Chapter XNUMX Is It Clothesless? With the same robe!

“What? Ye Family suffered ?!”

Situ Changqing’s face showed an irresistible surprised and angry color, and then shouted loudly to the visitors: “I haven’t rushed to clarify the matter.”

“It goes without saying that I have already sent someone, this time Ye Family is in trouble!”

The third elder’s voice slowly rang out from a distance, and then the body suddenly moved towards the living room and burst out, and then said seriously to Situ Changqing: “Patriarch, the people I sent are basically just Some of my staff, but now you need to make a choice, a great choice. This choice is likely to change for everyone of us. “

After hearing this sentence, Situ Changqing quickly understood the meaning of the other person. His face quickly became serious, and then slowly sat down on the chair: “Is this time really so serious?”

Third elder’s old face showed an extremely serious expression: “Yes, it’s quite serious. The strength of the other party is beyond our imagination. Hundreds of martial arts, among them there are close to fifty samurai powerhouses. It is named Martial Master, and there is a powerhouse that includes Great Martial Master. Although the remaining ones are only at the level of martial artist, they have also reached the level of top quality Peak of martial artist. The worst is also mid-grade strength, and here I have already investigated them. Those people also include the aftermath of the Zhou Family. I think Patriarch should be able to figure out what it means. “

“The aftermath of the Zhou Family? That is to say, these people are specifically for the Ye Family, or can it be said that they were recruited because of the Zhou Family?”

Third elder nodded his head slightly, but his expression became more serious.

“How could the Zhou Family still have such strength and power, if it had such strength, he would not have been destroyed.”

The third elder said slowly, “Patriarch, has it forgotten the origin of the Zhou Family’s successor, Zhou Shen?”

As soon as this remark was made, Situ Changqing’s face suddenly became extremely ugly: “Zhou Shen … It turned out to be Zhou Shen’s sake, and the three old men wouldn’t be the one of the Scorpion King.” “

The third elder said wryly, “Is there anyone else?”

Yes, Martial King of Saga from Scorpion Mountain!

“If Ye Fantian has now obtained the title of King of the Hunt, then we should go to the rescue, but if not, our family will be closely linked with each other because of this. Once we go to the shot, then This means that our family has inextricable friction with Scorpion King. “

Situ Changqing’s face began to become more and more ugly: “The city walls are still in the Ye Family, and we can absolutely rescue them with our strength. Ye Rou as my daughter-in-law is enough to save them, but if there are more, even if If we are going to rescue, I am afraid it will cause trouble. “

The third elder stopped talking, at this time he had begun to put this decision into his hands.

Time passed minute by minute. At this time, Situ Changqing’s brow continued to change: “With the character of Ye Fantian, if we don’t know how to rescue him, this mustard will definitely arise. And Yuer’s affairs are not over yet. Although this Maiden Xue palace has a lot of influence, it is difficult to say whether we can decide for us. “

Things have reached this point, and he needs to make a decision immediately.

“hu ……”

After about three or five minutes, Situ Changqing exhaled slowly, and then slowly said, “Scorpion King Mountain, Scorpion King Mountain, it seems that I Situ and you really need to take good care of yourself. It collided once. “

After this remark, the third elder’s face changed slightly, but he sighed with relief, and then said with a smile: “Patriarch is truly extraordinary.”

Situ Changqing said lightly: “It’s not that I’m very powerful, but I always feel that Ye Fantian is a wicked existence. This depends on whether this step I bet is correct. Come, send troops to enter Tianyu City, hurrying to hurry up! “

In Tianyu City!

Although the Ye Family mansion was not a mess at this time, but it was almost the same. Ye Jue’s face became increasingly ugly, and then he stared at Azure Bamboo, Ye Rou, and Situ Chengbi lightly saying: “Green Tiger, leave with the children of our Ye Family.”

The green tiger hearing this, the muscles on his face jerked a few moments, he knew that Ye Jue had made the worst plan at this time, and Ye Family could not keep it now, only by the people in the family It is impossible to defeat those people. Even the XNUMX wolves of the Ye Family ’s nature are extremely powerful, but they cannot defeat them. The other party is too terrible. Hundreds of martial arts, strength They are all at or above the martial artist level, and even half of them are samurai. This completely disproportionate confrontation is just a drag on time.

“Master Father-in-law, I think everyone Situ has received the letter and can come over soon.”

A bitter expression on Situ Chengbi’s face persuaded, but even he knew how futile his interpretation was, and in his words, it needed to be carefully considered.

“City walls, I will support your father’s decision no matter what. As Patriarch, the first thing to do is to consider the interests and development of the family. The enemies at this time are too powerful, even I have explored them. Now, that person who turned out to be the King of Scorpion King is behind Saga King of Martial King. The Martial King-level powerhouse is not as powerful as you and I can imagine. In front of such a powerful enemy … “

Ye Jue did n’t say the next words, but even if he did n’t say it, Situ Chengbi knew what the other party meant. Ye Jue had now given up. All he had to do was to protect the Bloodline and inheritance of the Ye Family. Only then can the best plan be achieved.

“Oh, I won’t go!”

Ye Rou’s stubborn character was still exerted at this time. Although Ye Rou normally was quite weak, when he was stubborn, he was more terrifying. Even the stubborn Ye Ye would have headaches for him, she said. If you don’t leave, I’m afraid she killed her. She won’t choose to leave.

“Rouer, now is not the time for you to play with your temper, and leave here quickly. Do you want to let Brahma come back and find that none of your loved ones is left?”

Ye Jue’s tone became serious.

“Do n’t go, Dad, if you drive me away, my life will be unsettled, Qing Bo, you better not try to stun me, if I am stunned by you, even if I am alive, I will He will confess that none of the descendants of the Ye Family are greedy for life or death. “

Azure Bamboo’s beautiful eyes began to stare at Ye Rou brightly, like that, it was like holding up worship of idols, then the mouth said softly, “I won’t go!”

The children of the surrounding Ye Family shouted loudly: “Ye Family doesn’t have any seeds, we won’t go!”

The voice was deafening, and an air of killing began to circulate with this firm tone.

“You guys … guys … I really need to be furious?”

All Great Clan had already been scared to death by this scene at this time. Where did they dare to take the lead for the Ye Family? Those families who patted their breasts and said Ye Family and Life and Death were even farther away.


A powerful energy suddenly hit the sword of the sword. The terrible energy was not what he could resist at present. Therefore, in front of that powerful energy, he was beaten instantly. Out.

Shi Jianxing, dressed in a black robe, said lightly to the people around him: “Okay, don’t play, quickly destroy the Ye Family and go back!”

As soon as this remark was made, there was a hint of embarrassment and killing intent on the faces of all the martial arts, and then the actions in his hands were even more ruthless.

Peng peng peng ……

During the wanton divergence of astral qi, thirty-six members of the wolf pack and the Ye Family’s guards were blown out.

“Drop or die!”

Shi Jianxing’s face showed a cold color, and he was quite surprised at the strength of the Ye Family. If it had been half a day, they would have been blocked by this small family and not entered here.

The thirty-six people in front of them played a key role. Their strength and cultivation technique exceeded his imagination, and the exquisite degree also attracted the attention and attention of Shi Jianxing.

In the Scorpion King Mountain, his Master Saga Martial King is not just a discipline, so in order to fight for the strength of this position, killing is inevitable. The strength of the thirty-six wolf pack members has aroused his interest. So I also have the idea of ​​soliciting.

“You’re here too … deadweight.”

The sword is said with a smile to the tyrant.

“Fuck you, I didn’t see that I accidentally stepped on the shit, so I accidentally returned?”

Hawkeye slowly rubbed the blade on the palm of his hand, and a humble smile appeared on his face.

“Hehe, you’re all back, not bad.”

The tyrant’s enlarged face showed a happy smile.


The members of the wolves, Fenfen, moved towards a big middle finger. Although they didn’t understand the meaning, after comparing with Ye Fantian, they found that the action was quite good.

“Wolves, Ha Ha Ha … We are remnants of the wolf. Have you ever seen a wolf shrink back to the enemy?”

A yell of shriek appeared on the tyrant’s face.

“Ha Ha Ha … That’s right, dead fat guys have known you for so long, and you finally said something that made me feel good.”

“Guozi, I’m self-aware, do you understand? And you, the one wearing the black robe, wait for our boss to come back and die.”

The fighting stopped for a while, and Shi Jianxing sneered at the group of people. The sense of irony and disregard made his heart uncomfortable: “hmph, wait, die? Old man has lived this long time This is the first time I heard this, Boss? It ’s Ye Fantian, I ’ve heard of this kid, yes, it ’s really rare to be able to lead you into such a look, but now you have no chance to see it, kill Got them! “

锵锵 锵锵 clang …

A total of thirty-six sounds of tidy and razor-threatening blades rang out instantly, and then a desolate roar slowly spread throughout the city of Tianyu: “Why is there no clothes? With the robes of the son. Wang Master Yu Xing, repair my spear. Revenge with the son! Would you say that there is no clothes? With Ze, with the son. Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Make with Ziyu! … “

The tragic roar made all the people in the room couldn’t help but take a few steps back, but his face was already shivering.

But also at this time, a voice with a crazy killing intent in the indifference came out slowly, and the words of the crowd perfectly coincided with each other’s words: “Are there no clothes? With the same clothes. Wang Yu Xing Division, repair my armor. Walk with your son … !!! “

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