Chapter XNUMX The Claws of the Earth Demon Dragon

“Yes, don’t kill!”

Ye Fantian was sure to say it again, but his words did not make Tao Hen feel happy, but he said with a touch of surprise and alert: “Give me a reason!”

Tao Hen has lived for such a long time. He grew up in suspicion, hatred, and intrigue from childhood. For Ye Fantian, he is not a friend at all, and he is more alert to those who are more inclined to the enemy. need.

“It seems that you really need a reason, Tao hate. If I save you, it seems you have to owe me a favor.”

Ye Fantian said with a smile on his face. This Tao hates that although the number of times Ye Fantian has seen plus this time is only the fourth time, but in any case, Ye Fantian agrees with this sad guy A little characteristic of the opponent.

That ’s the other ’s absolute gratitude. It ’s because of an intuition, an inescapable intuition, that Ye Fantian does n’t want to waste such a genius.

After all, the Black Blood Demon Hall is not a small place. If the other party owes his own favor, it is difficult to say that he will not use the other party in the future, so after all considerations, Ye Fantian will not decide to kill him.

“I see … Ye Fantian, good, this time I remember, I owe your life!”

While speaking, Tao hated to climb up and walk forward, but his body suddenly trembled again. At this time, because of excessive force, the veins on the arm caused the other person’s entire body An unprecedented tremor began to appear.

Sweat and blood mixed together, producing a tragic taste.

“this is for you!”

Ye Fantian threw a thumb-sized white jade bottle to the opponent.

After receiving the bottle, Tao Hen’s face could not help but reveal a question: “What is this?”

Ye Fantian said with a smile: “Don’t you try it?”

Tao Hen did not hesitate anymore, because he knew very well that he had no choice at this time, right hand was abolished directly, and even half of his arm was begun by Xiao Ruoxu and Chang Yunian. Take it away, coupled with the surge of blood and the use of the black blood ten thousand li forbidden technique. If he is not good at conditioning now, I am afraid that the irreparable consequences of the injury will soon occur, I am afraid that this consequence must be at least the abolition of this meridian inch. In the end, even if it survived, it also became a waste.

So when I felt the shaking of the liquid contained in this white jade bottle, Tao Hen opened the white jade bottle all of a sudden and then drank it.

A scent of strong aroma and faint smell quickly penetrated into his mouth, and after the blood entered, a warm current quickly swam through his limbs and reached And even repaired the damaged meridian.

“what is this?”

Ye Fantian held out his finger and said, “hehe, this is a good thing, feel it slowly, as for the rest-keep it secret!”

Tao Hen’s mouth trembled a little, it looked like he was eating, but he didn’t know what the liquid was, but he knew that it was definitely not an ordinary product, and had not yet run his True Qi, but This fluid has almost cured the surface injuries of his body.

After seeing the other person’s condition started to improve, Ye Fantian’s heart was aside from affirmation, and he was also happy, because there are only two components in this bottle, one is his blood, and the other is This millennium stone milk.

The efficacy of the millennium stone milk is naturally needless to say. After all, it is condensed after absorbing the essence of the earth. It has a strong effect on healing and improving the physique.

As for the blood problem, it is also a problem that Ye Fantian accidentally emerged. The first is that his body is not only taking a clove of Bodhi fruit, but also the white jade Bodhi Spirit Root. Eat it.

These two villages are quite desirable treasures. Once they have been taken, not only have Ye Fantian’s physique changed, but even the blood has begun to change.

After all, Bodhi Spirit Root is a rare treasure that has existed for XNUMX years. It is extremely precious in any place, and because of the accumulation of XNUMX years, the Spirit Qi is sufficient. Can fill every inch of blood and blood in Ye Fantian’s body.

In addition, Bodhi Spirit Root itself has such effects only after absorbing the essence of the earth, so it is said that the effects of the millennium stone milk were suddenly combined with each other. The perfect effect really made Ye Fantian a little bit better. Unexpected.

Watching Tao Hen’s gradual restoration of rosy complexion and the arm that had stopped bleeding, Ye Fantian was satisfied with nodded. He knew that he was now a mobile treasure house. Once he was known, his blood returned. With such an effect, I am afraid that soon I will be followed by countless people.

“hu ……”

One mouthful of impure air was slowly spit out by Tao Hate, and two scary scarlet rays of light in his eyes quickly burst out.

“This should be the blood of some kind of creature. I don’t know how much unknown you are.”

Tao Hen looked at Ye Fantian coldly and said lightly. The “Black Blood” itself started from the research of the micro-starting point of blood. Therefore, Tao Hen’s understanding of blood is simply not conceivable by ordinary people.

“How’s it going?”

Ye Fantian lightly saying, at this time he clearly felt that there were two swift speeds not far from the surrounding area, and he moved towards here.

Although there is still a long way to go, and there is a demonic beast to prevent it, Ye Fantian does not want to reveal his identity. If he guessed that there was no error, then the person should be Chang Yunian who followed this Tao. and the others.

“Almost …”

Tao Hen looked at his broken right arm with pain.

“I can’t do anything about this.”

Ye Fantian naturally knows that Tao ’s hatred is quite painful, but he is not immortal. I am afraid that the other person ’s appearance is like taking the next bodhi fruit, but now Ye Fantian ’s bodhi fruit is only three. He will not waste on Tao Heng’s body. After all, if the other party takes the Bodhi fruit, it is difficult to say whether it is possible to grow a new arm. Moreover, once the other party takes it, it will take a long time He does not have this patience.

“Hmph, I already figured this out, but I didn’t expect that there would actually be a reality in a previous prevention.”

While speaking, Tao Heng drew from his parcel for a while, and then a skinny, scale-grown claw appeared in front of Ye Fantian and Wolffang.

After seeing this claw full of scales, the face of the wolf’s fangs changed slightly, and the divine light flashed in his eyes: “The claws of the Earth Demon Dragon!”

Hearing the question of the wolf fangs, Tao hatred was obviously quite surprised: “Yeah, the claws of the Earth Demon Dragon, I did not expect you to see it, it seems that you know quite well about Demonic beast.”

This sharp claw is azure, and the densely packed scales are quite tight. Although it looks very thin at first glance, it gives Ye Fantian a terrifying atmosphere. It seems that this is not just a sharp claw, it is more like Extremely alive Demonic beast is generally terrifying.

Each minute ripple ripples constantly around it, giving a tearing atmosphere.

“What is a Demon Dragon? Why haven’t I heard the name?”

Ye Fantian said curiously.

The wolf fangs looked at the side of the silver that had been exposed, and said seriously: “Earth Demon Dragon, a powerful Demonic Beast of the seventh degree, hehe, don’t say you, even ordinary powerhouses are hard to see To, and because this guy is said to have a True Dragon bloodline, so the name is said to have a dragon character, although I do n’t know if this True Dragon exists, and I do n’t know if the dragon here really has a True Dragon Bloodline , But one thing is quite true. The terrifying strength of the opponent is extremely strong, especially the claws of this land dragon are extremely hard. It is difficult to cut off the blade of a divine weapon, an adult land monster. The dragon has a level of ten one meter, weighs enough to reach ten tons, and has a height of about five meters, which is quite difficult to parry. This sharp claw hehe, if I guess there is no error, it is only a young land. The dragon. “

Although I don’t know the specific situation of the dragon in this place, Ye Fantian also helplessly rolled his eyes when he heard the question from the wolf fangs, because this problem is really too bloody.

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Tao hate a strange look at the wolf fangs, and then said, “The adult earth demon dragon … is that claw so small?”

Although it is not ironic, after hearing this sentence, the wolf fangs still twitched fiercely in his mouth, and finally he knew how bloody this problem was.

“You want to put it on your arm?”

Ye Fantian said stroking his chin.

“Well, for the” Black Blood “I practiced, I’m afraid I can’t control this blood, so now that I have lost half of my right arm, I have to replace it with a new one, otherwise Then, I ca n’t always be like this. After losing half of my right arm, my strength will definitely be greatly reduced. “

For powerhouse, especially for the existence of hatred and other things like Tao hate, they are not willing to be so mediocre for a lifetime, so that even if they give too much, they are fearless!

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