The white hair was still as white as jade, with cold glow in his eyes, and the telescope was constantly expanding. His hands were standing there with his hands on his back, looking up at the void, spraying with blood.

Ye Fantian!

It turned out that Ye Fantian!

Everyone looked at all this in amazement. Didn’t Ye Fantian have failed? Already suppressed by the illusory shadow condensed by the will of that Ancient Saint Sage?

But looking at Ye Fantian now, not only was not suppressed, but Holy Child was suppressed. | March Eight Literature

The blood was still spraying, and Holy Child now had less than half of his body, his head trembling, half his fleshhy body trembling, with a horrified expression in his eyes.


A loud roar came from the mouth of Holy Child, and he looked at Ye Fantian in disbelief, with blood constantly flowing in many places in his mouth, eyes, and nostrils.

Ye Fantian’s this fist has completely destroyed his vitality.

“Impossible, why is it like this, I am the pride of heaven, I am the darling of heaven, what are you? You do not have the support and training of such a terrible sect like Tianzong, why are you so powerful !!!”

Teeth were clenching, and the roar of Holy Child passed out wildly, but the sound was faint and surprising. Now he can’t draw the vitality around him to repair his whole body.

Great Accomplishment is eternal. Although it is called undying and indestructible, it is only possible without experiencing the shock of terror, but the oldest Great Accomplishment eternal powerhouse dare not say that it is truly unying and indestructible.


The sacred illusory shadow behind gave a stern roar, the serene gesture of the original serenity suddenly changed at this time, and became extremely embarrassing. On top of the tall illusory shadow, infinite radon burst out.

“Sage? Is this worthy of being called as Saint Sage?”

Ye Fantian’s mouth was sneaked. This is the will of an ancient powerhouse, but it is also a wisp of obsession. Ye Fantian’s Eye of the Myriad Gods can clearly see the horror on the illusory shadow of this sage. How powerful your grievances are.

If Ye Fantian is not going to kill Heaven Holy Child now, but after a while, the will of this ancient powerhouse will also erupt, and then Heaven Holy Child may be dead and stronger, but it may also cause Heaven Holy Child as a whole. People collapse.

“My disciple!”

The boxer’s body quickly blasted into the void, holding his half of the discyple’s fleshhy body.

“Master … revenge! Revenge!”

Holy Child’s mouth yelled loudly, and then blood sprayed, and half of the fleshhy body dissipated and became minced meat.

Ye Fantian’s this fist brings the power of the horrible wilderness, which is the powerful energy of the Proterozoic era. It is very powerful. Ye Fantian’s power now is at least higher than the immortal powerhouse. Holy that day Child’s power was not as good as Ye Fantian at the moment, but now it is even worse than that. One punch was abolished and it was completely under Ye Fantian’s control.

“You go, Master will avenge you!”

Looking at his disciple’s resentful and immortal look, Boxer’s mouth spoke slowly. | March Eight Literature

“pa ……”

The body slowly floated down, and the boxer looked at his disciple with his grief and anger. His own disciple, the only disciple, died like this in front of him, which made the boxer’s heart able to bear it. .

“Everyone obeys, all my Tianzong disciple, all shot, today anyone who is related to Ye Wuming, don’t stay!”

The sound of that sound resounded slowly, flowing across the sky, the cold sound seemed to drop down like ice, making people snoring.

“Ye Wuming, no matter what your identity is, but you dare to kill my disciple today, then you have to pay the price, your ending is only death !!!”

The last word was like the demonic beast roaring, the pair of boxers’ eyes had become extremely horrible at this time, and the shocking momentum slowly spread out from within the body.

The boxing sage’s words had just come down, and suddenly the whole interior of Tianzong began to fly up, smashing the clouds above.

The gust of wind rolled leaves, a piece of killing air.

The flashing weapon Guanghua is constantly exuding coldness, and a respected Tianzong powerhouse has now surrounded the fighting demon Buddha group here.

But the battle demon Buddha group did not care. Behind them, they still have more than a hundred powerhouses hidden in the dark and not appearing. In the end, this will be an ace.

“I Sword Sect disciple, none of them are allowed to move!”

The sword mother’s voice came out at this time, and the voice was immutable.

Obviously, no matter what Boxing Master just did or what Holy Child did, it has completely angered this woman who is respected as the sword mother.

No one can bully her own disciple, but now the boxerentire group is not only bullying her disciple, but even intending to slay it, how can she make her Sword Sect be taken again? Framed.

“Mother sword … you are doing this against the entire Tianzong!”

Boxing Saint’s face with a wicked expression, roared madly.

“Fist Master, you can’t replace Tianzong, and don’t forget, my Sword Sect is qualified to not participate in the dispute of Tianzong!”

The sword mother said nothing with a sneer.

If it weren’t for Ye Fantian’s amazing strength, I am afraid that his discipline would really fall, thinking of these abominations for Boxing Master even more intense.

“Very good, Sword Mother, you are asking for it. After I’ve solved this kid, you Sword Sect will be waiting to face my anger!”

The sound was clearly terrifying.

The subsequent boxer moved again towards Ye Fantian and looked over.

“Little bastard, your name may not be that simple on the surface … Ye Wuming … Huh, is it really nameless?”

Ye Fantian’s eyes were scarlet: “old fellow, if you really want to know, I will tell you, Ye Fantian, this is my real name, do n’t forget this name after you die, because you It’s dead in my hands! “

“Boast shamelessly! Give me-kill!”

Boxing Lord roared angrily.


Tianzong’s powerhouses came out one after another, and a sudden and sudden sword energy, sword meaning, Spear Art, and boxing appeared.

The immense breath is constantly spreading from the body of the Boxer, that is a powerful will, which can break up all will, as if it were a devil who is extinct.

Increasingly, the momentum continues to swallow from the fisthy body of this boxer.

The seemingly ancient fleshhy body is now more amazing and scary.

“嗤chi chi… ”

The rich energy gathered on the two fingers, the boxer clenched his hands, and the sharp edges began to form. The endless brilliance flickered, and it was destroyed towards all around with a kind of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

powerful! No match!

“It seems that you really have to be careful!”

Although Ye Fantian’s mouth did not say it, he was cautiously alert in his heart. The boxing saint in front of him was more terrifying than that of the Emperor Dragon. The strength of the opponent may be in the eighth stage realm of the Great Ascension. This is a higher level of power than Emperor Dragon King.

Ye Fantian is just the realm of the Great Accomplishment Eternal 3rd Heavenly Layer. If you really fight against each other, be careful.

“pā pā pā ……”

The thick fist finally started with the fist clenching his hands, and suddenly burst out.


The fist shot suddenly, the speed was like lightning, but the thin fist was like a falling star at this moment, each fist trembled with an unimaginable force, and the entire space began to tremble with it. stand up.

“Give me-burst!”

Boxing Saint ’s body was like a tiger out of the mountain, and he suddenly found an opportunity. Later, he played Magical Powers and came to Ye Fantian’s face, facing Ye Fantian’s body as a punch.

“Zuo Long You Hu!”

Ye Fantian casts sacred fists with both hands.

The most controlled Dominating Dragon Seal Fist, the right hand is driving the World Cleansing Tiger Fist!

Each of the two boxing methods is a peerless killing move.


The bodies of the two suddenly collided together. At an instant, an irregular ripple trembling appeared on the entire sky, and a subsequent black trace was cracked, but it was just the time for breathing. To the point of several thousand meters.


Thunder and lightning, the battle between Ye Fantian and the Boxer quickly began, and in the short period of time, the two have fought tens of thousands of times.

Everywhere you go is impacted by the horrible energy, and the subsequent evolution has become a rift in space.

“The strength of this guy … how is that possible ?!”

The tens of thousands of fights surprised Fang Sheng’s heart for a while, and he did not expect that the strength of this junior could reach such an amazing level.

Even his own shot, Ye Fantian, could resist it all.

“This person, don’t stay!”

Boxing Saint’s heart could not help rising a chill, a huge illusion behind him was presented, it was a huge illusion like a Buddha, and his fist was shaking.

“This is one ancient illusion, has this ancient taste and breath …”

Ye Fantian’s heart was a while, but a huge energy quickly moved towards Ye Fantian’s body and locked the past.

At this time Ye Fantian hadn’t responded yet, only to feel his own saw a flash, and then a vigorous and merciless shot.


Ye Fantian was hit with a punch, and the whole person hit the ground at a rapid speed.

“Hah! ”

Boxing Master once again controlled the power to the extreme, and the power of the Great Accomplishment eternal eighth stage is enough to be astounding.

“Eighth stage, is this the eighth stage? You can transform your shooting angle at will, and it seems that you have an insight into the opportunity, but it is just a big gap, but there is so much.”

Huanglong Dazun secretly thought.

Everyone sitting here is a powerhouse with strong strength, not to mention the boxing sage, the strength of the sword mother must be considered by the emperor dragon.

“Ye Fantian … Go to death!”

The boxing fist’s double fists carry terrifying fist intention, and the fist intention, as it is, actually breaks all obstacles on the earth.

Above the high platform, the mysterious person in a black robe, after hearing the words ‘Ye Fantian’, couldn’t help but shake. It seemed to be very impressed with these three words.


Above the ground, a crackling wave appeared suddenly.

A silhouette evolved and appeared suddenly.


“hong long long ……”

The fist of the King of Fighters was pinched, and in the next moment, the horrible energy that could not be covered began to burst out quickly …

[Author’s off topic]: ps: the time of the update, first published in the group, the group number is 3a116020518, children’s shoes interested in this book can be added, the book tower, there is also a group number on the book introduction …

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