Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 932 Waiting for your head to go back to report

Shameless person, you deserve to die! A woman shouted and killed towards the cold voice.

Jie Jie, if you want to kill me, all of you are useless together! The cold voice sounded again.

The two parties completely fought.

Murong Fu looked helplessly at both sides of the fight, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Seriously, you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

Jie Jie The person with the strange smile is none other than the target of his appearance this time - Yin Li.

On the other side, there was a group of female disciples wearing uniform clothes.

As for the specific sect, Murong Fu didn't know.

At present, it seems that the two sides are fighting equally well, and he is not in a hurry to take action.

Hehe. A strange smile came from Yinli's mouth, while his eyes were fixed on the person who was not making any move.

He kept provoking: Little lady, if you don't take action, aren't you afraid that I will kill all your junior sisters?

Hmph! The woman was so angry that she couldn't stand back any longer, so she had no choice but to take action.

The sound of clinking, clanging, clanging weapons kept ringing in the tavern.

Murong Fu glanced at everyone's expressions and saw that they all looked indifferent.

Obviously, this kind of thing is commonplace for them.

A group of people even started discussing who would lose and who would win.

[Tianming Sect] was afraid that they would have no more men, so they hired a group of female disciples to take action.

Haha, you don't know, this cold-faced man is called Yin Li, and he killed many people.

This [Tianming Sect] is just a sixth-grade sect. It would be great if you dare to come out.

Sixth grade sect?

Murong Fu looked puzzled and felt incredible, given Hong Lanwen's strength.

He felt that this [Tianming Sect] was not of the second level but also the third level. How come it became the sixth level?

Eighty percent of it was caused by the civil strife in the entire sect after his death.

Sister, I'm afraid we are no match for him.

[Tianming Sect] The senior sister is called Hong Nianci. She gritted her teeth and said angrily:

If we don't kill this lewd thief today, we [Tianming Sect] will never stop for a moment.

Young ladies, you're still a little young. He laughed sullenly, raised his thick right hand, with black light lingering on it, and struck Hong Nianci's junior sisters with his palm.

He knew that Hong Nianci was difficult to deal with, so he attacked others instead.

Hong Nianci said angrily: Despicable.

He immediately drew his sword to block the opponent's attack, and stabbed him back with his backhand sword.


Yin Li held the one-horned bronze figure and blocked Hong Nianci's attack, instantly unleashing a counterattack.

A powerful shock wave swept in all directions.

All the tables and chairs on the second floor were shattered, and some lowly diners had no time to dodge.

They were all shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

Yin Li took advantage of the opportunity and jumped out.

After the noise, Hong Nianci and others staggered out and chased after him.

Unknowingly, the clothes all over his body were torn into tatters, revealing patches of pure white jade body.

So tempting.

Jie Jie, how are you guys doing? Do you know how powerful I am? Yin Li asked proudly.

Damn it! Hong Nianci suffered a small loss and was naturally furious.

She continued to fight with her sword, as if there was no winner today, she would never give up.

Hehe, so fierce, so fierce, I like it, but I have something to do today, so I won't play with you.

next moment.

Yin Li quickly ran towards the northwest.

Hong Nianci was about to chase after him, but was stopped by a junior sister who reminded him:

Senior sister, we are not familiar with this place, just in case...

Hong Nianci shook him away and said anxiously: You stay here, I will kill him today.

With that said, he chased after him and shouted: Don't leave, the thief!

The two of them disappeared in front of everyone, one after the other.

At the same time, Murong Fu was also missing from the crowd.

Jie Jie, this stupid woman!

He glanced at Hong Nianci who was not far behind him with a sullen look, and licked his scarlet tongue.

In my mind, there are all the scenes of getting the other person's pleasure for a while.

Finally, behind a mountain, he stopped.

He looked around and said:

The environment here is good, suitable for you to let go of your voice and scream as you please.

Hong Nianci frowned, with a trace of solemnity on his face, and said, Did you lead me here on purpose?

Jie Jie, I only know now, I'm afraid it's too late. Yin Li said, took out a jade bottle and shook it twice.

What's inside is a potion specially prepared by me.

Submit it obediently, and I can save you from death.

If you give me a son and a half, I might even be able to marry you.

Hong Nianci was disgusted to death when he heard the harsh words.

The red spiritual energy all over his body turned into a huge palm print in the air, and was slapped towards Yin Li's head.

Yin Li immediately felt that his whole body's spiritual energy and energy and blood were somewhat stagnant.

He immediately became cautious, rounded his steps, and retreated quickly.

At the critical moment, black spiritual power ignited all over his body, and he clapped his palms to meet him. .

Purple Yin Spreading Palm!!

The yin and fierce palms spurred out a black cyclone, and the cyclone contained poison.

Wherever it passes, the air corrodes violently, like boiling water.

When the red palm prints and the black cyclone collided.

The air twisted violently again.

Immediately afterwards, a strong red light erupted.

Want to defeat the black cyclone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the red palm prints touched the black cyclone, they melted and retreated like spring snow encountering magma.

In the blink of an eye, 30% of it was worn away, and the remaining 70% collapsed and disintegrated at the first touch.


The black cyclone was like a gangrene attached to the bones, following the spiritual power of Hong Nian, crawling on her skin.

Instead, it penetrated into her body through the pores.

The strong corrosive power made her spit out blood.

Immediately, his whole body fell to the ground with soreness.

Jiejie, woman, you know how cruel I am.

The stern and cold face once again showed a hint of pride.

Hong Nianci didn't believe that he would actually lose to this trash in front of him, and said angrily:

Despicable, your spiritual power contains poison.

Yin Li shrugged nonchalantly and said, What I practice is the Poison Technique. There's nothing despicable about it!

It's because you're not strong enough to fight. You're no match for me.

Who can blame me if my skills are inferior to others?

You... Hong Nianci suddenly felt a hint of despair and looked in the direction he came from.

How she wished to see her group of junior sisters appear here.

Save yourself.

Jie Jie, you don't expect your group of junior sisters to save you. Yin Li took out the elixir and said with a smile.

It was as if at this moment, he penetrated Hong Nianci's heart.

Hmph, even if I die here today, I will never go easy on you. Hong Nianci said angrily.

Yin Li remained extremely calm and said:

You have been poisoned by me, and now you are unable to use your spiritual power.

It's impossible to commit suicide. If you don't give me a favor, who can I take advantage of?

With that said, he opened Hong Nianci's pretty little mouth and was about to throw the elixir in.

Suddenly, a terrifying sword intent rose behind him.

He was so frightened that he jumped three feet away in an instant.

A handsome but somewhat domineering man reflected in his eyes, looking at him jokingly:

Why don't you feed me? I'm still waiting for your head and I'm going back to do my job.

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