You're welcome? Fang Qian's eyes were full of disdain: A mere mortal dares to bark in front of me, you really don't know how to live or die!

Murong Fu's face turned cold and he wanted to step forward to catch the other party.

Seeing this, Fang Qian glared charmingly, and suddenly, she sent out a powerful spiritual consciousness and pressed Murong Fu to the ground.


Murong Fu suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, unable to stand up.

Only his eyes were wide open, staring at Fang Qian.

Fang Qian smiled, looked at her palms, and shook her head:

Little guy, look at what I'm doing. If I were you, I'd get out of here right away, lest I lose my life!

Murong Fu was so overwhelmed by the opponent's powerful spiritual consciousness that he could not move. He gritted his teeth and said: a bad mind!

Huh? Fang Qian looked down and found that she was naked. She couldn't help but frown, and then suddenly smiled:

This woman's qualifications are really poor.

In that case, I want to absorb the power that this deity radiates between heaven and earth.

Haha, it's really whimsical.

Murong Fu was stunned and asked in confusion: Who are you?

Fang Qian said: Haha, I am Snow Phoenix from the Immortal Realm. Didn't I tell you before?

Immortal world? Murong Fu was immediately startled and asked in confusion: If people from the immortal world don't stay well in the immortal world, how come they came to the [Da Ru Realm]?

Hmph, what do you know! Snow Phoenix said disdainfully: It's not like there is no friction in the fairy world.

Even if there are emperors from all sides suppressing it, there will still be constant fighting.

I had to flee here because I was betrayed.

Murong Fu frowned, and a blind spot appeared in his mind. He knew that as long as he thought of it, he could get through it.

There is a chance for the other party, Snow Phoenix.

Seeing that Murong Fu was silent, Xue Huang began to play with Fang Qian's body.


Murong Fu suddenly realized, yes!

This so-called Snow Phoenix relies entirely on his spiritual consciousness to bully him.

Her own strength is still at Fang Qian's level.

To deal with her, it is actually very simple, just defeat the opponent through spiritual consciousness.

I don't believe how much mental power she still has after just coming from another world.

Murong Fu narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly unleashed all his spiritual consciousness to clash with Snow Phoenix's spiritual consciousness.


Two powerful spiritual forces collided together.

Hmph, you are not overestimating your capabilities! Snow Phoenix said disdainfully.

The ketone body did not move, but showed an arrogant aura.

Curiosity is a huge mountain that is impossible to climb.

The most irritating thing was that there was an unpleasant contempt in her eyes.

It was as if a superior princess was looking down at a beggar.

Yes, that's what it feels like.

Damn it! I don't believe it, I can't beat you loser!

Murong Fu was furious in his heart, and suddenly, the demon infant, who was sleeping soundly in the spiritual world, suddenly opened its eyes.

In the spiritual world, the huge spiritual power surged toward Snow Phoenix like an inrushing seawater in an instant.

Huh? Xue Huang immediately felt a pressure.

Xing Yuan stared, looking at Murong Fu in surprise:

How could this kid have such strong mental power?

Murong Fu clenched his teeth, but with strong perseverance, he stood up.

This move completely shocked the calm Snow Phoenix, and she quickly stopped her:

Boy, you'd better not come here, otherwise, this woman of yours will not be able to bear it for the first time.

Murong Fu naturally could not let the other party threaten him, so he said coldly:

You are nothing more than a soul.

If you don't have Qian'er's body, what use do you think your soul has?

If I encounter an evil cultivator, the first thing I will do is refine a soul lamp with you.

The second thing is to make you into a puppet for them to tease.

Of course, it is also possible to directly refine you into a soul pill.

The more Xue Huang heard this, the more ugly his face became, and he even felt a little worried.

If I had known, the richer the person, the more afraid of death.

Especially Xiang Xuehuang, a high-ranking immortal who has a place in the immortal world, is even more afraid of death.

In just a few words, Murong Fu said that he was so confused that he wished he could regain his strength immediately.


Just when she was distracted, Murong Fu rushed forward.

He grabbed Xue Huang's hand and said sternly:

Get out of Qian'er's body quickly.

Otherwise, I will let you die today!

Snow Phoenix was shocked and immediately cursed: Damn it, even a mere mortal dares to touch my body, get out of here!

As soon as the words fell, Xue Huang subconsciously wanted to shock Murong Fu away.

However, her current strength is far from that of Murong Fu.

Even if the spiritual power in Fang Qian's body was drained, Murong Fu could not be shaken even half an inch.

On the other hand, Murong Fu had already figured out her details, and without any fear, he asked:

No refunds!

Xue Huang said coldly: Boy, I won't retreat, what can you do to me?

If you don't get out, don't say I broke this woman's heart.

Murong Fu frowned. She knew that Fang Qian was the only person on the other side, so she didn't dare to destroy him.

But the problem is, I don't dare to do anything to the other person.

Unless, the opponent's spiritual consciousness can be exhausted.

When Murong Fu was troubled because he couldn't find a way.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a container containing the [Sapphire Stone] mixture.

He immediately remembered the words of Qin Ming and Mo Hen.

Do everything well and apply it to every part of your body, wherever you can.

An idea immediately came to mind, which consumed Xue Huang's mental power. .

With a thought, the container immediately floated in the air and appeared next to him.

With a grin on his lips, he asked, Should we leave? If we don't leave, we won't have a chance.

Xue Huang heard Murong Fu's affirmative tone.

I immediately felt something was wrong.

I felt vaguely uneasy in my heart, but then I thought about it.

What can a mere mortal do to himself? He replied:

Humph, I just won't leave, what can you do to me?

Then don't blame me for being rude. Murong Fu was no longer polite. He picked up a handful of [Sapphire Stone] fusion and applied it on Fang Qian's body.

Snow Phoenix felt a tinge of heat coming from her body, and she couldn't help but snorted and said mockingly:

Haha, I thought there was no other way. I just wanted to consume my soul with this little pain.

It's just wishful thinking.

Murong Fu's face turned cold, he took off his clothes with one hand and said coldly: In this case, don't blame me.

Snow Phoenix could not have imagined that Murong Fu would be so shameless and take off his clothes in front of her.

Just when he was about to reprimand, he was knocked down by the other party.

Bastard! You...

She was about to curse, but she saw Murong Fu applying the burning thing to her body.

When he was wondering, the other party pounced on him again.

The next moment, she felt as if she had been touched by lightning, her whole body felt numb, and she shouted:

You bastard, let me go!

Otherwise I will definitely let you die a miserable death!!

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