Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 965 The Secret of Burning Spirit

The big tiger who was originally clamoring for dissatisfaction suddenly shuddered.

Lying on the ground, humming, as docile as a kitten.

Everyone present: ...

Brother! You are a high-level spiritual beast!

It's the [One-horned Demon Tiger]! It’s so embarrassing to scare people like this!

Murong Fu clapped his hands and walked to it calmly.

[One-Horned Demon Tiger] grunted twice, struggled to stand up, and slowly put his head in his hand.

Hey! The little thing is quite smart! Murong Fu was overjoyed and began to stroke and stroke the big cat with his hands.

Everyone present: ...

The whole room was still silent. No one said a word, and it could be said that they didn't know what to say.

Among the crowd, Wu Jinghong looked extremely pale, staring at Murong Fu with his wide eyes.

He shook his head wildly: Impossible! How could this happen?

At the same time, Murong Fu had already dripped the blood from his fingertips into the mouth of the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

Suddenly, one man and one tiger were enveloped in a golden light, emitting strong energy.

Recognize the master!

The [One-Horned Devil Tiger] was really tamed by such a young man!.

It's so unbelievable. It's even more difficult for me to believe than my wife running away with someone else.

Murong Fu didn't care what the people around him were saying at this time. He was pleasantly surprised to find that he could actually communicate with the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

High-level spiritual beasts already have independent consciousness. Once they recognize their master, they can establish a communication bridge with their master.

If someone could hear the conversation between the two of them at this time, they would definitely have a dark look on their faces.

[One-horned Demon Tiger]: Master, kiss me, hug me, hold me high!

Murong Fu: Get out!

[One-horned Demon Tiger]: Master, you are so cold!

Murong Fu: One more word and I'll give you the waist!

[One-horned Demon Tiger] shrank suddenly and said pitifully: No! I still want to stay and play with the little tigress!

Murong Fu smiled charmingly: Follow me carefully, and the master will find three or five little tigresses for you.

Just when everyone was shocked, a figure was sneaking out, trying to sneak out along the corner.

Steward Wu, where are you going? Qin noticed with a keen eye that the man who was about to escape spoke with a smirk on his face.

For a moment, everyone present looked over.

Murong Fu put the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] into the [Spirit Locking Pouch] and took a step forward: You don't want to run away, do you?

Haha, haha. How could it be possible? Wu Jinghong stood there and laughed awkwardly.

Then it's time for you to fulfill your promise. Don't you forget the bet you made just now? Qin Yi said as if he was looking forward to a good show.

A fierce look flashed in Wu Jinghong's eyes, and his murderous intention suddenly arose.

If he really knelt down and slapped himself in public today, he would probably lose his face again in the future.


Wu Jinghong looked around at the people around him, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Yi:

First Prince, for the sake of the Third Prince, let's end this matter today!

When the time comes, the Third Prince will also be able to accept your kindness.

As soon as these words came out, not only Qin Yi laughed, but also Murong Fu.

Where does this mental retardation come from? First of all, it is indiscriminate and looks down upon others.

Then they got into a fight and got beaten up.

Now, he is still licking his big face and brazenly saying that he wants to forget it.

He even moved out the third prince. Do you really think that his master is a green onion?

Steward Wu, this is a bet between you and Brother Murong, and it's not for me to interfere. Qin Yi said with a smile.

Wu Jinghong originally thought that for the sake of the third prince, they would not insist on arguing.

However, his wishful thinking turned out to be wrong.

It seems that Manager Wu doesn't want to do it himself, so let me help you! Murong Fu smiled coldly.

The next moment, his figure suddenly appeared in front of Wu Jinghong, raising his hand high.

Bang! A crisp and loud sound echoed throughout the room.

Wu Jinghong spurted out a mouthful of old blood, mixed with two teeth: Pfft!

He wiped the corner of his mouth in embarrassment: Are you going to have trouble with me?

So what? Murong Fu raised his hand to slap him again.

This time, the opponent was prepared and raised his hand to block the blow.

However, as the saying goes: Consider your head and not your butt!

A crisp sound rang out again, followed by another mouthful of blood mixed with several big teeth.

Wu Jinghong struggled to hide back. Knowing that he was no match, he looked at Ouyang Xun again.

Elder Ouyang, are you just looking at him and insulting the people of [Beast Control Center]?

Ouyang Xun smiled coldly, slowly took a step forward, and walked to his side.

Just when Wu Jinghong thought Ouyang Xun was going to help him, his left cheek was hit hard again.

Everyone present was shocked by this slap and looked over in confusion.

Elder Ouyang, what are you...

Ouyang Xun smiled and took out a kit and an ancient book from Wu Jinghong's arms.

Then, he threw it heavily on the ground: Tell me, what on earth are these?

Wu Jinghong didn't expect that his little move would be discovered, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Among the crowd, there was a knowledgeable person who quickly said: This is the forbidden book of the [Beast Control Center]. It records the techniques that can control spiritual beasts.

It is said that once someone can successfully practice this method, all spiritual beasts will be driven by him and used by him alone.

If this person's heart is not right, it will be a bloody storm again...

In an instant, everyone present looked sideways, looking at Wu Jinghong with a somewhat inexplicable meaning.

His thoughts were simply Sima Zhao's and everyone knew them.

No, that's not the case! Wu Jinghong suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, begging desperately for mercy.

I just got it unintentionally. I haven't practiced this method. Please ask Elder Ouyang to learn from it!

Haha! Mingjian?

Ouyang Xun snorted coldly and continued: You just controlled the spiritual beast [Burning Spirit] and wanted to kill people. Don't think I didn't notice it.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not help but be shocked.

It turns out that this was the reason why the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] suddenly went berserk just now.

I really didn't expect that Wu Jinghong could be so cruel and ruthless behind his back.

He wants this little brother's life!

Everyone looked at him with contempt and contempt, and some even began to curse.

Ouyang Xun looked at the people sitting on the ground and walked slowly step by step: Now, this [Beast Control Center] cannot tolerate you!

It would be better for me to destroy you today and drive you out than to harm others and myself in the future.

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