, why didn't I expect that there is such a good way.

If you don't have a carriage, just make one.

Liu Sen said unhappily: We don't know how to ride in a carriage, so what's the use of just having wood?

Zhuge Qingyun was stunned, looked at Murong Fu, and said awkwardly: Yes, brother Murong, we have never done anything about how to make this carriage.

Murong Fu chuckled lightly and held out three ancient swords.

Face it, take out the wood and chop it off.

Then a cold light shone out, and after a while, the wood turned into a wooden board and a wheelchair.

Then, he assembled it based on the idea in his mind, which surprised everyone.

The driver was even more surprised and said: There is not a single nail, it is all made of mortise and tenon.

Little brother, are you not a carpenter by profession?

Murong Fu smiled silently and said:

No, let's go. I hope we won't run into any more trouble on the road ahead.

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