killed him? Hong Nianci's beautiful eyes were filled with shock. She couldn't believe a sinister person who was causing headaches to countless people.

Just die in front of yourself.

What? You still want to take some medicine? Murong Fu joked and began to search for his trophies.

Killing an evil person shouldn't be too easy for him.

After checking around, it turned out that Yin Li was really poor.

Except for a [space ring], there is no storage anything.

Inside the ring are several low-level exercises, as well as some books on gathering yin and replenishing yang.

In short, the effect on Murong Fu was limited.

Hong Nianci saw that Murong Fu was like a corpse searcher, not even letting go of Yin Li's bottle of medicine.

He couldn't help but feel disgusted.

[Canglan Sword Sect] is a first-class sect after all, why are you still so petty?

Murong Fu chuckled lightly and said casually: A fly's legs are also meat, so why don't you give them up?

But... Hong Nianci said anxiously: You also keep his wretched elixir?

Murong Fu shrugged and said, I'm not Brother Chu. I have several wives at home.

Isn't it nice to keep it for fun?

Is this okay? Hong Nianci looked at Murong Fu speechlessly. His words left her speechless.

After muttering a few words, he reluctantly stood up.

Unexpectedly, within a few steps, he fell down again, with a hint of panic in his eyes, and said:

What's going on? My spiritual power has not recovered yet.

Don't panic, the sinister technique is aimed at women and needs to be refined slowly.

Then can you take me back? Hong Nianci looked at Murong Fu cautiously, fearing that the other party would take advantage of him.

Huh? Murong Fu stared at Hong Nianci and thought for a few seconds before saying, I heard that you are a disciple of [Tianming Sect]?

Yes, I am the contemporary senior sister of [Tianming Sect]. Hong Nianci said proudly.

Contemporary Senior Sister? Murong Fu looked at the other party and shook his head: You [Tianming Sect] are really weak.

A senior sister from a dignified sect is actually only at the Yuan Shen stage.

Hong Nianci's face turned red and he said anxiously:

I...our [Tianming Sect] is only a sixth-grade sect, and cannot be compared with your first-grade sect [Canglan Sword Sect].

Murong Fu heard the jealousy in it and said with a smile: I remember Tianming Sect. It seemed to be a second-grade sect at the time.

How did you become a sixth-grade sect?

Hong Nianci looked at Murong Fu in surprise, Tianming Sect was a second-grade sect, and it was thousands of years old.

I'm afraid most people have almost forgotten about it.

How did you know?

Murong Fu replied: I know someone who has some friendship with your [Tianming Sect].

Oh? Hong Nianci said dubiously, Who do you know?

The person I know is called Hong Lanwen. Murong Fu replied truthfully.

Who? Hong Nianci opened his mouth wide and said with a look of disbelief on his face: Who are you talking about?

Hong Lanwen! Do you know him? Murong Fu asked again.

I know! Of course I know him, he is the ancestor of my Hong family! Hong Nianci said excitedly.

Ah! Murong Fu suddenly said: No wonder you all have the surname Hong.

In this case, you can take me home.

Go home? Hong Nianci asked in confusion: How could you possibly know my ancestor of the Hong family?

If I remember correctly, he was hunted back then and should have gone to another world.

Murong Fu was shocked when he heard this, and then he remembered that he could not expose the [Original Realm], and explained:

Yes, I went to a small world to practice.

I happened to meet Hong Lanwen, and he begged me to bring his body back for burial.

Really! Hong Nianci said, You said the bones of your ancestors are on your body?

Yes, I came out to carry out the mission this time, just to send him home. Murong Fu replied.

Great. Later, if you come home with me, I think the elders in the sect will thank you very much. Hong Nianci said.

In that case, let's go!

If not, Murong Fu put away his stern head and walked toward [Musang Town] with Hong Nianci on his shoulders.

Along the way down, Hong Nianci was so stunned that he felt dizzy and his face turned red.

Senior sister! It's senior sister! Some junior sisters from [Tianming Sect] saw Hong Nianci on Murong Fu's shoulder and rushed forward excitedly.

Seeing this, Hong Nianci's delicate little face was as shy as a big apple, and she urged in a low voice:

Put me down quickly.

Murong Fu smiled and slowly put Hong Nianci down.

Leave it to her group of junior sisters.

The group of junior sisters immediately gathered around and asked Hong Nianci how he became like this.

Yin Li is actually already in the stage of becoming a god. If this senior of the Sword Sect hadn't saved my life, I might be dead now.

The junior sisters immediately looked at Murong Fu and saw that he was very young.

Neither of them could believe that the other party would be a senior, and whispered:

Senior sister, you said she is a senior?

I think he's so young, I'm afraid he's not even older than us.

Don't talk nonsense, he killed Yin Li with just one sword. Hong Nianci was worried that Murong Fu would be angry, so he quickly stopped him.

Really! A young junior sister with a childlike face and huge breasts secretly glanced at Murong Fu and said, Senior sister, he is really strong. Do you want to pledge yourself to him?

Ahem... Hong Nianci almost breathed a sigh of relief, but was choked by the other party: Don't talk nonsense, he is probably as old as my ancestor.

No way, no way! He doesn't look like it!

Several junior sisters chatted a lot.

At this time, Hong Nianci also recovered some strength and stood up tremblingly.

He said respectfully to Murong Fu: Thank you very much, senior for saving your life earlier.

I can't repay my kindness, but I want to treat my senior to a nice meal first.

That's it? Murong Fu was very bored. There is a saying in the world.

He is handsome and offers his body to him.

He is ugly and works as a slave.

Just treating yourself to a meal is nothing.

Well, don't worry, senior. When I return to the sect, I will let the elders in the sect make the decision.

Repay you well.

Murong Fu nodded, thinking that was more or less the same.

Several people returned to the restaurant and found that the previous second floor had been tidied up.

Those who were injured because of watching the excitement also disappeared.

Eighty percent of them went to heal themselves alone.

The waiter recognized Hong Nianci at a glance and shouted:

Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, that woman is here again.

When Hong Nianci saw the waiter's appearance, he was immediately embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the other party blocked the door and shouted even louder as if she was afraid that she would run away.

Murong Fu was upset when he heard this and said, Okay, stop screaming, we are not leaving.

The waiter couldn't help but felt Murong Fu's killing intent.

His confidence instantly dropped by three points.

Fortunately, the shopkeeper heard the sound at this time and ran out.

As soon as they met, he said: Oh my God, girl, you are finally back.

Our little shop was almost destroyed by you!

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