Chapter One Hundred And Seventy Chapter Slaughter!

After hearing the spurting sound from the person behind him, Shi Jianxing’s face suddenly changed, but not even all the people in the room could not help but beat a deep chill, including those few A detached and powerful Great Martial Master-level powerhouse.

With his own strength, he can completely defeat three opponents who are more powerful than himself. It is really astonishing that it is so strong.


A loud slap in the face of the Great Martial Master-level powerhouse that had just fought against Ye Fantian, and the person he hit was of low strength and at this time was also a look of panic. This person looks like a young man, but it looks a bit similar to the Zhou Family Patriarch Zhou Yehuo. This person is exactly the Zhou Family who sent a letter to the Scorpion King Mountain, and he is also the longest and purest source of this Zhou Family. Immediate blood relatives.

“You *** are dare to swindle me, this kid clearly has a Martial Master level!”

The words were suddenly startled by the outstanding people, and although Shi Jianxing had also speculated this, he was deeply shocked after hearing the words.

He also gave a fiercely glance at the young man, the killing intent on his face suddenly burst, and then he flung it away.


The powerful True Qi without the slightest hesitation hit the opponent’s body with a blast, and suddenly burst a flesh on the youth’s body. Obviously, Shi Jianxing hated the information and reality of the youth. Yes.

The sad young man was broken into pieces without even a chance to argue. If he had the spirit in heaven, he would die again because of depression. No one would be able to think that Ye Fantian would demonize to such an extent.

“Boy, your strength is really good, but what level do you think you can do on your own?”

At this time, everyone in the Ye Family had slowly come out.

Pā pā pā ……

A rush of footsteps came out quickly, and head Situ Changqing had quickly rushed here with his clansman. After seeing the arrival of the other party, Ye Jue and the others couldn’t help showing their gratitude. Expression, he is very clear that the arrival of the other party is enough to make his family’s chances of existence greater.

Looking at Ye Fantian in front of her, Ye Jue couldn’t help feeling that her eyes were starting to wet.

The tyrant’s face was salivating and said to Azure Bamboo: “Azure Bamboo younger sister, see if the big brother was very powerful just now.”

The Azure Bamboo little girl wrinkled her cute Qiongbi and hummed and ignored her. Since then, the tyrant has been entangled with her more than once. Although the tyrant belongs to repeated defeats, she is still happy.

After seeing the strength of the Ye Family increase again a lot, Shi Jianxing’s face could not help but change slightly, but these people have not taken it to heart because he is confident of his strength.

Ye Fantian coldly directed the clansman of Ye Family to Shi Jianxing, shouted loudly: “Battle!”

As soon as this word came out, the powerful momentum suddenly uploaded from the children of the Ye Family: “roar! 战 战 战!”

Three roars, and the momentum once again climbed to a terrifying Peak level. Shi Jianxing still has no intention of shooting, even if he is also a Great Martial Master-level powerhouse, but he has his strong reliance. For these people in front of him, he really There is no interest, but he knows clearly that the fighting at this time is no longer the contradiction between his family in the Zhou Family and the Ye Family, but has completely spread to the friction between the Scorpion Mountain and the Ye Family.

In the cold wind, the roar of the killing and the flesh-blowing stance appeared again.

“Tiger crash!”


Ye Fantian’s palm was fiercely moved towards a veteran martial artist who beat him.

“Primary, courting death!”

So challenged by a junior of Martial Master level, the martial art’s mouth couldn’t help the loudly shouts, and then the momentum belonging to the powerhouse burst out crazy at this time.

“Is it also Martial Master?”

Feeling the strong momentum of the other side, Ye Fantian’s face did not have the slightest timidity, but the cold rays of light in his eyes became stronger and more aggressive.

“Red Sand Fist!”

The Martial Master-level powerhouse was not far behind, and quickly moved towards Ye Fantian’s right hand fiercely to fight back. He is very clear that his Martial Master Peak is definitely not comparable to each other. For the last time Ye Fantian was strong, he just thought that the opponent was not good enough.


The metal-like collision sound was made, but at this time Ye Fantian’s right hand quickly unfolded, and then the palm of the hand directly touched the opponent’s fist, and perfectly pressed the huge fist into his control.


The extremely powerful fleshhy body completely ignored the powerful vibration and destructive power transmitted by the opponent with its horrible defensive power. He thought about it and fiercely grabbed it.


With the tearing of the flesh, Ye Fantian’s Blood Tiger Tear Hand changes again. The five fingers are like sharp tiger claws of the tiger. Taking advantage of the other party’s moment of surprise and disappointment, the astral qi on the five fingers quickly retracts and then directly Fixed on the opponent’s fist.


The terrifying scream came out.

I saw that on the palm of the powerhouse of this Martial Master-class top grade Peak, the right hand that originally belonged to him had completely disappeared at this time.

Peng peng peng!

Ye Fantian’s right foot was slowly stepping on the ground, but on his body there was an extremely fierce atmosphere, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the fierce atmosphere became increasingly violent.


The astounding tiger howling sounded like a wild ancient Ominous Beast, and the ripples around him spread out immediately, and the process seemed long, but it was actually just a few seconds.

“Blood Tiger Tear Hand!”

Ye Fantian’s mouth roared loudly, and then his body suddenly swelled by a few points, and then the whole person seemed to turn into a fierce tiger and moved very quickly towards the other side.

At this time, the face of the Martial Master-level powerhouse had revealed crazy pain, but before he could react, the Ye Fantian’s palm suddenly moved towards him and it was torn apart.


The horrible and violent roar lingered from Ye Fantian’s body, and the sound waves of that layer turned into a powerful and compelling attack that passed to everyone’s ears.

At this time, everyone’s faces were all changed, but the people of Ye Family were excited, and the people of Scorpion King began to feel terrifying.

Ye Fantian is like a human-shaped tiger, no one can stop him everywhere, even no one is his three enemies.

“Nine Turns to Xuan Gong” is constantly running, and the use of this trick is also constantly consuming his True Qi, but with the hidden Purple Phoenix Feather and the hidden black wind energy behind, Ye Fantian seems to be I don’t know if you are rushing forward in general, continue to rush!

The power of the soul, which has reached the level of liquid, is constantly shining with powerful rays of light, and in this compressed range of 100 meters, Ye Fantian can observe every inch of skin of everyone around him, even Even the energy radiated from the opponent ’s body was observed with great detail. In this observation, Ye Fantian was more able to avoid everyone ’s offense, and his powerful killing intent and horrible killing ability were also at this time. To the extreme.

slaughter endless slaughter!


With the flash of silver rays of light, a silver white long spear suddenly moved towards the surrounding fiercely and smashed into the past.

“The residual moon!”

Touching Divine Blizzard Spear in his hand gently, Ye Fantian’s mouth seemed to murmur with his lover. After the faint voice in his mouth was cleared, a horrible lingering moon slowly rose to the entire Tianyu City After the terrifying astral qi soared into the sky, it quickly turned into a death-general summon, cutting and harvesting martial arts life one after another.

The flesh and blood of the broken body flew, and the astral qi of Daodao played wantonly.

For a time, Ye Fantian was surrounded by the bodies of no less than ten martial arts. Among them were martial artist, samurai and Martial Master.

A move to control the enemy and the power was so horrible, suddenly the face of Shi Jianxing began to change, and even the faces of several Great Martial Master-level powerhouses also showed a horror. The appearance of the waning moon just now clearly Feeling the taste of death, if it was not because of their strength and retreat faster, I am afraid it is just a moment, Ye Fantian’s offense is enough to seriously hurt them.

Such terrifying power, such a sharp trick, can be called against the sky.

After all, howling winds disappeared on Ye Fantian’s body, and after seeing Ye Fantian’s powerful trick, Shi Jianxing also showed a greedy expression in surprise.

The powerful martial skill has a fatal temptation for every martial art, and this temptation is invincible, especially for a place like fierce competition like Scorpion Mountain.

“If this martial skill cultivation technique appeared in my hands, it would be even more powerful, and even the Master would have to look at me.”

Shi Jianxing’s eyes began to become hot.

“This martial skill … is mine.”


Between thoughts, Shi Jianxing’s body has quickly moved towards Ye Fantian.


Suddenly clasped the head of a samurai-level powerhouse, Ye Fantian shouted coldly in the mouth, and then the Blood Tiger Tear Hand and Soul Devouring Spear Law were launched together, and instantly the sky’s claw and gun shadow perfectly perfected this. Samurai-level powerhouse was sifted.

But at this moment a terrifying coercion moved towards his body and attacked the past. Ye Fantian, who had never thought about it, quickly threw the body in his hand forward.

“Junior … courting death!”

The palm of Shi Jianxing’s palm suddenly moved towards the corpse.


As the flesh flew, the corpse suddenly turned into infinite flesh!

But a horrible palm was fiercely moved towards Ye Fantian in the form of astral qi and grabbed the past without concession …

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