Chapter XNUMX Qin Mania

With one move, you defeated the Great Martial Master-level powerhouse? What a terrifying power, myth? Still dreaming?

The sky ’s killing intent was continually shrinking from Ye Fantian ’s body, and no one in the audience dared to speak. This strong visual impact and shock had completely conquered their hearts. No, not just Conquer, and deterrence!


A terrifying wound suddenly ruptured from that hell of a tyrant’s body. The characteristic of this blood tiger purgatory is that it can completely control the explosion time of the opponent by Ye Fantian. With this Ye Fantian’s mental action, one The arm was ruthlessly smashed into shatters. He was already ashamed to touch the hell, but at this time he finally couldn’t help but spits out mouthful of blood, and then slowly fell down.

Ye Fantian knew in the previous battle that he had made a coincidence. If it was not for the opponent’s intentions, he would not be able to defeat the opponent in an instant, and it was still so perfect.

But when he thinks like this, others don’t think like that.

“Great strength, is this guy a demon? And how old is it?”

Yeah, how big a person would be to be able to fight against a Great Martial Master-level powerhouse without falling into the wind.

“This kid is starting to show up again now.”

Xuan Hu said with some depression that although Gui Wei is a three-pointer Martial King, but Xuan Tiger found that there seems to be a gap between him and Ye Fantian? The discovery really depressed his heart.

Emperor Changlong gently stretched his palm back into the robe, and then the voice containing True Qi slowly spread throughout the audience: “It is indeed the King of Hunting this year. The strength is indeed very strong.”

As soon as the remarks broke out in the audience, the so-called one stone provoked the millennium waves, and it was obviously the effect of Emperor Changlong.

Hunting competitions are held only once in hundreds of years, so in this Imperial Capital, it is a major event that everyone knows about. Everyone knows that the most expensive level of the hunting king does not need to be explained.

This is the absolute existence of a prince-general in the future. At the beginning, it was rumored that this year’s Hunter King was only a sixteen-year-old boy. Even if a person who has reached the age of sixteen has cultivated in the womb, he only has sixteen years. What level can he achieve during this time? martial artist? warrior? Substandard, mid-grade? Still top quality? Even Peak.

But fact is always better than eloquence, so at this time everyone finally knows the truth of the rumor, no, even the fact in front of it is more terrifying than this rumor.

Qin Family Patriarch At this time, Qin Wangtu ’s body began to stumble. He never counted Ye Fantian as such. This year ’s King of the Hunt, this is such an honorable status. He thought of the mysterious look of the Emperor Changlong, and could not help but understand the key point. Obviously, the Emperor Changlong was going to build momentum for Ye Fantian.

And the one who is suppressed is himself!

“Young Master, I’m much better.”

Eagle Eye said with gratitude, Ye Fantian scrapped Qin Shan’s two legs. He was relatively vengeful for him. For Qin Shan, who grew up in genius and praise from a young age, In other words, losing two legs is more cruel than killing him.

Is there anything more terrifying than this in this world?

“Everyone is happy. In that case, everyone is gone.”

The Emperor Changlong has been eager to communicate with this Ye Fantian.

But at this time a powerful momentum flashed wildly, and Ye Fantian’s heart moved, and then quickly moved towards a certain direction and looked at it.

Not only did his black tiger’s brow begin to wrinkle.

“hmph! ”

The Emperor Changlong was coldly snorted, and it was clear that his heart had begun to be angry.

With this rays of light getting brighter, the momentum is thunder, and the speed is electric, a man with short sleeves appeared in front of everyone.

The comer is about thirty years old, with a very tall body, about two meters in length, and the strong muscles are extremely clear. It is obvious that the muscles are constantly emitting a little bit of heat, which is obviously in the previous line. The speed reached is quite amazing, and on the opponent’s shoulder, an arm looks quite strange, which is inlaid with dozens of spikes.

Behind the huge black long sword rubbed the air slightly and made a clear tweet.

With the long hair fluttering, the other’s eyes slowly appeared in front of Ye Fantian. They were a pair of eyes with a terrifying killing intent in the wood. It was cold and cruel. It gave Ye Fantian the impression that it was a full of slaughter. machine!

The tall body is matched with the giant sword which is extremely transcendent in length and width, and a sense of extreme oppression comes out immediately.

“who is this?”

Many people started whispering.

“I haven’t seen this person.”

“Ah … I remember, he is Qin Kuang … The genius of the Qin Family, a seventeen-year-old became a martial artist, was promoted to the samurai level at the age of twenty, and reached the powerhouse of the samurai level at the age of twenty-one. It is said that at the age of three years, he was caught by a three-point Martial King from the Martial King mountain, and it was accepted as a discipline. It has been XNUMX years since then. I did n’t expect this guy to be so young. Look. “

“Yes, yes, it must be him. I think his appearance is similar to that of Qin Wangtu. Your news is not well understood. This guy also said that when he was 40 years old, he had reached the Great Martial Master mid-grade. Degree, and now it is said that they have reached the strength of the Great Martial Master-level top grade Peak, and I also heard that the opponent once played against a three-point Martial King-level powerhouse that can reach an unbeaten record of XNUMX moves. “

“Hehe, it’s fun now. The genius of this Qin Family has come. Obviously, it’s not home to visit relatives.”

The voice of the crowd has reached Ye Fantian’s ears, and Ye Fantian’s brow also wrinkled at this time. Ye Fantian also heard about this guy named Qin Kuang, after all, the black tiger in this flight Although the chattering words said Ye Fantian didn’t want to listen, he would choose to listen to those key things.

Qin Kuang, Xuan Hu’s evaluation of him is quite high. In his 40-year-old life, he successfully broke through the Martial Master-class top grade Peak to the level of the Great Martial Master.

Since then, the growth rate of cultivation base has never been reduced. Now he is 51 years old, but has reached the level of the Great Martial Master-class top-quality Peak.

Once in Peak, it is a kind of metamorphosis, which is far from the level of Great Martial Master.

In addition, the opponent can maintain the strength of 80 moves under the premise of using XNUMX% of the three-point Martial King. Strictly speaking, the opponent’s strength is not weaker than himself.

Although Ye Fantian has a record of killing the three-point Martial King, but that is under the premise that he used Ice Dragon Roar, but this place is obviously not available now. Because his Purple Phoenix Feather can never be used at this time.

“big brother ……”

His elder brother is like his father. After seeing the appearance of Qin Kuang, Qin Shan’s face suddenly showed an excited expression. Although he has seen this big brother relatively few times, he was extremely timid to him since he was a child. , Especially in front of him that Qin Kuang is like a huge prehistoric tyrannosaurus, the degree of terror is definitely not something he can resist.

A pair of cold-colored eyes glanced at Qin Shan coldly, especially after a lot of glances at Qin Shan’s legs, a gleam of coldness surged from his eyes.

Apparently this guy is already angry now.

“The big brother … it’s him. It’s the guy standing on the Martial Fighting Stage. If it weren’t for the father’s help, I would have died in his hands, and the other side’s viciously ruined my legs, I … … I’m done in my life! “

Although it is said that there are few people meeting with the family, and Qin Kuang has always been fascinated with cultivation, he is very strange to the family, but it does not mean that he is indifferent to his family.

“That’s the Hunter King this year.”

Qin Wangtu coldly said, and then looked at the Hades who had been taken along to withdraw, he said with some concern: “Be careful, that Hades is not an enemy of this trick.”

The corner of his mouth revealed a disdainful expression: “hmph, the level of the Great Martial Master-class top grade, but I have reached the level of the Great Martial Master-class top-level Peak, and the guy in Hades has always been very proud, this Time is obviously caused by too much pride. “

Proud words, conceited tone, although this Qin Kuang is devoted to martial arts practice, he is actually a very proud person, and the blood flowing in the Qin Family is proud!

“Look … Qin Kuang seems to be shooting.”

After seeing Qin Kuang slowly walk to the ground of Martial Fighting Stage, someone screamed in anticipation.

At this time, everyone had already reacted, and started to talk again.

Famous genius in Imperial Capital!

Held only once for hundreds of years, and finally a new Hunter King appeared this year!

All are geniuses, all are martial arts terrifying!

Who would not look forward to in such a situation?

“Hmph, the widow is tired, let this time go.”

The Emperor Changlong obviously did not want this Ye Fantian to carry on with the other side, especially although this Ye Fantian’s strength is amazing, but this Qin Kuang is not weak.

Once they both sides suffer, his long dragon emperor may cry to death.

“Great, this person has abolished my younger brother, you should also know what it means? My younger brother is a genius, and losing his legs is no less than the road of Martial Dao after abolishing him. I can’t help it, Please the Emperor not to stop me. “

The unquestionable tone of speech was undisguised.

However, this discourse is reasonable and reasonable. Even the Emperor Changlong has no chance to refute.

“Young Master…”

Hawkeye cried with great concern.

“You, go first. I want to see how strong this person is …”

Ye Fantian’s eyes narrowed slightly and said …

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