Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 960 Plot to save Emperor Qian

You! Ji Wufeng had never been so humiliated before, shouting that he was going to kill him.

The guard gave him a cold look and said disdainfully: A beggar with no fingers, a beggar with leaky front teeth, what a big deal!

Shen Daoren's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He had already suffered a defeat at Murong Fu's side, and now he was so insulted by this man.

It's simply unbearable. My uncle can tolerate it, but my aunt can't.

Just when he was about to draw his sword, Qin Qi walked in from behind.

In the house, Qin Wu and Qin Qi looked at Ji Wufeng, who had lost his finger, and Shen Daoren, who was speaking in a leaky manner.

Their faces were so gloomy that they seemed to be dripping with ink, and they were all clenching their teeth.

Qin Wu's eyes changed and he asked: Is this Murong Fu the one who was in the [Royal Secret Realm] back then?

That's right, you also lent me [Taiyi Light Sword] to kill him. Qin Qi stood aside and nodded slowly.

Qin Wu said coldly: Ha! I didn't expect that he is so powerful now that he even missed you two.

Ji Wufeng and Shen Daoren looked at each other and said in a deep voice: Although his realm is the same as ours, his moves are unique and hard to guard against.

Within a few moves, he actually destroyed Brother Shen's [Mo Ran Ghost City].

Are you telling the truth? Qin Wu obviously didn't believe it.

But Shen Daoren looked unkind and nodded through gritted teeth.

Forget it, you two go down first.

Qin Qi frowned, and it took a long time before he spoke again: If I remember correctly, he has a good relationship with his eldest brother.

Qin Wu seemed to have thought of something, and his face was a little gloomy: If this is really the case, we have to guard against it.

Once he gets involved with Big Brother, it's not going to be a good thing for any of us.

Qin Qi clenched his fists tightly, and a glint flashed in his eyes: Now, I heard that only the old man from [Yao Wang Valley] can cure the father's poison. We should start from here.

We must not let him wake up, otherwise you and I will be in vain.

Qin Wuyin had a stern look on his face and took a sip of tea: By the way, seventh brother, what's going on over there these days?

At this time, in the eldest prince's palace, Qin Yi learned that Murong Fu was back and immediately ordered his servants to prepare generous gifts.

He sat alone in his study, thinking about it, and his mind went back and forth a thousand times.

Now, the situation in the court is complex and ever-changing, especially Lao Qi and Lao Wu, who are making small moves constantly.

If the father can wake up safely, the possibility of him succeeding to the throne is still very high.

But once the father fails to wake up, the throne may go through a bloody storm, and it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

Therefore, he must let his father wake up safely.

The next day, Qin Yi came to [Furong Villa] to visit Murong Fu with the generous gifts he had already prepared.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Murong Fu was replaced by Su Ying, and he secretly admired his speed in changing women.

Sure enough, since ancient times, heroes have struggled with beauty.

Murong Fu had already expected his visit: First Prince, I wonder what's the reason for your sudden visit?

Qin Yi sighed slightly: Alas, Brother Murong, my father's health has been deteriorating recently.

The poison has been in his body for so long, and no one can detoxify it. This time, I'm afraid it will be extremely dangerous.

First Prince, don't be anxious, people from [Yao Wang Valley] have entered the palace early this morning to take pulse.

How about Mr. Bian's diagnosis at [Yaowang Valley]? Qin Yi's face was full of worry.

At this moment, Su Ying's voice came from outside the door: Master, you are back!

Then, Bian Eryi walked in from the door with a medicine box on his back, dusty and dusty.

It says Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, now come and ask him in person!

Qin Yi's eyes lit up and he hurriedly greeted him: Thank you, old man. Could you tell me about your father's condition?...

It's not optimistic! Bian Eryi placed the medicine box heavily on the table with a solemn expression.

How could this happen? Please ask the old gentleman to think of a solution. Qin was startled and suddenly panicked in his heart.

Murong Fu did not expect that the poison in Emperor Qian's body was so overbearing that even the people in [Yao Wang Valley] were helpless in a short period of time.


At this time, Su Ying said from the side: By the way, Master. Do you remember that we studied medical books last night and saw a method.

Bian Eryi also suddenly thought about it, pondered for a moment and said: Based on the current situation, Emperor Qian may only have five days.

However, there is a record in the [Yu Qing Questioning Sutra] of a fruit that can protect one's body from toxins.

If we can seek this fairy fruit and slow down the spread of poison, there may be a chance.

After Qin heard this, he stood up in excitement and asked loudly: Old sir, what kind of fairy fruit is it? I will definitely be found by my father.

The eldest prince, please be patient. The fairy fruit is called [Purple Bodhi Fruit] and grows in [Hundred Thousand Mountains].

After Qin Yi heard this, he was stunned on the spot, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses:

The [Hundred Thousand Mountains] is the most dangerous place. Even masters in the realm of gods can only explore the outside.

If we really want to go deep into it, I'm afraid...

Murong Fu's mind moved and he silently recited Purple Bodhi Fruit and Purple Bodhi Grass.

Bian Eryi looked at him with complicated eyes: Yes, it's what you think.

[Purple Bodhi Grass] and [Purple Bodhi Fruit] go hand in hand. One is a top-quality product for healing the soul, and the other is a good product for preserving the body.

Also, it is said that there is a detailed map of its specific location in Qian Palace, which may be helpful.

Qin Yi was a little confused on the side and looked at Murong Fu with a bit of exploration.

He's going to look for the [Purple Bodhi Grass] anyway, so why don't you go seek his help. Bian Eryi pointed at Murong Fu, then turned and left.

Brother Murong, you... Qin Yi was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

Murong Fu looked at him and pondered for a moment, feeling a little confused.

He should have stayed out of the palace affairs, but just now Bian Twenty-one mentioned the map...

A glint flashed in his eyes, and he looked embarrassed: First Prince, I'm sorry that I can't do anything about this matter.

Qin Yi stepped forward quickly and said in a deep voice: Brother Murong, please help me. Please help my father.

I am willing to provide you with a specific map of [One Hundred Thousand Mountains], and choose a good mount for your beast in Qian Palace to give to you.

I just ask you to help me this time...

Murong Fu listened to Qin Yi like he was pouring beans and promised him many fine treasures.

He became interested for a moment, but his face remained calm.

After a long time, he reluctantly said: In that case, I will help the eldest prince once.

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