Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 954 Return to Daqian Kingdom

Run, run, I heard that [Tianming Sect] has closed the mountain, and [Blood God Sect] may really come.

Get out of my way and stay out of Grandpa's way!

Murong Fu rode on horseback and entered the Dark Sky City. Along the road, some wealthy, powerful, and somewhat capable families left the city in a noisy manner with large and small packages of carriages and horses.

On the contrary, some poor people frowned and watched each other leave with hesitation on their faces.

There were even some strong peasant men who held their forks tightly and whispered: It doesn't matter what they are [Blood God Cult] or [Eight God Cult], as long as they dare to come, we will fight with them.

Yes, let's fight! Even if we die, we won't leave!

Murong Fu looked at this scene and sighed softly with emotion:

The rich are afraid of abandoning their ancestral land after death, and the road to death is far away and they are extravagant. The poor have no way to go, but it is difficult to leave their homeland. The soul of the family is not afraid, and the heart of righteousness will remain until death.

Haha, when did our elder Murong become a poet? Xiao Qing walked out of [Xingyun Tower] and said jokingly.

Murong Fu twisted his body, jumped off his horse, and said with a smile: Haha, how dare you bother Elder Xiao to greet him personally.

As he spoke, he secretly pinched his butt hard.


Xiao Qingxiu raised her leg, gently pushed Murong Fu away and said angrily: There are many people here, be careful of being seen.

Where is there anyone? Murong Fu looked around. Apart from the rich people running for their lives, there were also some worried poor people.

Let's go.

Xiao Qing turned around and walked towards the restaurant with Murong Fu. Just like outside, except for a few waiters here and there, there were no other customers at all.

These... Murong Fu looked at several waiters and looked at Xiao Qing with questioning eyes. The latter immediately guessed what Murong Fu wanted to ask and explained: Don't worry, these are all newly hired by me.

As for the chef, I also asked the young lady to hire him elsewhere, and he will be here in a while.

It seems that I am worrying too much. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Hmph, I have been in [Qingyuan Chamber of Commerce] for a long time. How could I not know that it is necessary to be on guard against others. Xiao Qing rolled his eyes and Murong Fu said.

Haha, our Aunt Xiao is the best, she is eloquent and proficient in everything. Murong Fu whispered in his ear.

Then thank you for teaching me well. Hearing this, Xiao Qing spat with shyness on his face again.

That's not necessary. It can only be said that the master leads you in, and cultivation depends on you. Murong Fu put on the look of a little scoundrel and said with a smile.

Xiao Qing knew that he was stupid and could not defeat Murong Fu, so he asked instead: Are you leaving this time?

I'm going to pick up Su Ying. She is still just a mortal. If something happens to her, I'm afraid I will never forgive myself for the rest of my life. Murong Fu said solemnly.

Su Ying was the first to be with him and always protected her silently. One can imagine how important she is to him.

Haha, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. She is now a disciple of [Yao Wang Valley]. Although her level is not high, not everyone dares to touch her. Xiao Qing said with a smile.

Huh? Murong Fu said in surprise: [Yao Wang Valley]? Su Ying has joined the sect? Is she very powerful?

Xiao Qing explained: Although [Medicine King Valley] is only a fourth-grade force, everyone in the sect has superb medical skills, especially every generation of Medicine King can cure human flesh and bones.

So much so that every faction is thinking of ways to make friends with her, so naturally no one will be stupid enough to mess with your little lover.

I see. After Murong Fu heard Xiao Qing's words, the huge stone in his heart was relieved, and he joked: Sure enough, my women, Murong Fu, are not simple.

Bah! Xiao Qing said brokenly: This is the first time I've seen someone praise me like this. It's so shameless.

Haha, but my Aunt Xiao is in good health? I need to try how shameless I am? Murong Fu said half-jokingly.

Go! If you don't want to rest for a few days, why don't you leave now? Xiao Qing asked with concern when he saw that Murong Fu was a little weak.

Murong Fu shook his head and said: It doesn't matter, I'm not going to [Da Qian Country] for a fight, I just need to wait for three days and it will be fine.

Okay, I'll send you to sit in the teleportation array now. Xiao Qing saw that Murong Fu seemed to have grass in his heart and couldn't sit still.

Naturally, he didn't stay long, and took him away from [Xingyun Tower], and personally sent him to the teleportation array heading to [Da Qian Country].

With a flash of white light, Murong Fu returned to the first empire he came to this world.

According to Xiao Qing, Su Ying now lives in a manor.

I heard that he was treating someone from the royal family.

The location of the manor is not difficult to find out.

After asking a few people, I asked easily.

Haha, I didn't expect that this girl is as good as me and has become a distinguished guest of the royal family.

Murong Fu knew that Su Ying was fine and was not in a hurry to go there.

Instead, he chose to rent a room nearby and rest for the night.

At this time, Su Ying was sitting in the courtyard of Furong Villa, looking at the moon in the sky with a worried face, and cursed angrily:

Dead enemies, I worked so hard to find you.

In the end, you ran away again. Damn it, damn it!

My master and I are stuck here, in a dilemma.

Girl Su, are you scolding your mortal enemy again? A gray-haired old man came from outside with a smile.

Joking at Su Ying.

Master! Su Ying said angrily, You have to eavesdrop on me.

The old man stroked his beard and said, Haha, you speak so loudly, old man, it's hard for me not to listen even if I don't want to.

Hmph! Su Ying rolled her eyes at the old man and said, Looking at your look, I know you've hit a wall again.

The old man scratched his head and said, No, no!

I'm afraid, except for the sect master's [Xuantian Nine Needles], no one can detoxify Qian Qianhuang's poison.

Su Ying said: [Xuantian Nine Acupuncture] requires longevity at the cost of the acupuncture.

Even if the sect leader is here, he will not save that Emperor Qian.

The old man said with a smile, You are a little girl. You are very sharp-tongued and dare to say anything.

Su Ying said displeased: What is there that I dare not say? Look at those princes.

No one wants him to live. I feel pity for him just thinking about it.

The old man sighed and said: Oh, there is no way. This has been the case with the royal family since ancient times.

It's just such a seat, who wouldn't want to sit in it?

Su Ying said worriedly: Master, in the past few days, eight groups of people have come to assassinate you.

I'm afraid that there will be more people assassinating you in the past few days.

The old man said indifferently: I, Bian Eryi, the great elder of [Yao Wang Valley], how can I be afraid of these rats?

If they dare to come, I will let them know that the medicine in [Yao Wang Valley] can not only save people, but also kill people.

Su Ying curled her lips and said, Master, please don't be so harsh. The poison you gave will make them hurt for three days at most.

It doesn't serve as a deterrent at all.

If my enemy were here, he would have killed them all and taken us away.

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