Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 988 Heading to the Qing Kingdom

Murong Fu also didn't expect that the Red Sun Dharma King would come up with such a move, and was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the disappeared figure, he smiled sarcastically: Really, when disaster strikes, we all fly away!

Four people from the Yuan Kingdom died and were injured.

The morale of the soldiers was instantly low, and they all showed timidity and wanted to flee.

Just listen, there are waves of shouts and shouts coming from not far away, coming from far and near.

Murong Fu was startled for a moment, then looked at Yu Huatian who was seriously injured, and became convinced.

He is really brave and resourceful, and he is a talented person.

Yu Huatian looked at the figure in the distance and finally felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, we are finally here!

This time, thanks to Murong Fu's timely action, the Yuan Kingdom's attack was delayed.

Otherwise, the city behind him would have been occupied by the Yuan army long ago.

In the distance, Yu Wushang led ten thousand elite soldiers and moved forward quickly in a long snake formation.

The formations are constantly changing and operating under his command, like a giant python attacking with fierce attacks!

Within a moment, the remaining Yuan soldiers were beaten and fled in all directions.

The Yuan soldiers who had lost their generals were already in a depressed state. Coupled with the encirclement and suppression by this group of elite soldiers, they quickly surrendered one by one.

In this battle, the Ming Dynasty used 50,000 troops to fight against the Yuan Dynasty's 500,000 troops.

Although the losses were heavy, it ended in victory.

Murong Fu took Yuhuatian back to the Ming Dynasty, fed him elixirs, and treated his injuries.

Soon, the latter slowly woke up.

The moment she opened her eyes and saw him, she struggled to get up and get out of bed.

You are still injured, so don't move around easily!

Yu Huatian endured the severe pain, sat up and clasped his fists: Thank you so much, Lord Yan, for saving your life. I will sacrifice my life in return in the future!

It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning. Murong Fu waved his hand nonchalantly and said softly.

No, you saved me and the entire Ming Dynasty. I thank you on behalf of the people! Yuhuatian's face was serious, with admiration and awe in his heart.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, and then asked: Is there anything strange in the [Qing Kingdom] recently?

The latter pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: Recently, the evil spirit in the Qing Kingdom has become more and more intense, and has even spread to endanger other countries.

According to the spies' report, the three monster eggs are already on the verge of cracking, and the demonic energy is exposed.

Coupled with the fact that the Qing demon soldiers are killing them everywhere to provide them with strength, the three eggs are probably about to hatch.

It is said that once the hatching is completed, it will definitely be comparable to the existence of an earthly immortal!

Murong Fu couldn't help but frown tightly after listening to his words, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

Now, he has not found the connecting channel between [Original Realm] and [Da Ru Realm], and there is no way to come back.

If this devil egg is allowed to hatch, the entire original world will suffer a devastating blow.

By that time, no one will be able to stay out of it, and everyone will die here.

He silently made up his mind to never let these three devil eggs hatch and cause harm to the world.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Yuhuatian said softly: My lord, do you have any way to deal with it?

Murong Fu shook his head and said, I still have to go and investigate with my own eyes before making any plans.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard an exclamation: No! Now the Qing Kingdom has been completely demonized, and no one can enter easily.

If you enter the range of demonic energy, you will be demonized.

I'm afraid...

Murong Fu waved his hand: No problem! What can this mere demonic energy do to me?

Yu Huatian looked at his arrogant and heroic appearance, and felt an inexplicable respect for him.

You take good care of your injuries first, and I'll go explore the Qing Kingdom.

Murong Fu transferred his inner energy into his body, and then his eyes sternly said: I want to see what the Qing Dynasty is doing, and take a look at those three devil eggs.

After he said that, he turned around and left.

When he just walked to the door, he seemed to have thought of something and stepped back: How is Concubine Wan Gui lately?

Yu Huatian was stunned for a moment, then said: Everything is well, your concubine. She gave birth to a boy a few days ago.

Hahaha, okay! Murong Fu was overjoyed, turned around with a smile, and left here.

At the same time, everyone from all sides already knew that Murong Fu was back, and they all had their own plans in mind.

Within half a day, news of his return spread throughout the original world.

Is this kid back so soon? Did he find a way to deal with Kangxi? Xiang Yutian asked doubtfully:

It's early, it's still early. On [Wudang Mountain], Zhang Sanfeng looked at the stars in the night sky without saying a word for a long time, and finally said lightly:

Inside the [Demon Gate], [Mage] Pang Ban suddenly heard the news of Meng Chixing's death and immediately knelt on the ground.

His hands were clenched into fists, and his nails were digging into his flesh, dripping blood.

Master, this disciple will definitely kill your enemies to avenge you! He looked up to the sky and shouted.

Huge power erupted from his body, knocking a huge pillar in front of him to the ground. ..

At this moment, his heart was occupied by hatred, and his eyes were full of revenge.

He looked into the distance, with powerful hatred bursting out of his eyes, his teeth squeaking, and his face turned red.

Murong Fu, I will take your life to sacrifice my master's spirit in heaven!

It was also at this moment that Pang Ban made an important decision in his heart.

Since, with my own strength, I cannot fight against him for revenge, then why not fall into this evil way!

He has already heard that the Qing Dynasty has been infiltrated by demonic energy, and going there may be his best choice.

The fastest way to become a demon is to go to the [Demon Transformation Pool] in the Qing Palace.

After entering it and inhaling the demonic energy, are you still worried about not being able to take revenge?

On the other side, Murong Fu was already on his way to the Qing Dynasty.

He has found out clearly that the location of the magic egg is in [Shengjing].

If you want to know what is causing the trouble, you have to see it with your own eyes and know the legendary devil egg for a while.

Along the way, he passed through several mountains and forests, and always felt something strange somewhere.

As I got closer and closer to [Shengjing], the uneasy feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger.

And as he stepped into another deep mountain, he finally realized where the uneasiness came from.

He looked at the strangely shaped dead trees around him, alarm bells ringing in his heart.

This was the third time he had seen this dead forest tonight.

In other words, he had just been spinning in circles and not leaving the area at all.

Ha, that's interesting! Murong Fu snorted coldly, observing the surrounding scene carefully.

Finally, he found clues under a tree.

The branches of the dead tree extended out one by one, long and strange, and looked particularly abrupt in the woods.

Just when he was about to take a step forward to investigate, the ground suddenly began to shake uncontrollably, and cracks opened up.

Countless sand and stones rolled in from a distance, bringing with them countless pieces of soil and raising a cloud of dust.

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