Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 915 A gift to the master

Murong Fu was startled and looked at Mo Hen in disbelief:

Master, you...what other world's wine can you drink?

Mo Hen curled his lips and said: Of course, otherwise, why do you think this Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal is fake?

Murong Fu quickly waved his hands and said: Don't dare, don't dare!

Qin Ming asked curiously: Disciple, where is this? M..

Murong Fu quickly passed the route of the wine to the dead master:

It was left behind by my disciple's enlightenment teacher.

Qin Ming said Oh and said:

I see. It seems that your master is not simple either.

Murong Fu replied: My enlightenment teacher left Hexi after a few years without any disciples.

There's nothing else left.

Mo Hen said with a hehe smile: It doesn't matter, the wine he left for you is enough.

Come and drink, drink big!

Qin Ming didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that to them, the other world was nothing special.

Murong Fu asked cautiously: Master, is it easy to go to another world?

Mo Hen was stunned for a moment, holding a drinking glass and said disdainfully:

It's not difficult, just find its coordinates.

With one strike of my sword, I can create a space passage, and I can go wherever I want.

Really? Murong Fu was extremely excited. The [Immortal Sect] he came from the original world was destroyed.

He didn't know if there was a shortcut on the way back, it would be a lot of trouble.

Mo Hen said: Of course, as long as you know the coordinates of that world.

Qin Ming smiled and said: If you want to go to another world to see it, there will occasionally be trials in sects in various places.

When the time comes, I will go to some newly developed other worlds.

Murong Fu pretended to be interested.

In fact, what he was thinking about was how to know the coordinates of the [original world].

The three masters and apprentices drank and ate meat and played for a long time. Qin Ming said:

Disciple, show me what you have learned so far.

Murong Fu felt happy, knowing that this was a rare opportunity.

The two masters in front of me must have extraordinary vision if they have cultivated to this point.

If you perform martial arts for them, you will definitely get positive feedback.

Point out your own shortcomings.

Without Mo Hen and Qin Ming, Murong Fu showed all his martial arts skills to everyone.

【My flow of boxing】!

[The stars change]!

[Lingbo Weibu]!

[The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth Conquering Yin and Yang]!

Qin Ming and Mo Hen became more and more surprised as they watched, waiting until Murong Fu performed the martial arts.

The two of them said in unison: Boy, these martial arts of yours are both good and evil. They are not practiced by ordinary people.

Where did your master come from?

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said: Returning to the two masters, my disciple's enlightenment teacher has not told me anything.

Qin Mingdao: If my teacher guessed correctly, your enlightenment master should not be from this world.

Really? Murong Fu pretended to be excited: What about these skills of mine?

Qin Ming said: These skills of yours have barely reached the earth level.

Except for the [Shifting Stars] and [The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth Conquering Yin and Yang], which are somewhat interesting.

Everything else is average.

Murong Fu was overjoyed when he heard this. These two techniques have been following him for the longest time.

It's not bad to be praised by two Nine Tribulations Loose Immortals.

Suddenly, he slapped his head and said:

By the way, Master, I will do the same thing again.

Qin Ming smiled and said, Disciple, your skills are really mixed.

Murong Fu smiled awkwardly, raised his fingertips, and turned his spiritual power.

On his fingertips, an extremely sharp and intimidating sword energy emerged.

Qin Ming and Mo Hen's faces showed a hint of shock at the same time, and they said loudly: [Innate Sword Qi]!

Master, do you know him? Murong Fu quickly put away his [Innate Sword Qi] and looked at Mo Hen and Qin Ming doubtfully.

Apprentice! How can you actually know [Innate Sword Qi]? No wonder you can arouse six sword sounds!

Mo Hen stood up excitedly and walked to Murong Fu:

How did you cultivate this sword energy?

Murong Fu didn't think much and told the two of them the cultivation method of [Innate Body-Breaking Invisible Sword Qi] passed down to him by Guan Qi.

Haha, good, good! As expected of the lucky son of my Sword Sect, I was given such a great gift as my master as soon as I entered the school.

Okay, very good! Mo Hen laughed.

Qin Mingdao: [Innate Sword Qi] is comparable to Lingbao.

As long as we practice it to the extreme, it will be of great use to us in resisting the catastrophe.

Murong Fu did not expect that what Guan Qi passed to him was so powerful.

If he hadn't known that Mo Hen and Qin Ming would not deceive him for this matter, Murong Fu would have even suspected that he had encountered a gang of liars and said happily:

Disciple congratulates the two masters in advance on their promotion to Mahayana!

Mo Hen said: Good boy, you give me such a great gift.

My teacher doesn't even know what to teach you.

Qin Mingdao: I think it's good to teach him the [Basic Sword Technique]!

Mo Hen's face was startled and he said:

[Basic Sword Technique]? Old Qin, did I hear that correctly?

Qin Ming smiled haha and explained:

Of course not! This child's learning is too complex.

I used the stick as a tool before. If I don't help him solidify his foundation.

I'm afraid, unnecessary flaws will be left in the future!

Mo Hen frowned, if he started training from [Basic Sword Technique].

That would inevitably consume most of his and Qin Ming's time.

This is an unimaginable drain on them who are about to face a catastrophe.

But the way he looked at Qin Ming didn't seem like he was joking, and he nodded and said:

Okay! Since you want to re-forge this seedling.

That's where my surname Mo went.

Murong Fu didn't understand what the two of them meant, and was still puzzled.

All right, why should you let yourself practice [Basic Sword Technique]?

Okay! Let's start from tomorrow! My dear disciple, what else do you have to do? Qin Ming said with a smile.

Murong Fu was a newbie, so naturally it was difficult to refute anything, but he thought of one thing and said:

Master, my wife is still waiting for me at the mountain gate!

Look, can I go get her back?

Qin Ming looked around, wondering whether to laugh or cry: The neighborhood is so barren, why do you want her to suffer with you?

Murong Fu smiled awkwardly: Then leaving her at the foot of the mountain wouldn't be a good idea.

Mo Hen laughed and said: You are so stupid. Didn't Xiang Mole give you the personal disciple token earlier?

Wouldn't it be great if you go to the [House of Internal Affairs] and receive a cave?

Murong Fu's eyes lit up and he said, Is it okay?

Of course! Mo Hen laughed and said, Why don't the teachers accompany you to take a look.

Murong Fu quickly saluted and said, Disciple, thank you, Master!

When Qin Ming saw this, he laughed and said, Haha, that's right. I finally came out and went for a walk with my disciple.

Murong Fu was overjoyed. He didn't expect these two masters to be so easy to talk to.

Before he could speak again, Mo Hen and Qin Ming grabbed one of his shoulders.

Wave your hand forward.

A space tunnel instantly appeared in front of Murong Fu's eyes.

Before he could react, he was already caught by his two masters.

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