Chapter 70: Ice Dragon Roar! !!

“what is that?”

Shi Jianxing’s face suddenly became mad for a long time. After the shocking Dragon’s roar just now, there seems to be an ancient Demonic beast in Tianyu City. The bloodthirsty and crazy atmosphere directly surrounds Ye Fantian. Everything is completely overbearing and pushes away all beings around, even the tiny clouds are forcibly torn into nothingness.

Shi Jianxing’s face became increasingly ugly.

“What the hell is this guy doing?”

The hearts of the people began to panic, and no matter who the unknown was, they would have a little bit of fear, but when they saw Shi Jianxing in front of them, the people of Scorpion Mountain began to show relief Expression, with the existence of the three-point Martial King, they believe that the opponent is not his opponent anyway.

The gesture of 狰狞 and madness continued to flash on Ye Fantian’s face, feeling that the two forces on his hands finally began to calm down at this time, Ye Fantian began to show a reluctant smile, it was still because of him The power of the soul is extremely powerful, otherwise if it is replaced by others, even with this mysterious crystal and the spirit of the fierce soul, it cannot be controlled.

The power of Xuan Jing is extremely mysterious, even Qing Xuanzi has not completely controlled it.

The existence of the evil spirits gathered by the evil forces in ancient times is as powerful as the Martial King-level powerhouse. Even after being recaptured by Ye Fantian, the power of the terror is already against the sky. general.

The power of both powers is beyond anyone’s imagination, and no one can fully grasp it. At least none of the people that Ye Fantian knows completely understand it.

“If it is really successful, I don’t know how much more powerful than that simple offensive spirit soul attack, Scorpion Mountain … let’s see who wins this time!”

The smile on Ye Fantian’s face began to look colder and colder, and then the flickering color flashed slightly. Ye Fantian’s hands suddenly snapped together again. No, it was the two energy that had calmed down in his hands. Blended together!

The spiritual power and Xuan Jing of the newly contacted souls have not yet waited for Ye Fantian to react, just like the two natural enemies incompatible as fire and water started to react frantically.


It sounded like a thunderous sound began to ring from Ye Fantian’s side suddenly, and the horrible energy once again added a few strong scars to Ye Fantian’s body, even on his shoulders. The horrible astral qi ripped apart a large piece of flesh and blood, of which there was even a deep visible bone.

“Hmph … asshole!”

The intense pain made Ye Fantian coldly snorted, because people are not gods. After all, this pain is no different from scraping bones. It is really unbearable.

And because Ye Fantian’s soul is so powerful, he can perceive the fluctuations in strength caused by the two forces after contact, and can quickly adjust them. If they are ordinary people, I am afraid that time The collision is enough to make people instantly smash into pieces!

The original white skin in the palm was extremely white as if it were white jade skin. At this time, the flesh was blurred, blood and water slowly spilled from the midair, and the flying python below couldn’t help it. His tongue quickly absorbed the blood, but it was quite clear. This was definitely a good thing.

The flying python who took Ye Fantian’s blood at this time seemed to be a lot better. At this time, the body that was already crumbling began to calm down at this time.

“The degree of thirty-seven points, and then take the power of the spirit of the evil spirit as the core, Xuan Jing as the main body, completely surround the power of the spirit of the evil spirit, compress, recompress, and finally release!”

After considering this in my mind countless times and evolving the countless times, I began to think again. After feeling that the blood on the body had begun to flow involuntarily, Ye Fantian also knew that his body was about to reach the limit at this time. .

“Attention everyone! Be careful!”

Shi Jianxing still couldn’t help but lightly said, but his words did not attract anyone’s attention because of that, the sense of blind worship and trust for the three-point Martial King was enough to make them ignore the existence of Ye Fantian.

Can the Martial Master level fight against the three-point Martial King level existence? is it possible? is it possible?

Yes, it’s impossible. Throughout all the history of Xuantian continuous, this has never happened, so they didn’t care about Shi Jianxing’s words at all, and even felt that he was too careful.

Yes, even Shi Jianxing himself felt that he was too careful, but the question in his heart seemed to be a nightmare, which flashed in his heart.

The groaning sound kept coming out of Ye Fantian’s mouth. The lips of this time were already covered with scarlet rays of light scarlet. The blood had already completely colored Ye Fantian’s lips. No one knows this time. What kind of pain is Ye Fantian suffering.

“roar! !”

Ye Fantian couldn’t help but started to roar upward, and the roaring sound like a wave resounded again, but at this time, Ye Fantian began to quickly use the two powerful energies in his body with the pain in his body. Squeezed quickly.

The power of the soul continues to calculate, calculating the tens of thousands of changes in frequency when these two energies are fused. This process is too cruel. I am afraid that the entire Xuantian continent can reach Ye Fantian. It is difficult to have a general level at least below the Martial King level and even the Martial King level.

Calculate, merge, recalculate, re-melt!

Although this process is long, Ye Fantian has only consumed a dozen seconds.

But Ye Fantian is more clear, if it is not on the flying python himself, even if it is more than ten seconds, it is convenient enough to kill himself, and of course the appearance of Purple Phoenix Feather, but now Ye Fantian does not want to use Purple Phoenix Feather, unless he can have the ability to reach or even exceed Martial King.

Compress, recompress, blend, urge!

Gradually the sweat began to take a few breaths and Ye Fantian’s whole body was sweating like rain!

Pain, obstruction, everything. Ye Fantian consumes too much.

Just after these two energies have been fused to half the level, the power of that obstacle has reached its limit, and even Ye Fantian’s True Qi has begun to reach the peak of consumption.

The middle ground is the most powerful part of the two powers. Once this level is broken, Ye Fantian’s power can be fully integrated, but now Ye Fantian feels that he seems to be at the limit.

Sweat, blood, and even a little bit of minced meat kept dripping into his hands, but quickly turned into nothingness by this force.

“Come in! Lao Tzu!”

The roar of Ye Fantian’s heart roared endlessly. At this time, the pair of scarlet’s eyes seemed terrifying, and the faces of the people in the family were constantly flashing in his head.

The loving father, the elder sister who loves herself, the pretty little girl Azure Bamboo, the thirty-six members of the wolf pack … everything is constantly emerging in Ye Fantian’s mind.

“I can’t give up, can’t!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly blasted out two terrifying scarlet rays of light, and with his momentum began to quickly spur.


The last inch is completely merged together, and the middle link is completely opened, and the two are so perfectly integrated in an instant!

The coercion of terrifying matchless instantly filled the entire city of Tianyu. In the lightning flashes and thunders, everything seemed to start as the end of the day.

Ye Fantian couldn’t help it. The flying python had suddenly blasted out. At this time, it couldn’t resist such a powerful momentum.


Purple Phoenix Feather slowly appeared behind Ye Fantian. The pair of purple feathers, each exceeding the one meter level, slowly fanned at this time, with a strange look, scarlet’s pupil, everything Everything seems to be shaping a Demon.

“What is this? What is this? Feiyu, Feiyu, why does this kid have Feiyu on his body!”

Shi Jianxing roared loudly in his mouth.

“In the end it worked!”

Ye Fantian helplessly said, but with the emergence of Purple Phoenix Feather, that Essence Qi between the world has become more boiling.

Infinite coercion began to flash around completely, Ye Fantian appeared like Spiritual God, and an incomparable gigantic illusion behind him emerged!

Eagle claws, snake body, antlers, fish scales … everything constitutes the ancient Divine Beast-the dragon!

Bing blue’s posture completely set off a noble breath, but at this time Ye Fantian had no sense at all, just the mechanical start of the powerful energy of the hands began to surround it. .

A voice that seemed to be the judgment of the gods mixed with an unquestionable tone slowly spread throughout the Tianyu City: “People of the Scorpion King Mountain-Death!”

Roar! !

Dragon’s roar roared endlessly, and the surrounding space began to tremble because of this, an inch of cracking, and then an inch of rotation, the terrifying thunder and lightning involuntarily showed from the broken place in the void.

“What is this? Very powerful!”

Shi Jianxing’s complexion began to change completely. A kind of timidity never appeared in his mind. This feeling was strange but it made Shi Jianxing’s complexion panic.

The ground began to crack incomparably.

“Ice Dragon-Howler!”

It sounded like a whispering whisper slowly, an ice blue dragon-shaped energy that was only about one meter suddenly gathered from Ye Fantian’s hands, and quickly blasted away …

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