Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 999 Beautiful Encounter

A look of surprise flashed across Qin's eyes, and he lowered his head slightly, feeling a mixture of emotions in his heart.

He turned it around and around, and he had no idea what kind of medicine his father was selling in his gourd.

Murong Fu was silent for a long time, and then said: Your Majesty, I am used to being free and happy in my life, and I don't want to get involved in the affairs of the court.

I really deserve this Hidden Dragon Order. Please take it back.

[Qianhuang] laughed loudly and put the Hidden Dragon Order into his hand: How can I take back what I sent out?

Qin Yi, who had been silent for a long time, also took a step forward and said: Brother Murong, my father also wants to repay you for saving my life, so please don't refuse anymore.

Murong Fu had a headache for a while. He looked at the father and son present with their own thoughts and pondered for a moment.

Then he slowly said: Thank you [Qianhuang].

I'm a little tired. Please step back first and leave Mr. Bian alone. [Qianhuang] rubbed his brows and said weakly.

Everyone returned the same way, and when they passed by the Royal Garden again, they saw the beautiful lady Ling kneeling on the cobblestones.

When the sun was scorching, her whole body was already shaky and she was about to lose her strength.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with light, and he stood there and stared for a long time.

Qin Yi seemed to see that he was interested, so he said a few more words: I remembered that this person is Ling Meiren, my father's emperor. It is said that she used to be a butcher outside the palace.

Because my father met her by chance during his southern tour and fell in love with her at first sight. Instead of having a night of love, he didn't take her back with him.

It was only later that Ling Mei became pregnant, and the emperor took her into the palace to raise the fetus.

It's a pity that she is also a miserable person. After entering the palace, she was alone and targeted everywhere. She did not receive the grace of the Holy Spirit, and the child was not saved.

After that, I was even more embarrassed by the concubines day and night...

Murong Fu listened to his words, sighed silently, looked at the weak figure in front of him, and slowly shook his head.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, his eyes suddenly changed and he suddenly looked at Ling Meiren.

If he saw it correctly, the man kneeling on the ground had a faint trace of evil energy flashing around him.

How can this be?

Why does Ling Meiren...

He was extremely confused for a moment, and after thinking for a moment, he walked forward and came to her.

Qin Yi and Su Ying looked at each other and walked up.

At this time, the corner of Ling Meiren's mouth slowly raised a smile.

She swayed and bowed her head in salute, but her eyes kept falling on Murong Fu: I have met the eldest prince.

Qin nodded and said in a deep voice: Get up.

I don't dare, my slave. Concubine Wang wants me to kneel here for three full hours. Ling Meiren said with a hint of fear on her face.

At this time, Murong Fu was already 70% certain that the person in front of him must be connected with the demon clan.

From her body, there was a faint trace of demonic energy. Others might not be able to detect it, but they couldn't escape his eyes.

Ling Mei, right? Murong Fu took a step forward and asked.

The latter nodded, and then looked at Qin Yi blankly: Yes! This is...

Qin Yi reminded: This person is Mr. Murong, a distinguished guest in the palace, and the person next to him is his wife.

After hearing this, Ling Meiren raised her head slightly, her eyes moving back and forth between the two people, and finally landed on Murong Fu.

Su Ying's heart suddenly tightened, and her face changed slightly as she looked at the person kneeling on the ground.

As a woman, she knew very well that there was indeed some inexplicable meaning in the eyes of this beautiful woman.

How could Murong Fu not see her little thoughts? He smiled coldly: I see that Ling Mei is also having a hard time kneeling, so you'd better get up first.

I don't dare!

Qin Yi looked at Murong Fu in shock, not knowing what his intention was. He was startled and said, Since Brother Murong has spoken, then you should get up.

Ling Meiren was still a little hesitant and kept kneeling still, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

Don't worry, Brother Murong has just obtained the Hidden Dragon Order. Anyone with this order is like seeing [Emperor Qian] himself.

After Qin finished speaking, Ling Meiren slowly said, Thank you, Mr. Murong.

She climbed up with difficulty and embarrassment, the sweat on her forehead dripping down her cheeks and into her neck.

Murong Fu gave her a meaningful smile, and then left with Su Ying.

Qin Yi also looked at her and warned: Serve your father well, and you will avoid suffering these physical pains.

After saying that, he turned and left.

After everyone left, Ling Meiren, who was originally weak, suddenly seemed to have changed.

His eyes were a bit gloomy, looking at their leaving figures, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

After leaving the palace, Qin Yi always felt that something was wrong. He wanted to ask many times, but was stopped.

Murong Fu seemed to notice his confusion, stopped and looked back at him: Does the eldest prince have something to say?

Brother Murong, I'm really a little confused as to why you prefer that Ling beauty...

A glint flashed in Murong Fu's eyes: First Prince, didn't you notice something was wrong with her?

The latter was stunned for a moment, then shook his head after a long time and said slowly: What's wrong?

When we passed her just now, I also noticed a demonic energy leaking from her side. Murong Fu said with a serious face.

Qin Dun was shocked and exclaimed: What? Is she actually a demon?

pretty close……

This matter is of great importance. I must go and report it to my father. I wonder if you can come with me?

Murong Fu nodded, and then asked Su Ying to go back first, while he and Qin Yi entered the palace again.

As night fell, a black figure once again entered the third prince's mansion.

As the door was pushed open, a thin body flashed into the study and sat on the main seat.

When Qin San saw the visitor, he immediately bowed down respectfully: Ling Mei, what happened in the palace?

The black clothes slowly slipped off, revealing the woman's beautiful face, and her red lips curled slightly: Third Prince, our opportunity has come.

Qin San was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted instantly, looking up to the sky and laughing: I have finally waited for this day.

Do you know that all these years I have been working hard and pretending to be transparent, all for this big plan!

Ling Meiren looked at him with a look of contempt in her eyes, but she quickly calmed down. .

Third Prince, Murong Fu already has the Hidden Dragon Order in his hands. We only need to kill him and [Emperor Qian]...

The two people conspired in the room for a long time, and it wasn't until after midnight that the figure flew out again.

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