Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 958 The long-lost ancient medical book

Just when Bian Eryi was about to be overwhelmed by the sweetness between the two, a person suddenly walked in from outside the door.

Looking at the clothes, I saw that it was someone from the palace who came to invite Bian Eryi into the palace.

Su Ying and Murong Fu looked at each other, then hurriedly stood up and sent Bian Eryi away respectfully.

Master, the situation in the palace is changeable, so be careful!

When she came back, as soon as she opened the door, she ran into a strong embrace.

The next moment, she looked up suddenly and met a pair of lingering, delicate and stringy eyes.

In just a moment, he fell deeply into it, and his whole body seemed to be trapped in a hot spring, feeling weak and numb.

With a soft bang, the door closed completely, and Murong Fu's thin lips pressed against her neck.

After applying it for a moment, he began to rub it gently. The soft and delicate touch aroused electric currents all the way to the bottom of his heart.

Fulang, do you know how scared I am? Su Ying rarely let go of her pride, revealing the shyness of a little woman.

As she spoke, she leaned tightly against her hard chest, feeling the unique sense of security.

When Murong Fu saw such a beautiful woman in his arms, he couldn't help but feel ripples and distress in his heart.

His slender fingers brushed through her hair and began to caress her hair, giving her endless love.

Fulang, do you know...

I know, as long as you need me, I will always be there!

Su Ying felt that her body was instantly restrained into a strong embrace.

The unfinished words and panic were all submerged in the affectionate kiss.

The slightly cold tongue slid into her mouth, greedily grabbing her breath and exploring every place vigorously.

Outside, the sun is bright, the breeze is just right, and the sun is not dry.

Inside the house, the red gauze tent is warm, the spring light is bright, and the mood is charming and affectionate.

She clung to his shoulders and was kissed until her eyes turned red.

The ends of his eyes were also dyed red, and he finally let go of her when she was almost out of breath.

The two people's breaths were messy. He picked up the little person in his arms and slowly walked into the white gauze tent.

Murong Fu stretched out his hand to wrap around Su Ying, his deep eyes sparkling with light, and he slowly leaned into her ear and whispered.

Both of them closed their eyes slightly, moving their lips, sometimes biting and grinding gently, sometimes licking slowly.

As the clothes were peeled off one by one, delicate and white skin like lotus roots emerged.

Su Ying at this moment seemed like a piece of pure white jade, and like the bright and cold moonlight at night.

Murong Fu couldn't help but feel his throat tightening. Immediately, he slowly leaned over and lay down, feeling the unique beauty in the world.

Su Ying also slowly guided her, her whole body became as soft as a pool of water.

Just before the final kick, he suddenly stiffened and said in his mind: Fusion Long Yuan!

He couldn't help but be secretly happy. This is a good opportunity to practice [Yin and Yang dual cultivation method].

The next moment, his whole body seemed to be on fire. His whole body was like a winter heater, hot and hard.

After repeated exchanges, Su Ying's voice turned from charming to hoarse, and finally she couldn't even make a sound.

Outside the window, the sun is getting farther and farther away, and the sun is setting in the west. The shadows are reflected on the ground, making the furnishings in the house longer and longer.

It wasn't until a breeze came in through the window that the two of them slowly stopped.

The moonlight was as cold as water, spreading a patch of white frost on the ground. It was elegant and quiet, with a bit of indescribable tenderness.



Just listen, two discordant voices broke this rare beauty.

Su Ying looked at her unsatisfactory belly, her face so red that it seemed she could bleed.

Are you hungry, beauty? Is it because Fu Lang didn't feed you just now? Murong Fu joked with a smile, a touch of tenderness flashed in his eyes.

At some point, the latter was so shy that he got into the quilt and lightly banged the quilt with his little fists.

Okay! You rest here for a while, and I'll find some food for you.

As soon as he opened the door, Murong Fu saw a voice sitting in the middle of the courtyard, sighing slightly.

Old sir, you're back. He walked slowly over and asked softly.

Bian Twenty-one turned around to look, nodded silently, and sighed heavily again.

The brows on his forehead were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something irritably.

It happened that at this time, Su Ying also packed her clothes and walked out slowly.

Master, you look a little bad. What's wrong?

Bian Eryi raised his eyes slightly and explained clearly what happened in the palace.

Murong Fu noticed that when he mentioned diagnosing Emperor Qian's pulse, his brows furrowed even more. ..

He spoke softly: But there is something wrong with Emperor Qian's pulse?

Yes! There is indeed something wrong with his pulse.

I have been practicing medicine for so many years, and I have never seen such a strange pulse condition.

Sometimes he is full of vigor and vitality, sometimes he is as weak and low as stagnant water, and you can also feel that there are two forces fighting in his body...

Bian Twenty-one told everything he knew and sighed heavily again.

When Murong Fu heard this, he immediately thought of something and said quickly: I seem to have some impression of this pulse condition.

I suspect that Emperor Qian was poisoned by a mixed poison, which is a highly toxic mixture of hundreds of poisons.

Generally, a person's body is in harmony with each other, but the pulse condition of Emperor Qian is probably only one in ten thousand...

He told everything in his memory, but he didn't notice that Bian Eryi's eyes had changed a bit.

Until he finished speaking, a force suddenly came from his hand, it was Bian Twenty-one.

At this moment, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, he said excitedly: Do you know anything about medicine?

After hearing those words, Bian Eryi seemed to have broken the bottleneck, and everything made sense.

Murong Fu didn't expect his reaction to be so big, and was slightly stunned at first.

Then he spoke slowly: I have heard a little bit about medical practice, but I don't understand it very well.

Then how do you know so much? Bian Eryi obviously didn't believe his statement and continued to ask.

Old sir, I'm not lying to you. The reason why I know this is because I have a medical book in my hand called [Yu Qing Asks Difficulties Classic]

After hearing this, Bian Eryi's whole body jumped up and he stood up suddenly.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed on Murong Fu, as if he wanted to poke a hole in him:

What did you say!

“Is the [Yu Qing Questioning Classic] the legendary, long-lost ancient medical book?”

This book is actually in your hands now?

Master? This medical book is... Su Ying had never seen him lose his temper like this before, and she couldn't help but be a little surprised.

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