Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 974 The Fox Fairy Queen is angry

Murong Fu just felt that her voice was a bit strange, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

I just feel like there is something in my heart, clutching at it tightly, making people want to explore involuntarily.

He stared straight at the woman in front of him with burning eyes, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes.

Just after a face-to-face encounter, she turned out to be a bit stronger than she expected.

Looking from a distance, the skin under the black gauze is as white as snow, and the black hair is flying in the wind.

There is a bit of charm in her eyes, and her lips and teeth are like red. From a distance, she looks like a peerless beauty.

His movements are the most captivating, especially his slightly upward eyes, which contain some indescribable attraction.

Boy! Are these the two spiritual pets you killed?

You are the first person who dares to touch my Fox Fairy Queen in [Shiwan Mountain].

It seems that I haven't come out for too long...

The Fox Fairy Lady spoke slowly and slowly, word by word, with a bit of microwave in her eyes.

After hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help being shocked. He froze on the spot and didn't recover for a long time.

The person in front of him turned out to be the fox fairy empress Jing Yuqian told him about. She really wasn't the enemy who never got together, and they met here.

Fortunately, he had already transmitted the power of pure yang to the original world through the [Yin-Yang Double Mirror].

Now, the Fox Fairy Empress's plan has been half defeated.

However, what he didn't expect was that the brothers Yushu and Linfeng were her subordinates.

This time, even without the power of Pure Yang, he would be in big trouble!

Murong Fu clenched his fists involuntarily and began to think about how to escape from here.

According to what Jing Yuqian said, the fox fairy empress in front of her is already a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal.

Once, if you encounter her head-on, you will definitely not get any good results, I am afraid that you will be killed or injured.

Senior, I didn't know that those pair of mountain cats were your subordinates. They did it out of necessity.

Murong Fu smiled and spoke calmly, intending to deal with her for a while first.

The Empress of the Fox Fairy smiled coldly, raised her hand to admire her kodan nails, and said casually: What a situation you have to have!

Then today, let me also feel your love!

Before he finished speaking, Murong Fu saw a dark shadow flashing in front of him, carrying a huge wind.

Master, be careful! [One-horned Demon Tiger] suddenly jumped out and stood in front of him.

There was a loud bang sound, and its body was hit hard and flew out, breaking dozens of tree trunks one after another.

[One-Horned Demon Tiger] was seriously injured and fell weakly to the ground, groaning in pain.

What a loyal beast who protects his master. He really has some humanity.

Murong Fu was shocked and quickly took the [Spirit Locking Pouch] and put it inside to prevent the Fox Fairy Empress from taking action against it again.

Hey! You're a loyal guy! The Fox Fairy Queen said angrily, with a glimmer of light flashing in her eyes. ..

Immediately, she seemed to have thought of something interesting, and slightly raised her lips: How about I make a deal with you.

How about it? She raised her head proudly, with a tone that said she could not refuse.

Murong Fu had already chosen his escape route and was waiting for a suitable opportunity.

He pretended to be scared and whispered: I wonder, what is the deal that the Fox Fairy Empress is talking about?

You killed two of my spirit beasts, and I was planning to take your life. The smile on her lips grew bigger and bigger, mixed with a hint of ridicule.

Then, her voice changed: But, I think again, animals are animals after all, how can they be compared with human life?

How about this, you kill your spirit beast with your own hands to appease my anger, and I will spare your life.

As soon as he said these words, Murong Fu could clearly feel the strange movement coming from the [Spirit Locking Capsule].

After a while, he heard the weak voice of [One-Horned Demon Tiger]: Master, hand me over, I am willing...

Before he could finish speaking, Murong Fu also said loudly: I do! Of course I do!

As soon as she said this, the Fox Fairy Empress suddenly burst out laughing, her voice sounding particularly scary in the empty mountain forest.

In the [One-Horned Demon Tiger]'s heart, it would be false to say that it was not disappointed. At this moment, it only felt that every part of its body was in excruciating pain.

It thought about everything these days, and thought that it was its master's right-hand man.

But I didn't expect that he would be like this...

Hahaha! Okay! That's great! The Fox Fairy Empress kept clapping her hands and smiling like a maniac.

In that case, then go ahead and do it! After saying that, she stood there looking like she was watching a good show.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Murong Fu's face: Thank you, Lady Fox Fairy!

After saying that, he held the [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] firmly in his hand and threw the [Spirit Locking Capsule] high into the air.

Once the sword blade in his hand pierces it, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] will be bloody and bloody, and there will be no chance of survival.

Seeing that the sword blade was about to pass through, the Fox Fairy Queen's eyes emitted a murderous light.

The [One-Horned Devil Tiger] is also ready. It does not blame its master. As a member of the devil tiger clan, once they recognize their master, they will be their master for life.

Master, we will meet again in the next life...

Shut up! Take good care of your injuries! Murong Fu shouted, then threw another kit from his hand and pierced it.

In the flash of lightning, his [Lingbo Weibu] feet flew quickly, and he rushed into the red leaf forest in an instant, and his figure disappeared.

Suddenly, the air was filled with a violent smoke, carrying an extremely unpleasant smell that made people feel nauseous.

The Fox Fairy Empress did not expect that the person in front of her would be so bold and reckless, and would actually play such a little trick in front of her.

Even though she had extraordinary strength, she was suddenly covered up by Murong Fu and allowed the powder to fall on her black gauze.

Ahhh! I'm going to kill you! The Fox Fairy Queen tore the black gauze all over her body to pieces and chased after her with anger.

Aww, master! I knew you wouldn't give up on me.

Murong Fu couldn't care less about comforting the injured soul of [One-Horned Demon Tiger], and he wished he could grow more legs under his feet.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he was eventually chased by the Fox Fairy Empress.

In this world, strength speaks for itself.

He suppressed the pain in his heart, pulled out the [Taiyi Light Sword], turned around and stabbed it.

With a crisp sound of Ding!, the Fox Fairy Empress caught his sword with her bare hands.

Her eyes were cold, and she looked at Murong Fu as if she were looking at a dead person: Boy! You are the first one who dares to be so presumptuous in front of me!

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