This name is too cheap?

This sentence passed out, and suddenly changed the face of Shangguan’s flute. Anger started from his heart. No one had ever dared to speak to him like that. % & * “;


He blowjob?

I have always felt that his name is an extremely elegant Shangguan blowjob, and now I suddenly feel how insignificant his name is, even raising his inner flame to a Peak.

This is insulting himself, he is a dignified Heavenly Disciple, who dares to insult himself!

“Get out of Laozi!”

There was a terrible anger burning in the voice. At this time, Shangguan’s blowpipe was about to explode. He would kill the man who mocked his name on the spot, divided the body, and let his mysterious The soul is immortal.


An illusory shadow suddenly appeared in front of Ye Shitian and Qin Qin.

Watching this illusory shadow appear slowly condensing, Ye Shitian’s face couldn’t help but reveal a touch of excited expression. As he guessed, the owner of this voice was Ye Fantian.

Scarlet was slowly flashing, Ye Fantian looked at Yeshitian and Qin Qin, and the flashing brilliance suddenly felt a chill, especially Qin Qin’s lovable body. At this time, many of his clothes were shattered. How much insult was just now, Ye Shitian was his brother, and his body was even more scarred at this time.

This kept Ye Fantian’s anger from rising.

“It’s okay …” Ye Fantian said slowly, watching Ye Shitian and Qin Qin.

“The injuries are not serious. Be careful, these guys are not easy!”

Looking at Ye Fantian, Ye Shitian could not help crying.

“Rest assured, I’m dealing with a few sluts with blowjob now, no problem!”

Ye Fantian watched the Shangguan blowjob, said with a cold laugh.

“Who are you? You dare to provoke me to Tianzong, no, you are a dead person, and I do n’t need to know the name of the dead person.”



The body turned into a Changhong, and quickly moved towards Ye Fantian and started to shoot.

The jade flute in her hand shot straight at Ye Fantian, it was like a divine arrow, and it appeared with a sharp breaking sound.

Although this guy is lascivious, but his strength is quite not weak, that sharp energy can even let Ye Fantian feel a powerful lethality.

But this met Ye Fantian.

Who is Ye Fantian? The demon who killed and killed more than a dozen immortal-level powerhouses with one person’s strength, and at that time, he just reached the immortal-level lower-level Peak. Now he is the realm of the immortal-level Peak, which is not at all A grade of cultivation base!

In the face of this guy’s Yu Xiao shot, Ye Fantian did not shy away, it was a punch!

This fist is like a landslide and tsunami, blessed by the power of the gods, the illusory shadow of the gods shows, a punch blows to the past, and the majestic force is flourishing, which instantly defeats the opponent’s jade flute. i ^


In the stunned and unbelievable eyes of Shangguan, the jade flute made a mournful sound. The dragon phantom on the top quickly collapsed and dissipated into a cultivation base. The next moment, there was a sharp pain in the tiger’s mouth. Shrouded.

“Give me-go!”


The fist of the gods broke astral qi, the body of Shangguan’s blowjob. One punch directly killed the past, and quickly smashed the guy’s fleshhy body and flew out.


That infinitely powerful punch, with a terrible punch, fiercely bombarded the fleshhy body of Shangguan’s blowjob, making him instantly feel his saw a flash, and then a sudden pain in his chest.

What a terrible punch, a mouthful of blood in the mouth couldn’t help spraying out, and the internal organs almost shifted.

Is this really just an Immortal Intermediate Peak Martial Art? Is this more terrifying than his own Immortal?

“Senior Brother Shangguan ?!”

The faces of dozens of people roared loudly.

“kill him!”

More than a dozen silhouettes turned into lightning, stepped into the void, shattered a space, and the body was burning with terrifying energy, and moved towards Ye Fantian went crazy.

“hmph ……”

Coldly snorted passed out, Ye Fantian’s face showed a disdainful expression, and the corner of his mouth raised a faint smirk, but his hands didn’t move again, and an energy moved into dantian.

“Roar” like a thunderstorm in the sky, mountains and rivers collapse, Sun and Moon lost radiance, all powerhouses just felt a flower in front of them, as if everything started to blur, but the next moment, a statue The mysterious soul of Zun’s powerhouse quickly began to collapse.





One, two … Five …

The entire nine powerhouses fell to the ground, their bodies quickly turned into cold bodies. They just felt the collapse of their mysterious soul, and they lost control of the fleshhy body in the next moment because they Mystic soul has completely dissipated.

Dark Soul Storm!

Ye Fantian showed off his secret technique, the fantasy storm!

First of all, they were shocked and swift to cast Dark Soul Storm. The cooperation between the two was seamless and made them invincible.

The remaining three powerhouses were standing there crumbling, bleeding in their ears, and looking at each other with incredible expression in their eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

The expression of horror was so clear and obvious that it was obvious that something incredible was discovered.

“Good… great!”

Qin Qin’s small mouth opened up as if she could stuff an egg. She had never seen the situation when Ye Fantian beheaded an immortal higher-level powerhouse. Now she has seen Ye Fantian ’s horror, although I know, but I still can’t help but have a terrible shock.

“Why … how can it be strong?” Looking at Ye Fantian, the face of Shangguan’s blowjob was pale, and even turned gray, blood was flowing in his ears, and the mysterious soul was trembling. The feeling just now seems to be that the whole soul of my own body is about to collapse.

“Well, the effect needs to be further enhanced!”

Ye Fantian frowned slightly, slowly speaking.

Does this tone clearly recognize Dark Soul Storm?

Killed so many powerhouses in one go, this one doesn’t know what to satisfy? If such words are placed on other people’s bodies, they are pretending to be forced, but when they are placed on Ye Fantian’s body, Shangguan blows the whole person’s fleshhy body into a shudder, which is terrible, it is too much Terrible.

Where is this person? This is clearly a monster, a devil!

“You … Are you Ye Fantian ?!”

Suddenly, a powerhouse saw Ye Fantian’s long snow white hair, and finally thought of a wicked guy, a rising myth, and a Legendary that had been in the Paragon realm.

“Ye Fantian ?!”

The eyes of Shangguan’s blowjob almost stared out, Ye Fantian, this terrifying terrible evil, how did he meet such a guy himself!

Is your luck so bad?

He was almost crying. A monster who killed more than a dozen immortal higher-level powerhouses, would he care about them? No wonder it’s so amazing and scary, this guy is just playing with himself.

“Ye Fantian … don’t do anything about it, I apologize for this!”

Shangguan blowjob finally suppressed the hatred in his heart fiercely. At this time, he must save his life. He does not have this capital and Ye Fantian to fight against him. Even if he is Tianzong, he will not offend for his own reasons Warlord Paragon.

That’s more a lunatic character.

“Your Majesty!”

Ye Fantian said lightly, looking at the Shangguan blowjob, it seemed that he didn’t hear him talking.


The complexion changed by Shangguan’s flute, and then turned into a distorted appearance.

He actually wanted to kneel on his own, this is to humiliate himself, no, not just to humiliate himself, if it is known by other people, what is his sect face, which will make his status drop by a thousand feet.

“Ye Fantian, you don’t go too far, we are the people of is Heaven Sect. You are provocative and provocative, and our Tianzong people will not accept such an insult!”

Roared a powerhouse.


Adivine glow flashed, quickly flashed in front of this person.


Flesh and blood splattered directly over the range of several meters.

Another powerhouse was beheaded and killed, and now there are only three people in Tianzong powerhouse that can stand there, and it also includes Shangguan blowjob.

“Damn Ye Fantian, this thing is not over, absolutely not over!”

Shangguan’s flute roared madly in his heart, but his body slowly knelt on the ground.

Humiliation, a strong sense of humiliation appeared in his heart. He is the proud man of the sky, but today he knelt down on the ground in order to save his life. This makes his face look like this, and he will become the laughingstock of Tianzong in the future.


The remaining two powerhouses, with distorted expressions on their faces, knelt on the ground unwillingly. In order to save their lives, they must do so.

“Ye Fantian, this time I have no knowledge of gold and jade, and I apologize for it!”

Shangguan’s flute bowed his head, said solemnly, but his lowered face was full of resentment, and the brilliance in his eyes was a burst of cold glow, extremely resentful.

“I will double the return, double the return, and the Qin Family, you will also wait for me!”

Roaring madly in my heart, humiliation, intense humiliation!


Ye Fantian said slightly with a sneer.


Ye Shitian’s face moved, looking at his woman, but his heart was unwilling. He was going to kill this bastard, and he was going to be killed anyway.

Ye Fantian smiled slightly, and moved towards Ye Shi Angel winked.

“let’s go……”

The killing intent in his heart was lowered fiercely, and Shangguan blowpipe slowly said, the humiliation at this time was fatal to him.

But just as he was about to get up, a voice came out:

“Which one told you to go like this? I let you … kneel!”

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