Chapter 52 Found

The incomparable roar resounded wildly, and the momentum of a dozen Great Martial Master-level powerhouses skyrocketed. The violent atmosphere seemed to tear the entire sky, and the astral qi on his body flashed wildly. Get up, terrifying rays of light constantly tearing the surrounding space, which is obviously a manifestation of running its True Qi to the limit.

嗤chi chi…

True Qi led the robe to make bursts of tears in the air. It can be seen how horrifying the power of these dozens of Great Martial Master-level powerhouses and the operation of True Qi.

However, the young man in the dark black long-distance race still stood proudly on the boulder, and he didn’t mean to look straight at the dozens of Great Martial Master-level powerhouses full of people around him.

Contempt and disdain no longer need words to explain.

The stubbornness and weakness can be seen at a glance. Even if these dozens of Great Martial Master-level powerhouses have amazing momentum, they can see from their faces and eyes how shocked they are at this time. .

Even though the strength of this guy in front of him has not yet been shown, the momentum of his body has already shown to him that irresistible taste.

“Hmph, the hunting competition once every hundreds of years, there are only 72 Great Martial Master-level powerhouses. It seems that the gale dynasty is getting weaker and weaker, Hahahaha …”

“Hunting ?! Haha, the legend does not require the supervision of the powerhouse, why send only a few useless guys …” A pair of horrible eyes glanced at the crowd, and a icy disdain arose from the corners of his lips.

Although his voice was not loud, it penetrated his throat and straightened into the sky, spreading all corners of the valley of wind. The jade-like voice cut off with a bit of crazy overbearing and sitting high on the clouds overlooking the sentient beings like the ants .

In addition to arrogance, there was a hint of evil in the voice

Everyone heard it very clearly, and everyone thought out of single thought.

“This guy must be a lunatic!”

“And a horrible lunatic!”

Sou sou sou ……

Dozens of silhouettes dared to come from here quickly. Obviously, the remaining Great Martial Master-level powerhouses, after feeling this powerful momentum, were already impatiently moved towards here constantly.

After hearing such arrogant voices from the other side, everyone’s faces began to look extremely ugly. Is this guy in the face of all the Academy’s unscrupulous irony?

The ugly expression suddenly appeared on the faces of these Great Martial Master-level powerhouses. As the top powerhouse of the Great Wind Imperial Court, these Great Martial Master-level powerhouses are normally under several people, above the existence of ten thousand people, How the other person’s insults can bear the humiliation in their hearts.

With more and more Great Martial Master-level powerhouses, and many of them are the Powerhouse of the Great Martial Master-class top grade Peak, the man’s face also showed a slight dignity, obviously his words, though Crazy, but actually not as calm as it seems.

“Who is your Excellency? Why did you come to trouble in my valley of wind, now is the beginning of my imperial court hunting, please do not influence things.”

A middle-aged man said to the guy’s uncompromising mouth.

After hearing the inquiries from the other party, the mysterious man suddenly turned his gaze towards the other party, with a slight exaggeration on the corner of his mouth, and in his eyes, two horrific swords of rays of light burst out.


The momentum burst suddenly, and then turned into a substantially ordinary moved towards this Great Martial Master-level powerhouse rushed away.

Pā pā pā ……

The Great Martial Master on the ground couldn’t help but step backwards fiercely, his face became paler as a result, and the blood was rolling, his heart was naturally more panicked.

A Great Martial Master’s top grade Peak’s powerhouse couldn’t resist the other’s eyes, and the other’s Martial King’s identity no longer needs to be explained.

“My name, you still do n’t need to know. As for why I still come here, hum, the old man has been here all the time. It is your ants who have disturbed the old man ’s retreat. Just ask, does the old man need to explain ?Yep!?”

The last word “Ene” sounded like a thunder blast in everyone’s ears, and suddenly their bodies began to shake involuntarily. However, at this time, they and this Martial King-level powerhouse were really not in the same grade. Even though it was barely resisted, it was futile.

“My Excellency, this is really a strong word. This is the land of my dynasty. At the beginning of the hunt, our military Supervisor Wang has gone through a long survey. There are no signs of humanity here. Your Excellency is now telling us Interfering with your meditative practice, don’t you think your words are too strong to make sense? “

An old man looks like a shouted outbreak of Wu Xi’s anger.

Fingers moved slightly, and a powerful astral qi suddenly moved towards the old man’s body and shot.

Chi! !


I didn’t expect the other party to take a shot and then they shot. These Great Martial Master-level powerhouses couldn’t help it anymore, and then madly moved towards the other and rushed over.

Peng peng peng!!

With the sound of three consecutive bursts, the bodies of the five Great Martial Master-level powerhouses retreated fiercely back in a sloppy movement, and their faces were full of panic.


The old man was even more miserable. The opponent was a Martial King-level powerhouse. Even if he didn’t use much force, it was not something he could resist.

“What a courage, I really think that my dynasty of winds can’t be accomplished ?!”

The Great Martial Masters roared.

A look of disdain appeared on mysterious man’s face, “I just thought you had no one in the gale dynasty, so what?”

Disdain! Defiance! provocative!

With such a direct answer, the intention of the other party was suddenly leaked out.

“Up! Come together!”

Dozens of Great Martial Master-level powerhouses have roared. The martial arts gens should have that strong blood. Even if the other party is a Martial King-level powerhouse, their insults have completely ignited their anger. Now, even if they know that they are not opponents of the other party, such insults are no longer acceptable for them.


The crowd roared!

Faced with the roar of many Great Martial Master-level powerhouses on the ground, the dark robe man who has been performing extremely blandly, this time finally changed color slightly.

Murderous intention in both eyes was vertical and horizontal, cold light flashed, and looked at the shouting person on the ground coldly. Ripple-like scarlet-red rays of light suddenly appear in the body without energy fluctuations.

Suddenly, World’s Essence Qi, which was flowing slowly, suddenly increased ten times. For a moment, a space around the world shook, rising winds, scudding clouds like stormy sea hitting the reef!

“hong long long”

The loud roar came abruptly, and everyone was like a duck with a neck around it, and there was no sound.

Once Martial King comes out, who is fighting!

This kind of power is no longer comparable to these Great Martial Master-level powerhouses.

Ye Fantian and Langya who looked at each other from a distance looked at each other, and the unsurprising surprise no longer needed words to explain.

“Is this a Martial King-level powerhouse? Terrifying, terrifying too!”

Ye Fantian thought secretly in his heart, and his heart began to get more and more excited. Now that he has Martial Master level, Martial King level, he can certainly reach it.

In the face of such a stimulus, not only did Ye Fantian’s heart not be timid, but he became more and more crazy and hot, and his eyes turned into a touch of scarlet again.

The cross-sword mark in the eyebrow sent out the power of the soul that ordinary people can’t detect, and the powerful pressure on Zhou also disappeared unknowingly …

“Why hasn’t the Martial King-level powerhouse of the Gale King yet appeared? In this case, these Great Martial Master-level powerhouses can’t resist the opponent’s offense at all, and hunting may be terminated because of this.”

Langfang’s mouth whispered softly. After hearing this, Ye Fantian naturally thought of the key point. The intention of this mysterious man seems to be this one too. If the game at this time cannot be played, then the king of the hunt will naturally Unable to produce, once this happens, the next hunt will not know how many years later, and the entire gale dynasty will almost become the laughing stock of the entire Xuantian continent.

poison! Poisonous!

Killing two birds with one stone, this mysterious man’s idea is really too hot.

But for this man, Ye Fantian didn’t have any good feelings. He suppressed others with his own powerhouse momentum, and was still a martial master of the Great Martial Master level, which was bullied with that inmate as the Great Martial Master level. At first, however, the samurai class Ye himself did not make any difference.

“Shameless guy!”

Ye Fantian couldn’t help but say.

“Hmph … ignorant junior, how dare you scold me!”

Suddenly the mysterious man found Ye Fantian and Wolf Claw close to two thousand meters away, then his face became extremely ugly, and he couldn’t see his True Qi gathering, only to see his palm suddenly moved. towards Ye Fantian and wolf fangs flipped fiercely.

This is such a mysterious situation. It seems to be a tortoise, slow and bland, but it also gives people a lightning-fast, extremely thick atmosphere.

Slow down and fast!

Two different feelings are superimposed suddenly, but it is impossible to distinguish the real breath.

“Not good !”

Ye Fantian, who was 1000 meters away, felt the tumbling palm of his opponent, his face suddenly changed, and the moment of the falling of his palms, his bitter chill rose in his heart.

Life and Death Crisis!

The pupils tightened suddenly. This palm was not an ordinary palm in his eyes. The horror was the hiding the sky and covering the earth. It was enough to crush the dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

For a moment, he even suddenly had a strange feeling like never before.

As if everything in the entire space was disappeared without a trace, even the mysterious man on the opposite side no longer exists, and some only have a huge palm, just like the vast expanse that envelopes everything.

The palm is the sky, the palm is the earth, all the power of Between Heaven and Earth is fused in this palm.

The blue cross sword in the heart of the eyebrows began to be launched insanely. The blue rays of light quickly formed a terrifying illusion. The stimulus of the power of the soul has reached the extreme.

The pressure on my body suddenly weakened for a while, and Ye Fantian not even think pulled the wolverine teeth around him back quickly …

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