
“The land of Huaxia, can never come here again!”

“This is not a human, and the martial arts in Nine Provinces are not human!”

A Goddess, ridiculed by Ox Demon King, screamed. | March Eight Literature

The appearance of Goddess is quite good, especially the hot body is even more beautiful, and Ox Demon King is a direct blasphemy of Goddess.

Wisdom Goddess, Forest Goddess, Water Goddess …

Whether it is the Goddess of the Nordic gods or the Spiritual God of the female gods of the Olympian, Ox Demon King is an unstoppable comer, constantly teasing, and constantly blaspheming, making him a great delight …

However, soon, Zheng Shuang’s Ox Demon King, who was being interrogated, was also attracted by this arrogant discourse in the void.

I saw the illusory shadows on the sky.

These illusory shadows come from all around, each of them has a terrifying breath.

Or the sword will condense and evolve into a mysterious illusory shadow of Taoism, or the energy of fire is as high as the advent of Vulcan …

No matter who it is, it is clear that it has infinite deterrence.

“Does this … say …?!”

The expressions of horror suddenly appeared on the faces of both the Lord of Kunlun and the old man in the sky.

illusory shadow condensed out, and suddenly, the real appearance of these people has been manifested.

An old man couldn’t see his true age. The skin on his body was already pleated with folds. These folds were piled together, even as if they had lost skin and flesh.

The white eyebrows were dragged to the ground, at least three or four meters long.

The ancient look makes it difficult to see the true age of the other party, but from the ancient breath, you can feel that these guys are definitely not young.

“Did they really mean them?”

The whispered murmur in the vague old man’s mouth seemed unable to believe what he saw.

“I didn’t expect us to be one step late!”

An Old Lady said slowly, the other party looked like a seven-eighty year old, the old one was no longer good, but her voice was clear, no less than that seventeen or eighteen Girl, but such an Old Lady has a girl’s voice, which not only does not have the slightest pleasant taste, but also has a disgusting feeling.

“Yeah, but this time is just a lesson. I have cut off their way. Even if this group of wild people really dare to shoot, it will not escape my repression.”

A middle-aged man coldly said, there is a long sword behind him, and this long sword is dangled in a dine of glow, and it looks like it can be seen from the glow of the divine glow. The dragon wave is flickering. This is clearly the effect of the convergence of the sword and the essence.

“But this is a wild place, everyone has to take it. When the time is ripe, we can go to the western place to see. If there is a heresy, it will be beheaded immediately. Dare to come to my Nine Provinces to make trouble. ! “

There are about twelve or three people in this entire group. Each of them looks like a killing intent. It looks like his strength is out of the ordinary. However, these guys give Ye Fantian a feeling of being on age to show of age. .

This feeling is unpleasant, quite unpleasant.

After all, they didn’t do anything just now. After they appeared, the enemies had no threat at all, but this group of guys still preaching their great achievements here, it is simply to make people sick. Unmaskable gagging.

“Dare to ask, but Izumo Sword Pavilion, Wind Sword respect Old Senior ?!”

The Lord of Kunlun looked at a middle-aged man carrying Divine Sword and said respectfully.

The meaning of the sword on this person has almost entered the realm of transformation. The strength is very strong, the power is very powerful, and the terrifying is very strong. Although standing there, it is like a sharp sword with a sheath. It can be used at any time. Look at piercing the sky.

The other person glanced at the Lord of Kunlun and slowly nodded:

“That’s right, I didn’t expect anyone to remember my name!”

The other party did not speak, but at this time he acknowledged his identity replacement, and suddenly everyone’s hearts began to be horrified to the extreme. It was calculated that the face of the monster dragon emperor also changed slightly.

“Wind Sword, that is Supreme ’s kendo powerhouse. It is rumored that he has been practicing kendo since he was a child. He has pursued Supreme’s kendo all his life, and his strength is against the sky. It ’s gone during meditation, why is it still appearing now? “

“That’s the wind Divine Sword. If the wind dragon swords above are meant to flash, I’m afraid it’s really hard to tell.”

“Oh my God, isn’t that Bodhi?”

“Also, Kirin Supreme King …”

“This … these are the characters who have become legends thousands of years ago. If there is no record, it is impossible to believe that these people still exist, and their strength is still so scary and powerful!”

Everyone’s argument has been continuously transmitted, and each time the argument will make this exclamation pass farther and farther.

“A group of pretending guys, why did you go early? Now that the enemy is out of business, come out and pretend to be disgusting!”

Ox Demon King’s face revealed an unpleasant expression, slowly speaking.

“It’s really disgusting, why isn’t such a disgusting guy dead?”

Chekov said of curl one’s lip.

“Boy, put down the Divine Item in your hand, this is not something you can move!”

One person suddenly moved towards Ye Fantian shouted, his voice was very loud, his eyes burst into a divine glow, and Ye Fantian was locked, as if Ye Fantian was an unforgiving generation.

The speaker had a icy frost on his face, and he was cruel, with a serious expression on his face. He wore a set of robes, and the robes showed the posture of a Dragon-Tiger battle. The young man looks like a twenty-five or six-year-old, but the breath on his body is quite scary.

And an old man standing next to him was so dressed, except that the breath on this body seemed to be more violent, as powerful as a god.

When I saw this old man, everyone’s face began to show a horror soon.

“This … isn’t this Heavenly Martial King of Dragon Tiger Mountain?”

“Oh my God, it is rumored that this person has reached the extreme of Martial Dao, and then evolved into the illusion of Dragon-Tiger. The trick of the Dragon-Tiger battle is enough to tear one side and suppress the sky. Why do such characters appear? it’s here?”

“Yeah, good terrifying guy!”

“Is that young man his disciple?”

“It’s really good luck. The rare good luck of ancient times can become the discipline of this Heavenly Martial King. This is good luck repaired from previous lives!”

The opinions of the people continued to be heard.

But even the face of the Emperor Dragon or the master of Kunlun and the others began to change.

This group of people who came afterwards, each of them is probably a powerful figure, and even has infinite strength.

However, the young man who talked just touched the light of Heavenly Martial King. How can the other party have this qualification to yell here, especially Ye Fantian, he is the biggest reason for victory at this time, if not because of rush If you come here, I am afraid that everyone here is forcibly killed.

Even the demon dragon emperor and the others have already made up their minds to die. After all, their power can’t compete with Zeus.

“hmph ……”

Ye Fantian was coldly snorted in his mind. He didn’t care about the young man. The other person in his eyes was just a junior that’s all. It was not worth paying attention to.

“Boy, this seat is talking to you, you dare to take such an attitude, you are an insult to me!”

“Dragon Tiger? Is this guy Dragon Tiger?”

Someone immediately responded, seemingly quite aware of this dragon.

“Longsheng Tiger is the most mysterious person in the XNUMXth Saint of China. The origin and information of this person are quite secretive. Even the person is honored as the XNUMXth Saint of China. It is only because of the strength of the opponent, but in the end How terrifying, but no one can figure it out, but I didn’t expect that this guy would be the heavenly Martial King’s disciple, Dragon Tiger Mountain’s Heavenly Martial King, this is a terrifying legend, this Long Shenghu can become his disciple, this is a great gift! “

“However, these people did not take any action at all, and did not use much power. It was so impudent at this time, it was really shameless!”

Someone whispered softly.

These powerhouses are also Chinese powerhouses. These powerhouses use unmatched power to shake the heavens and the earth, but when the western powerhouse arrived, it did not appear. Now it appears here, it is clearly a snatch gesture, and it is still so powerful , Naturally unconvincing.

Zhu Qiang’s heart had a slight dislike for this ancient powerhouse.

“Sir, the battle at this time was Ye Fantian Senior in control of the overall situation. If it were not for his appearance, we would all have fallen here, and your words seem to be a little overdone!”

The Lord Kunlun’s brow frowned slightly, and he spoke slowly to Longshenghu.

“Hehe … is my disciple’s words a bit sharp!”

That Heavenly Martial King is controlled by a generation, and its status and identity are terrifying, so he apologizes for his disciple’s words, but soon, he moved again towards Ye Fantian and looked at it:

“It is really good to have such a cultivation base at a young age, but this Divine Item is not something you can control. This Divine Item is called” thunderbolt “. It is Supreme ’s Divine Item, but it can also be called demonic. energy, which contains too much evil demonic energy information. If it is controlled by ordinary people, this may be bound by its mind. In this case, it is a disaster for Huaxia, so this Divine Item, we Gotta take it! “

Ye Fantian frowned, looking at Heavenly Martial King, and soon a touch of irony appeared on his face: “So much is said, all nonsense, your goal is clearly these Divine Item!” This The words were quite direct and irrefutable. There was no emotion at all. With this statement, the face of Heavenly Martial King and the others suddenly became ugly …

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