Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 917 My grandfather is Liu Baihong

Take it! Murong Fu urged with a smile.

Yes, hurry up and get it! The crowd watching the fun also started cheering.

As a result, Liu Changyuan was so frightened that he did not dare to move.

I cursed in my heart, what on earth is this bitch doing?

With trembling hands, he grabbed the bag in Murong Fu's hand.

At the moment of touching, he glanced at Murong Fu cautiously.

Finally, he plucked up the courage and took the two bags back into his hands.

Until he placed it on his sides, he didn't see any movement from Murong Fu.

Just look at yourself with a smile.

Haha, did you take the money? Murong Fu asked.

Take it! Liu Changyuan said firmly.

Murong Fu nodded and said, Then give me the magic weapon!

Liu Changyuan was stunned: What magic weapon?

Murong Fu pointed to his bag and said: There is a top-quality magic weapon in my bag. Please return it to me!

How is that possible? Liu Changyuan quickly opened the bag filled with spiritual stones.

Seeing that there was nothing inside except spiritual stones, he said angrily:

You're talking nonsense, you want to wrongly accuse me!

Murong Fu didn't hide it at all, and said calmly: That's right, I just want to wrongly accuse you, so what?

You dare to frame me so openly and openly, how can you do it! Liu Changyuan said coldly.

Hmph! Murong Fu burst out with all his cultivation.

The powerful pressure instantly made Liu Changyuan and others unable to move, and said disdainfully:

How dare you, a piece of shit like you, deserve to teach me the king's laws?

I'll give you three numbers. If you don't return my best magic weapon to me, I will break both of your legs today!

Liu Changyuan was shocked. He could feel that he and Murong Fu were both in the Yuan Shen stage.

But the other party's pressure was ten or twenty times greater than his!

He knew in his heart that the two of them were not on the same level at all. He felt jealous in his heart and said angrily:

My grandfather is Liu Baihong, how dare you do anything to me!

Murong Fu didn't care at all about Liu Changyuan's words and counted calmly: One!

Liu Changyuan was shocked. He could feel that Murong Fu was not joking, so he continued:

He is a powerful person in the tribulation period!

Murong Fu said Oh and continued: Two!

You... Liu Changyuan had already seen that Murong Fu was not joking.

Three! Murong Fu counted three cleanly!

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, for fear that they would see an extremely bloody scene later.

Liu Changyuan felt his eyes go dark for a while, and he couldn't stand the pressure Murong Fu brought to him.

Plop he knelt down and explained: I really didn't take it, I really didn't take it!

Murong Fu said coldly: Then did my woman take your things?! Liu Changyuan said unwillingly.

Haha, not bad! Murong Fu looked around at the group of accomplices behind Liu Changyuan.

Several sword energy shot out from his eyes.


Shot off their knees.

Immediately, a wailing sound resounded under Lijian Mountain.

Liu Changyuan rolled in pain, pointed at Murong Fu and said, I...I...will definitely tell my grandpa.

Murong Fu smiled haha and said disdainfully: My master is the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal. If you tell him you don't accept it, just come!

What! Is your master a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal? Liu Changyuan is more or less a third-generation immortal, and he knows something about Loose Immortals.

Upon hearing that Murong Fu's master was the Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, he immediately became frightened.

Murong Fu said arrogantly: Remember, my name is Murong Fu!

The number one direct disciple, if you are dissatisfied, ask him to come to me.

Everyone present felt a domineering aura surrounding Murong Fu.

Some people with a calm mind even think that he is too arrogant and will definitely be killed.

As everyone knows, this was Murong Fu's deliberate move.

This is the best way for him to become famous. Who made him lose three wives?

Our apprentice is very interesting! Mo Hen said happily.

Haha, that's right. It's just that this little guy offended a mountain of elders when he came up. I'm afraid he will be tricked by others. Qin Ming said with a smile.

Hmph, what are you afraid of! It's just [Zhenming Mountain].

Even when their peak masters see you and me, they will call you Supreme Elder. Mo Hen replied domineeringly.

He, a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, is not afraid of some juniors in the Mahayana Stage.

Because everyone knows that once he enters the Mahayana.

Everyone in the same class is on a different level than him.

Young man, it's good to suffer some setbacks. Qin Ming believed that Murong Fu was a man of great luck.

You will be able to protect your body with hundreds of spirits, and turn bad luck into good luck. Naturally, there is no need to worry too much.

The two old men were talking.

Then they saw Murong Fu holding Fang Qian's hand, walking over and introducing:

Two masters, she is the disciple's wife, her name is Fang Qian.

Fang Qian said respectfully to Mo Hen and Qin Ming: Fang Qian has met these two masters.

Qin Ming and Mo Hen laughed and said, It's appropriate for you to call us master. Let's go, let's go back!

Mo Hen said: Isn't this good? It would be inappropriate for us disciples not to give something to our disciple's wife when we meet her.

I'm just going to take a stroll and give some good things to my disciple's wife.

Fang Qian looked shy and said: Two masters, there is no need to go to such trouble, I don't need anything!

Mo Hen shook his head and said: Just treat you two young people and accompany us two old men for a stroll.

Qin Ming laughed haha and said: That's right, that's right, let's go!

Fang Qian looked at Murong Fu sheepishly, who smiled and said: Let's go, the two masters usually practice in seclusion.

Today is a rare occasion for us to come out. We just want to go shopping together.

With Murong Fu's words, Fang Qian became more natural.

Following Mo Hen and Qin Ming, he listened to the two old men telling what happened back then.

Soon I came to a stall selling jewelry.

Mo Hen felt that one of the necklaces was good and said:

My dear disciple, I will transform this necklace for you when I get back.

It can be kept as a treasure to protect yourself.

Fang Qian said happily: Youlao is the master.

Qin Ming slapped his forehead and said, Hey, then you old guy took advantage of this.

I originally took a fancy to this necklace, but now I want you to buy it as a gift.

Mohen Fusu laughed and said: Haha, what does it matter? There are so many things here, you can just buy them.

Qin Ming shook his head helplessly, looked to the left and right, and didn't wait to move.

I heard someone shouting: Don't miss it if you pass by. Do you want the freshly baked sapphire?...

Qin Ming blinked and muttered: Sapphire seems to be good.

Mo Hen echoed: It's really good for body shaping and bone building, and for polishing the foundation!

Qin Ming said: Okay, I no longer have ten thousand year stalactites.

Otherwise, we can forge a sword bone for this little girl.

When Murong Fu heard that there was something good for Fang Qian, he was very happy. He quickly took out a bottle and said, Master, I have [Rehmannia Root Milk].

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