Chapter XNUMX

“I disagree!”

A middle-aged man wearing an armour and carrying a cloak shouted loudly in the huge Imperial Palace. That way, the arrogant attitude made many people present frowning, and The long dragon emperor of the golden dragon robe was slightly frowned, and then lightly said, “Mennan General Army … What do you disagree with?”

Although the Mennan General army looks middle-aged, it is very close to the stance of a strong man, especially that hot temper is even more difficult to contain. The armor on his body rang back and forth with his gasping sound, sending out bursts. It’s full of friction in the killing intent.

The pair of tiger eyes is full of baleful aura, even with a terrifying radon that is enough to make people penetrate the bone marrow. It is clearly a radon produced after the killing of countless souls.

The scary scar on Mennan’s face reached directly from his brows to his chin, and the tilt brought out a terrifying breath: “Even if the kid is a hunting king, he is just a sixteen-year-old boy. Of those who were present, who was not a prominent man of war merit, but was to be suppressed by a small hair of mother of mother’s milk not yet dried, and asked the emperor, was this decision too rash? “

As soon as this statement was made, although the South ’s discourse was quite violent, it had to be said but it was also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some of the people present were also younger, and even the oldest were not XNUMX ** Therefore, they of full of vigor soon showed their support.

Princess beautiful eyes on the side shot the cold glow of Tao. As one of the longest favorite daughters of Emperor Changlong, Xiner Princess also had upward power. Although she only stood there to gain some experience and insights, but Because of this, it is very envied by many princesses. Of course, this Xiner Princess is very terrifying. At least in this Imperial Palace, it is called the name of Demoness. Obviously, it is a terrifying role, so it ’s true. Under such circumstances, we dare not ask more questions.

“Mennan General’s words are bad.”

Xiner Princess lightly saying.

While speaking, Xiner Princess gently moved towards Longlong Emperor and said, “Father, Xiner has something to say.”

Emperor Changlong hearing this, his eyes could not help but show a smile, originally to bring this Xiner up to just add some insight to his favorite daughter, but did not expect that his own daughter after the up It was actually possible to explain a lot of different opinions after the fact, which really made the elder brother Changlong very happy.

Therefore, after hearing Xiner’s words, the Emperor Long Dragon could not help but say with a smile: “Xin Er, you say.”

Xiner Princess gently nodded: “Yes!”

Then he turned and stared at the General Nannan. A pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be stars in the sky, and they really shone. The pink palace was very eye-catching under her lithe and graceful body, especially the temptation. The lovable body of all people can be seen from the hot eyes of many young people, how terrifying the seductive power!

For the eyes of those people, Xiner Princess has already been used to it, so after ignoring it all, her voice came out cleverly: “Mennan General Army, you sent King Heavenly King because of the age of the other party Not suitable? “

After seeing Xiner Princess ’s phobia and frost, even though Menan has experienced countless slaughters, they have sweated a little because of this. The name of Demoness is not blowing. In this Imperial Palace, I am afraid that outside of the Long Dragon Emperor, others are really rare and are not afraid of her.

“Yes, Ben will already be quite clear. His age is too young and his qualifications are too bad, especially his disobedient personality. Not long ago, I heard that he used to be an irrelevant person for himself. And the Martial Fighting Stage was disrupted. How can such blood energy be too prosperous? “

Xin’er Princess ’s lips turned light, and that smile reappeared again: “I heard that this general Nan Nan has a son named Men Zhong. Men Zhong is young, but XNUMX years old, but it is a rare Genius, playing and singing in normally, the piano, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy are omnipotent, and they are a respectable generation. “

Hearing someone praising his son, Menan’s face suddenly showed a smug expression of expression, but many people showed disdain.

“Xiner Princess is overpraised. Although my son is quite talented, he still needs to work harder.”

As soon as this remark came out, many people suddenly began to turn their eyes. Menan Zhong, the son of Mennan, did have some mastery of piano, painting, calligraphy and painting, but it was not really proficient.

Moreover, this person likes women, and often likes to come and go in all kinds of places, even this brothel place has left the pen and ink of his Great Young Master.

Therefore, such a son would be so proud of Mennan, it is really disgusting.

“And Xiner heard that this Zhong Zhong Young Master has also become a centurion of the Tiger Power. It seems that the qualification of this Zhong Zhong Young Master is really rare.”

Mennan’s mouth was about to crack to his cheeks, but several respected old courtiers were sneering at this time. They have been in this direction for decades. For Xiner Princess really understood this clever question.

“Hmph … Mennan, you are really brave.”

Feng Wei’s sudden outburst suddenly made a shock of surprise on the face of Mennan, and then the body trembled, and his mouth couldn’t help saying, “I don’t know why Xiner Princess is angry?”

Xiner Princess sneered and said: “hmph, your son, has been obsessed with brothel since he was twelve years old, and he does not like martial arts at all. Until now, he is just a martial artist-level martial arts. And recently I heard that I also fought with a Brothel’s Young Master Young Master, hum, was not even reached by the martial artist level of the other person but was killed by the martial arts for several months. What is Tiger Power? It is a powerful army of my Great Wind King Imperial court. What do you think of this strong wind dynasty? Brothel? A person who ca n’t even beat a martial artist, this kind of person can even become a centurion in the Tiger Army. Every month, you can receive military soldiers, or even enjoy military privileges? Menan, who gave you such courage, do you think that the military can win by relying only on this little pen and ink? “


At this time, Mennan was already speechless. After all, as the leader of the Tiger Power, there have always been regulations. If the Tiger Power person is not allowed to enter it without a strong cultivation base, first of all, One thing is that the centurion must be at the samurai level, and his unwieldy son has only entered the martial artist level a few years ago, and has never broken through since.

But for the sake of his son, he still earned it into the Tiger Army. It was not a strange thing for such a long time ago. Many of the generals did the same, but at this time, here, Things started to get into trouble.

“Hmph … Xiner Princess, can’t I let my son go to the army to practice? Can’t I say that I have no such qualifications?”

After hearing this, Xiner Princess not only was not angry, but she chuckled on her pretty face: “Yeah, it is certainly possible, but as far as I know, the entry qualification of the Tigers has always been quite strict. Since Saying that you want your Young Master to experience it is naturally a blessing to my dynasty, but you condone your son into the female army, and even use your own power to give your son the heinous sin Conceal it, can it be said that this is not what you said?

“You… how do you know?”

As soon as this remark was made, Changlong University Imperial Capital began to move, and Xiner Princess took out a book and handed it to Changlong Emperor, saying, “Father, this is the news that Xiner just got from Yinfeng. “

Yin Feng!

The most secret team of the Great Wind Imperial court can be regarded as an extremely terrifying existence. It is said that the members of this hidden phoenix are women, and their role is to retrieve information, even at this Imperial Capital. In China, no one has been able to hide them, and as long as it is the information they want, they can get it as long as they give money, but no one thought that Xiner Princess had something to do with this hidden phoenix.

“Slander … this is slander, why should my Dignified General army act like this, you are slandering me.”

The face of this South while speaking has begun to become extremely angry.

“peng! ”

After reading this dossier, Emperor Changlong’s palm suddenly slaps a note on this table. After the sound of terrifying matchless begins to ring, the suddenly astral qi overflows.

The emperor’s magnificent long dragon stared coldly at Mennan, and a cold drink full of killing intent sounded slowly: “Mennan … what else can you say?”

“Hmph, there is nothing wrong with the crime … the great emperor, Mennan is a little uncomfortable.

The South in while speaking has already moved back behind moved towards, apparently wanting to leave there.

Mennan is very clear, this time is a great sin, as long as it is what Yin Feng wants, it is generally enough, and even enough underwear to look at a person’s ancestor eighteen generations. Clear and clear …

That’s why Mennan is so panicked.

After retreating to the great hall door, Menan’s face began to stretch slightly: “hmph, when I returned to the army, all the power was in my control. How can you help me in this situation? ? “

“Ha Ha Ha … I’m so brave, even I have been deceived, Mennan, do you still want to leave? Come here, take me down, and the people who are the dynasty of winds have everything to do with that state It ’s a relationship, you can still do this kind of thing. “


A soft sword suddenly came out of the sheath, and then Menan quickly killed the two guards, but at this time a cold voice came out: “Where do you want to go?”

Xuan Hu’s palm with no difficulty pinched the opponent’s body, and then the palm of the hand patted directly …

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