Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 971 The twins deleted the raccoons

Yushu took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in his body suddenly exploded, and his whole body exuded strong explosive power.

His body is like electricity and his movements are swift.

While running forward, he stepped hard on the ground with the sole of his left foot and jumped up lightly.

The whole person flew up, jumped through the trees, and landed lightly and steadily on a branch.

Murong Fu looked at him and narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling relieved.

The Yushu's cheek kept flickering, and was uncertain.

A distinct white stripe extends from the nose to between the eyes, and two distinct black stripes extend from the inner corners of the eyes to the base of the ears.

On the top of the head, the originally white ears have become large and pointed, and the backs of the ears are black with white spots.

A few spots could be vaguely seen on his bare arms.

Oh, it turns out to be a mountain civet! Murong Fu curled his lips indifferently, looking contemptuous.

Yushu snorted coldly, revealing a pair of fangs, faintly emitting silver light: Today, I want to see how you fight with me!

After saying that, he paused his feet, and leaped into the air with his body as light as flying.

In an instant, it rose several feet, and its sharp nails instantly grew three inches longer, glowing with an eerie light.

He swooped down from the tree, flipped upside down in the air, waved his hands, and grabbed forward violently. His strikes were fast and hard, with a sharp wind and a whirring sound.

Murong Fu didn't take him seriously at all, he used [Lingbo Microstep], and with a slight movement of his body, he jumped up more than ten feet in height with a whoosh.

She nimbly avoided his sharp claws, turned around, concentrated her spiritual power on her hands, and punched out.

He suddenly blasted towards Yushu, carrying the wind with his fist, and headed straight for his front door.

The latter was startled, his pupils slowly dilated, and he watched helplessly as both fists hit him hard on the stomach.

He screamed and fell to the ground as if he was weightless.

Wow he spat out blood, and then a ray of light flashed, revealing his true form.

Linfeng...will avenge me...

As soon as the words fell, it struggled on the ground a few times, let out a weak growl, and then lost its breath.

Murong Fu looked at him coldly, without any emotion in his heart, and turned towards the direction of [Purple Bodhi Grass].

At the same time, a few miles away from here, there was a young man with the same appearance as Yushu.

He seemed to sense what was happening here, and a dark wind blew out from his palm, shattering the surrounding rocks.

Yushu... He lowered his head and murmured, his expression changing drastically.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

I saw a petite mountain cat running toward the cave at an extremely terrifying speed.

On the other side, Murong Fu had just flown halfway up the mountain when he discovered that the [Purple Bodhi Fruit] was still green.

Although, visible to the naked eye, it slowly turns purple little by little.

He sighed softly, thinking of Bian Eryi's repeated instructions: [Purple Bodhi Fruit] must turn purple to have curative effects.

Alas! He sighed softly, planning to rest here first and wait for the fruits to mature before picking them.

He stared at it for a long time and calculated the time. At this mature speed, it would probably take half an hour.

At this time, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] flapped its huge wings and rushed back from far to near.

Master! I'm back! [The One-Horned Demon Tiger] said with a bit of lightness in his voice, and it sounded like he was full of food and drink.

Murong Fu looked at the two lacking spirit beasts, subconsciously ignored them, and continued to stare at the spiritual grass.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] was left out, but he had long been used to it, so he found a corner to lie down on his own.

No one plays with me, I play by myself! it said, and began to look around.

Suddenly, it seemed to have discovered something interesting. It shook its hair and slowly stood up.

Step by step, Yushu, who had turned into a mountain civet, lowered his head and sniffed its body.

Master, its kidneys smell so delicious! [One-horned Demon Tiger] looked at Murong Fu expectantly, tears flowing from his mouth unconsciously.

Murong Fu waved at him helplessly, and the latter immediately began to bite and feast on the food.

At this moment, a scream was heard in the distance, followed immediately by a dark wind.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] nimbly dodged and jumped away, causing a huge crater to explode in the same place.

Seeing the kidney that reached his mouth fly away, [One-horned Devil Tiger] gnashed his teeth in hatred and kept grinding his teeth.

Murong Fu did not expect such a change, so he stood up and looked steadily into the distance.

He saw an agile shadow coming straight towards him, screaming and opening its claws.

Suffer death!

There was a bit of coldness in the corner of Murong Fu's mouth, and with a wave of his hand, he slapped the shadow out.

The moment it fell to the ground, the mountain cat immediately transformed into a young man, exactly like Yushu.

Murong Fu's eyes changed, and he couldn't help being shocked: Are you... Yushu?

No! You are Linfeng!

When the young man saw the messy corpse on the ground, his originally bright pupils dimmed instantly.

Then, his eyes were as red as blood, and his face was twisted as he said, Brother, I'm late!

He raised his head again, his eyes pointed directly in the direction of [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and Murong Fu, with a murderous aura around him.

Did you kill Yushu?

After saying that, his face instantly transformed into its original appearance, vaguely alternating with the young man's face.

Murong Fu looked at his appearance and glanced contemptuously: So what? What can you do to me?

Seeking death! The young man licked the corner of his mouth, with a smile in his eyes.

As his hand moved, a red sword shimmered faintly in the sunlight.

Linfeng's handsome and extraordinary face seemed to have been completely covered by the overwhelming hatred.

His eyes slowly returned to their original state, and only the blade of the sword gradually trembled, as if venting his hatred and anger.

The [One-Horned Demon Tiger] seemed to feel the threat from him, spread its wings on both sides, and protected Murong Fu behind him.

Yushu slowly stuck out his tongue, licked the corners of his mouth, and showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

In an instant, his body soared into the sky and turned into a stream of clouds in the sky, like white starlight, and disappeared in an instant.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] looked up at the sky, spread its wings and followed.

I saw that the airflow around Yushu gradually formed a closed space, trapping the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and him firmly in it.

A bad premonition flashed through Murong Fu's heart. He tapped his toes and flew in their direction.

In the space, the [Crimson Sword] in Yushu's hand danced vigorously, and the sword hit the wings of the [One-Horned Demon Tiger].

A terrifying huge wave was emitted, making the entire space clang.

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