Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 926 The challenge is coming

Me! A slim woman with short hair and round eyes came out and said.

Zhao Ru asked: Who do you want to challenge?

Everyone thought that this woman would definitely choose another woman.

Unexpectedly, she pointed at a man in the trial crowd.

The man wondered whether he should laugh or cry: What are you challenging me for?

The short-haired woman snorted: Because you cut in line!

I cut in line? The man looked confused. He didn't even know when he cut in line.

Not only did he do this, but so did everyone else present.

Haha, this kind of reason for fighting is something we disciples see. It's so domineering!

I know this woman. Her father is not simple. He specializes in killing demon pigs.

Oh, it turns out she is the daughter of the Pig King at the foot of the mountain.

The short-haired woman's face became a little ugly when she heard the comments from the people around her.

He jumped onto the competition stage on tiptoes, pointed at the man and said, Come forward!

The man had no choice but to fly up with a single step, and saluted in a very dignified manner:

My Majesty, Sun Wangjun, please be merciful, girl.

Hmph, nonsense, a scum like you deserves to die! Without saying a word, the short-haired woman drew a dagger and started to kill Sun Wangjun.

Sun Wangjun had no choice but to draw his weapon and fight with him.

On the competition ground, the sword light was suddenly sharp and the sword light was wanton.

The sound of ding-ding-ding-ding-ding kept ringing.

Sun Wangjun seems to have read too much in Confucian scholarship.

Every time he makes a move, he leaves some room to give the opponent a few points.

However, the short-haired woman's deadly moves were sure to hit Sun Wangjun's vitals.

The sword blade roared like a violent storm.

The latter was unable to dodge and was stabbed by the sword in the end, with blood floating in the air.

The short-haired woman didn't seem to understand her hatred and cursed:

Huh, you're a loser and you're still not a man!

Die to me, die to me!

This woman... Xiang Mole looked at the crazy-looking short-haired woman with some displeasure.

Haha, if you don't go crazy, you won't survive. This girl is suitable for fighting! Yun Tianpeng joked.

When Murong Fu heard Yun Tianpeng's words, he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Is there any comment on the relationship [Canglan Sword Sect]?

Sun Wangjun was so furious that he finally remembered to resist.

Between the sword moves, the speed became three points faster and the force was three points sharper.

Gradually, he turned from defense to attack, suppressing the short-haired woman and beating him.

at this time.

Seeing that she was not getting any advantage, the short-haired woman shouted:

Anyone named Sun knows how to bully women, but you are still not a man.

I... Sun Wangjun was unable to speak out after being asked, as if he was suddenly bound by morality and was at a disadvantage again.

This woman is really scheming.

Haha, I doubt you're cutting in line.

Why are you joining the team? Didn't you see that there was something wrong in her eyes?

Hearing everyone's words, Xiang Mole's face became more and more gloomy:

Hmph, today's girls are not simple in their methods.

Yun Tianpeng laughed and said, When have women's methods ever been simple?

Junior Brother Murong, my sect heard that you have a lot of women. Please be careful in the future.

Mo Hen and Qin Ming both held the position of Supreme Being. Naturally, Murong Fu was one generation higher than the others.

He became fellow apprentices with Yun Tianpeng and Xiang Mole.

Haha, senior fellow sect leader, don't make fun of me.

I like women, not tomboys.

Yun Tianpeng and Xiang Mole smiled and stopped talking.


Sun Wangjun was stabbed again, and everyone watching said it was wonderful.

Don't come again! His eyes were burning, and he was on the verge of anger.

The short-haired woman said: Haha, why do you still want to hit a woman? You hit me, you hit me!

Trash, you should fight back!

When everyone heard the woman's dirty words, they all felt angry and shouted:

Do it! Beat him to death!

That's right, take action and beat this bitch to death!

Sun Wangjun gritted his teeth and suppressed the benevolence and morality in his bones.

With a violent roar, he blasted towards the opponent with all his strength.

The short-haired woman did not expect that Sun Wang would become extremely ferocious in an instant, and was defeated after a few moves.

But at the critical moment, she changed her strategy again.

Putting on a pitiful look, he said softly: Don't... don't hit me!

Sun Wangjun immediately became hesitant, and the sword in his hand became a little slower.

Just because of this delay, the short-haired woman was given another chance to turn over and stabbed him in the abdomen!

Damn it! Damn it! Are you still shameless?

Haha, did you see her asking for it?

Huh? You're right!

Yun Tianpeng didn't expect the short-haired girl to be so shameless, a martial arts competition during the initiation ceremony.

Actually, he even played thirty-six strategies!

He whispered: If this kind of person stays in our [Canglan Sword Sect], he will be troublesome in the future.

Xiang Mole suggested: Let him start as an inner disciple?

Yun Tianpeng shook his head and said: No need, let it be whatever it is.

Xiang Mole said hmm and had a thought in his mind.

A terrifying pressure instantly restrained the short-haired woman.

The other party's wide grin suddenly froze on his face.

Looking to the left and right in disbelief.

Seeing this, Zhao Ru stepped forward and announced: This battle is over, the bottle pigeon wins!

Bottle pigeon? Murong Fu almost laughed out loud when he heard the other person's name.

Why not call it Bao Yan?

Is there anyone else who wants to challenge you? Zhao Ru continued to ask without hearing Murong Fu's soliloquy.

At this time, a big man with a tough look and a tough build came out.

He didn't talk nonsense and pointed directly at Murong Fu: The elder is here, Fan Xianghu, and I want to challenge him!

A group of melon-eating people did not know that Murong Fu was also a trial disciple in this session.

When they saw him following the sect leader and the great elder, they thought he was an elite figure in the sect.

Everyone felt strange when he said this.

Those who knew Murong Fu seemed to be relieved and whispered:

It's coming, it's finally here, I'm still thinking about who can challenge him.

I know this reverse attack. It's a natural god. It's so powerful that it won't be a problem to crush a small mountain.

The only drawback seems to be that I am a bit impatient and don't know how to adapt!

Murong Fu also knew that there were not many people who were jealous of him.

It is normal to be challenged by others. He smiled and walked out, saying domineeringly:

Come on, everyone has to fight anyway!

I'll finish you off soon, and I'll rest early!

Fan Xianghu kicked his legs and jumped in front of Murong Fu. His voice was like a roar, deafening:

You have such a big tone, do you know who your grandfather is?


A fist as big as a sandbag hit Fan Xianghu hard on the bridge of his nose the moment his words fell to the ground.

The nosebleeds immediately spurted out.

Draw a beautiful arc in mid-air.

You boy, you are so neat in your attack! Yun Tianpeng and Xiang Mole laughed at the same time.

Others were dumbfounded.

Only Fan Xianghu covered his nose and cursed: Despicable and despicable, you made a sneak attack!

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