Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 985 Confrontation between the two countries

Si Hanfei rolled his eyes disdainfully and said with a chuckle: Oh, just him? How dare he go against us even though he is in the realm of unity between man and nature?

It's just a dream! Meng Chixing didn't take it seriously at all.

The outcome of this battle has been decided, and even if Yuhuatian turns over the sky, there is no possibility of victory.

At the same time, the soldiers of the two sides were fighting fiercely. Unexpectedly, the Yuan Kingdom's military strength was five times that of the Ming Kingdom.

Within a moment, most of the vanguard sent by Yuhuatian had been wiped out, leaving only a few hundred people still fighting bravely.

For a moment, Yu Huatian's face looked very solemn and solemn, and his brows were tightly knitted and never relaxed.

How could this happen? He was worried silently in his heart and looked at the battlefield with a worried look.

I thought that the vanguard could delay some time with the formation he deployed, but I didn't expect it to be so fast.

There was another loud and urgent horn, and the Yuan army was dispatched.

The overwhelming black force came over them, like a pine forest all over the field. Looking at the formation, it seemed as if they were planning to overwhelm them in one fell swoop.

Yuhuatian looked at the trend on the battlefield, and then sent out cavalry on the left and right wings again, rushing forward in a semi-encirclement trend.

Then send the left wing general to follow closely and surround him with heavy troops.

The moment the soldiers on the left and right spread out, they resembled the wings of a crane. The crane wing formation formed was a formation capable of both offense and defense.

With the sound of drums, Ming soldiers surrounded them from left to right, their wings opened and closed freely, and they attacked both sides of the enemy in an instant.

The general on the left wing found the right moment and sent out the signal again, and soon the soldiers directly changed their formations.

The left and right combined their forces to attack, like a white crane with its wings spread out, and rushed into the Yuan soldiers. Their swords were dancing wildly and blood was flying.

When Nian Liandan and Hongri Dharma King saw this, they were shocked by the formation for a moment and could not recover for a long time.

I underestimated him.

A mere eunuch actually knows how to form?

This Yu Hua Tian is really something! Nian Liandan sighed softly, then waved his hand to the right.

Suddenly, the drums and horns of the Yuan soldiers resounded through the sky again, and the military flags fluttered in the wind, as if to indicate victory.

The Red Sun Dharma King took the lead with two wings of Yuan Kingdom cavalry, and the soldiers marched forward in neat steps one by one, as if they were swallowing mountains and rivers.

Calmly and slowly advancing forward, leading one hundred thousand soldiers to take the Crane Wing Formation with overwhelming force.

The cavalry on both wings of the Ming Dynasty roared and attacked, like a black wave sweeping over the plains.

Just listen to the rumble of thunder from the sky, like a vast expanse of raging waves crashing into the mountains, deafening.

Long swords and short blades flew intertwined, long spears whizzed past, and the dense rain of arrows was like locusts passing by.

In less than a cup of tea, Yuhuatian's Crane Wing Formation was directly cracked, and the situation was instantly disrupted, with everyone fleeing in all directions.

The entire formation, under the suppression of a hundred thousand Yuan soldiers, had no way to exert its full strength.

Yu Huatian stood aside and could only watch from a distance, feeling a sense of despair welling up in his heart.

The roars of the soldiers, the wails of the people, the sounds of collisions, and the sound of swords piercing flesh were like blows from a heavy hammer, hitting his heart one after another.

The war soon entered the final stage. He looked at the battlefield nervously and couldn't help but clenched his fists.

The moment when the left-wing general's head was chopped off by the Red Sun Dharma King, it also marked the failure of another confrontation.

This general is the key to the entire formation and also plays a commanding role.

Yuhuatian looked up at the sky, only to feel that the whole sky was dark and heavy, weighing on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

Behind them are thousands of soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty; in front are the powerful Yuan Dynasty armies.

Once the city is captured, it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

There is no way he can retreat!

As the fighting between the two sides continued, the Ming army suffered heavy casualties.

Blood and minced meat mixed with sweat slowly seeped into the soil and flowed slowly on the ground.

When the last Ming soldier fell under siege, the entire battlefield instantly fell into deathly silence.

The soldiers of the Yuan Kingdom stared at Yuhuatian one by one, like a pack of hungry wolves.

Yu Huatian's eyes were fearless at all, and he shot coldly at Nian Liandan and the other four people not far away.

Behind him, more than half of the originally 100,000 soldiers were lost in the two battles just now.

Now, there are only 50,000 left.

Everyone walked across the battlefield like this and looked at each other for a long time, only to see Sihanfei reveal an evil smile.

Slowly took a few steps forward and said loudly: Save your strength! Rather than die on the spot, it is better to surrender to us as soon as possible.

Perhaps, we will see how groveling you are and let you go.

Yes, we are not the kind of unethical people.

Don't worry, we won't laugh at you for having no roots!


The four people spoke to each other with every word, every word was heartbreaking, and every word was sarcastic and insulting.

A murderous look flashed in Yuhuatian's eyes, as if there was a ball of fire burning in them.

You guys should give up on this! Today, even if I, Yu Huatian, die here, I will never succumb to you people.

Soldiers, the great Ming Dynasty is unyielding and unyielding. We would rather die standing than live on our knees!

Follow me and protect this city and our home!

As he spoke, he waved the blade in his hand and shouted fearlessly.

Behind him, tens of thousands of Ming soldiers also echoed, raising their swords, guns, swords and halberds high, shouting loudly: Fight! Fight! Fight!

Seeing this, the Red Sun Dharma King raised a cold smile on his lips, and said in a sharp voice: In that case, let me know how strong and strong you are!

After saying that, he flew into the air, and a dark light slowly flashed on his palm.

As he made a move, tens of thousands of Yuan soldiers soon swarmed in, and their shouts broke through the sky.

Yu Huatian's expression changed, and he noticed that there was nothing unusual about the palm of the Red Sun Dharma King at first.

But in the blink of an eye when he flew over, it turned from white to red and from small to large.

This is his unique skill [Nine-Character Mantra Mudra], which he learned from a monk, which contains the secrets of heaven and earth.

It is divided into [Unmovable Root Seal], [Great Vajra Wheel Seal], [Outer Lion Seal], [Inner Lion Seal]...[Aquarius Seal], each seal has a different function.

The power is infinite, and it is truly unique throughout the ages.

Suffer death! The Red Sun Dharma King shouted loudly, and the red light in his hands suddenly increased, carrying a powerful internal force.

Just when the [Wisdom Fist Seal] was just an inch away from Yuhuatian, the sword blade in his hand suddenly flew out.

Following the movements of his hand, there were countless changes, and he used [Draw the Sword and Break] to confront him.

Just listen to a bang sound...

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