Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 929 Becoming a God Easily

Mom, how is Fu Lang's craftsmanship?

Lu Yao asked happily while eating the food baked by Murong Fu himself.

Not bad, very delicious! Yu Tianshu said with satisfaction: If your aunt were here, she would also like it.

Lu Yao curled her lips and retorted:

Auntie, I don't like Fu Lang. I'll probably hate Wu Ji Wu, and I don't like these delicacies either.

Yu Tianshu smiled and said to Murong Fu:

Yao'er's aunt, although her temper is a bit colder, she is still considerate....

The reason why she is like this is because what happened to me back then caused some blow to her.

Lu Yao asked in confusion: Mom, what does your matter have to do with my aunt?

Yu Tianshu sighed and told a few people about what happened that year.

It turned out that back then, before she got together with Lu Yao's father.

There was once an engagement.

But before getting married, the other party had died in a mission.

According to common sense, this engagement should be over.

However, the other family still wants to marry the Yu family.

Then, he approached the Yu family for discussion.

The two families decided on another husband without notifying Yu Tianshu.

As a result, a big mistake was made.

Yu Tianshu's fiancé died and she traveled for several years.

After coming back, he was married.

At this point, the marriage between the two families is over.

It was just a misunderstanding, and that was the end of it.

Who knew that the other man liked Yu Tianshu very much.

After learning that Yu Tianshu was married, she was depressed all day long.

In the end, I was depressed to death.

Mother, have the two families become enemies from now on?

Yu Tianshu said: It doesn't mean that the two families are enemies, it's just that the man has several brothers and sisters.

They always thought it was because of their mother that they killed him.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

I really can't blame my mother for this. Lu Yao said with a smile.

Yu Tianshu shook her head, stood up and said, It's okay not to mention the past.

I would like to thank my nephew Murong Xian for the treat today.

Murong Fu stood up quickly and said: Auntie, don't be polite. From now on, you can come to my place anytime you want to eat.

Haha. Yu Tianshu smiled and took Lu Yao's hand and said, Yao'er and I haven't seen each other for a long time, but she has been by my side these past few days.

How about I ask him to pay you back after a while?

Lu Yao's face turned red and she said, Mom, what are you talking about?

Murong Fu said: Haha, aunt can come anytime.

My cave is not small, it is enough for our family.

Yu Tianshu said: Okay, then I won't bother you for now and will come back later.

So, she left Murong Fu's cave with Lu Yao who was reluctant to leave.

Murong Fu breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't see Yu Tianjiao today, which relieved a lot of pressure.

After turning around and packing up everything, he went to explain to Mo Hen and Qin Ming about joining the clan today.

The two old men were very satisfied with their performance and said seriously:

In the next few months, why will I teach you some skills and sword skills that are enough for you to use the Transformation God?

After Murong Fu thanked the two old men, he officially began his discipleship career.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye, and he no longer suppressed the power in his body and sprinted towards the stage of becoming a god.

Inside the cave.

Murong Fu found a place filled with spiritual energy, and the energy turned into a mountain, issuing a slow pressure.

Before he came to [Canglan Sword Sect], he had accumulated the energy to break through to become a god through dual cultivation.

Now, coupled with the teachings of Mo Hen and Qin Ming, the power of breakthrough has been completely accumulated.

Circles and circles of spiritual power circled above his head, constantly irrigating his body.

Transformation of the body during the transformation stage is not the key.

The key is to change the Nascent Soul within the body through destruction and then restoration.

The demon baby in the spiritual world had cracks all over his body, and the spider webs made clicking and clicking tearing sounds.

The demon baby kept kicking its limbs and crying horribly, making the people around it feel horrified.

Mo Hen asked strangely: This kid is practicing demonic skills? How come he still gave birth to a demon baby?

Qin Mingdao: It seems that our apprentice will need more training in the future.

Mo Hen said proudly: Haha, no matter what, in the worst case I will take him to Mo's house to experience it.

Qin Ming looked at Mo Hen with a playful smile on his lips.

The demon infant is constantly nourished and eroded by spiritual power.

The whole body was like a broken egg, constantly cracking.

Finally, a white jade-like hand emerged from the cocoon.

Then came another one.

Finally, the whole body was broken.

Become a normal human size, except for a sinister smile on his face.

Almost exactly the same as Murong Fu. much simpler than imagined.

Murong Fu was shocked when he saw the Yuanshen emerging from the cocoon.

He thought that this transformation into a god would require another catastrophe.

Unexpectedly, the soul just experienced a little pain and it was over.

Haha, I didn't expect that at such a young age, I have such a rich background.

Not bad.

Qin Ming and Mo Hen appeared in front of Murong Fu at the same time and said with a smile.

Murong Fu cupped his hands and said, See you two masters.

Mo Hen nodded: I didn't expect that what you practice is actually magic. This will make you need to suffer a little loss when you go through the tribulation in the future.

Murong Fu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

His skills are not actually magic skills, at best they can be regarded as non-vegetarian ones.

Accidentally, he cultivated a demon baby and said curiously:

Master, will the power of the Heavenly Tribulation increase?

Mo Hen said hmm and said:

Not only enhances it, but it may also change the attributes of the calamity.

In short, if it can be changed, it is best to focus on righteous cultivation methods.

Qin Ming smiled and said: You are still young and practicing a righteous method. It is not impossible for you to practice both magic and immortality.

Double cultivation of demons and immortals? Murong Fu suddenly realized.

But the problem is...

His technique is not considered to be from the Demon Sect.

Seeing Murong Fu's hesitation, Qin Ming smiled and said, It's okay if you don't want to.

Murong Fu replied truthfully: Master, my disciple is curious.

Can any two disciplines be used to cultivate both demons and immortals?

Qin Ming shook his head and said, Of course not.

At least it must be a heaven-level technique.

It would be best if we could find two immortal techniques.

Immortal grade? Murong Fu asked in surprise: Is this a technique that surpasses the heaven level?

Qin Mingdao: Yes, in ancient times, there were occasionally some reservations.

It's just that as time goes by, each sect only has one copy left at most.

Mo Hen added: The immortal skills require a strong understanding.

Even if ordinary people have him, they won't be able to understand it, and they will abandon the treasure like garbage.

Murong Fu rolled his eyes and said, Is it related to the legendary luck?

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