“Zen disciple comes to meet Master Paragon!”

The sound is still transmitting, but this time, it is more arrogant than the original sound, and it is transmitted to an extreme degree. Ten thousand li can be heard clearly, and the entire sky and the earth that are shaking are crazy. Rolling, as if to set off a raging general.

“It’s amazing cultivation base … There’s a fascinating wave of sound in this voice, it’s like shattering people’s mysterious souls, the damn come is not weak!”

There was a hint of jealousy and madness on War Bear’s face.

Such an overbearing cultivation base has probably reached the power of the immortal Paragon Level. Such strength may even have passed through the epoch of the empire and achieved the paragon prestige of Supreme.

“hmph ……”

Coldly snorted passed out, Zhan Yaoguang’s face was quite ugly. At this time, the Paragon Paragon was not here, but the Zen person came here. This is not a good phenomenon, and it is not a good omen.

“Damn, bully intolerably, what can we do to open this portal? We are afraid he will not succeed?” In this War God lineage, inheritance has countless years of Highest Venerate Sect, with the rule of arrogance on it, that “to” The three large characters “Veneer” and “door” are embedded in it. Even if the powerhouse of the immortal Paragon Level wants to break, it is quite difficult, unless it has the strength of connecting the heavens through the earth, but once it passes, This is bound to compete with the entire War God lineage, completely tearing the face, at that time, it will be terrifying terrifying, and the situation will become extremely complicated, and the current Warlord Paragon has not fallen yet. If the face is really torn, Zen will be quite passive.

So it is impossible for them to completely tear their faces if they have to, but the sound is so loud now, in order to completely inspire the powerhouses of the War God lineage.

“Hmph … so bold, it seems that the news of Old Ancestor’s departure has been leaked!”

A powerhouse roared coldly, with a strong suffocation in his voice, anxious to kill out.

“Zen disciples come to see you, Master Paragon, really don’t want to see my Zen people?”

This time the voice changed again, and the provocative tone and tone were quite obvious.


An abrupt riot of energy, in the void, a stream of light appeared.

The great breath and the energy of the riots are constantly evolving, leaving the surrounding space crackling and broken.

Immediately, these silhouettes appeared in this void.

The night warrior appears!

Behind him, followed by several burly clansmans, thedivine glow flickered, and the momentum was out of the ordinary. Each one turned out to be the powerhouse of the immortal Paragon Level. After the epoch of calamity.

“Fuck, even bullied you to the door, called your sister, fuck is called chuang, you have a loud voice, I’m not deaf!”

A burly man growled loudly, his voice louder than the other.

This is one is more powerful than the Nighthouse Emperor who is not weak at all.

The appearance of them also let the War Bears relax for a while.

“hmph ……”

The zen disciples outside that door, the iron blue color on their faces, this guy’s voice is really exciting, isn’t this insulting them?

“It’s time to do this, still so impudent, really thought we didn’t know that your Paragon could not come back?”

A Zen disciple could not help but coldly snorted and said.

“Hong” Highest Venerate Sect slowly opened, and the divine glow of the Dao began to flash quickly. The rays of light were flying and brought endless ripples. As if to cover the sky, half of the sky showed the flying fairy. Gesture.

“let’s go……”

A Zen powerhouse slowly shouted …

“hu ……”

Sitting on the tower of forgetting, Ye Fantian made a heavy gasp.

An expression with a bitter smile on his face looked at this azure jade.

“It’s almost, it’s almost!”

The sparkling brilliance on this azure jade is still soft and quaint, but for this piece of jade, Ye Fantian can be described as a hateful itch. The energy devoured by this girl is too strong. With Ye Fantian’s energy recovery speed, it is impossible to calm down , Constantly devouring, each time swallowing, Ye Fantian has to spend a long time to recover.

On this day, the number of times he entered the internal space of sapphire was only 30-40 times, and most of them were beaten out at the beginning.

“Coming soon, I can realize this mood …”

Ye Fantian exclaimed excitedly that the inheritance of Demon Ape Clan’s gold is really not simple. The artistic conception contained in it is quite powerful. Once applied to Martial Dao, this lethality can be increased more than XNUMX times. So, It is said that Ye Fantian wants to realize it so strongly.

“After I understand it, I can go out … again!” His eyes narrowed, Ye Fantian’s silhouette moved again, and then his body paused slowly. The next moment, he had stiffened. The soul slowly swims continuously in this, and again a cold voice is transmitted:

“Skyward Rod!” Bang …

“The golden Demon Ape Clan has been notified, and their people will soon arrive. Although I don’t know what a powerful existence exists in this group of guys, they are well prepared …”

A powerhouse of the War God lineage opened and closed with eyes, and fluttered holy light, slowly speaking.


The Night War Emperor’s eyes narrowed, and there was a cold glow, splashing everywhere. Everywhere he went, all things had to go back. This Night War Emperor is a Supreme powerhouse, a genius, and the sky In the meantime, it is rare to have rivals, and the temper is very hot.

“Where is Ye Fantian …”

Eyes moved, the night warrior suddenly shouted.

“Cultivation in the Tower of Forgetfulness, has it reached a critical moment at this time? It has not appeared for many days!”

War shake light suffering with a smile.

“Sister … did you realize this time?”

The night warrior frowned helplessly.

“Old Ancestor has already gone to guard, and if it does, even if he interrupts his understanding, he must take it away!”

Zhan Yaoguang said affirmatively.

“Well, yes, this Zen appears at this time, is it a blessing or a curse, it cannot be avoided, but this Ye Fantian cannot die, even if it is desperate, this guy must exist, damn it, even if it really works No one at our War God lineage will be afraid of this group! “

The Night War Emperor is very angry.

“peng peng peng ”

Changhong passed by.

A sudden line of powerhouse appeared in the void.

Broken the sky, shattered the puppet, a Changhong cut through the earth, a powerhouse or sitting on a wicked mount, or driving war chariot, or stepping into the void, each step is shattering a sky …

In terms of strength and momentum … all reached the level of Peak.

Just as War God lineage thought, this group of bastards is really bad.

“The young Bloodline has been hidden, and he has to swear to death. Even if he is dead, Old Ancestor will avenge …”

Zhan Yaoguang’s face slowly showed a disgusting gesture.

“This Highest Venerate Sect is really hard to get in. Power house of War God lineage, please come to see Paragon. We have something to look for in the elderly!”

A Zen disciple, holding Demon Subduing Pestle, smiling, slowly speaking.

“Can Old Ancestor be seen when you meet?” War bear said with a cold laugh.

“The existence of shit, dare to be so impudent, shouting here, what kind of thing are you!”

The battle shook light, and the fleshhy body drove endless force, instantly breaking through the void, and directly moved towards this smashing Zen disciple with a proud smile.


The earth shook and the mountain quivered. The terrible force is just to break the earth apart. The Zen powerhouse has not waited for a reaction, the smile on his face has not disappeared. Then they felt that an air of killing in the space began to linger, and the entire space collapsed for a while.


The fleshy body flew apart, the flesh danced wildly, and the mysterious soul was shattered by this violent force.

Such arrogant means and terrible power instantly changed the complexion of the Zen powerhouses, and the original proud smile instantly stagnated, and the atmosphere suddenly changed.


A Zen powerhouse growled loudly.

This is one of the immortal Paragon Level powerhouse. The opponent’s face shows a wicked arc. Looking at the light of battle, the zen glory on his body is constantly flashing, and the golden glow is dazzlingly released.

“Junior, how dare you kill my disciple!”


The momentum suddenly burst out, and the other side even started to shoot with no emotion, the resentful eyes began to flash out, and shot like Liuli.

Above the void, a golden mountain began to be suppressed, and moved towards Zhan Guangguang’s crazy shot, hanging.

“pā pā pā ……”

Zhan Guangguang’s fleshhy body made a crackling sound, with a trace of struggling expression on his face, but this golden mountain is like an Immemorial Divine Mountain, its power is not to be underestimated, it is terrible, but it ’s just an instant, then Moved by forcible suppression.

“Roll your grandfather!”

A War God lineage powerhouse of the immortal Paragon Level suddenly started to shoot, the opponent’s fleshhy body was burly, and he kicked away, directly shattering the golden mountain.

“courting death !”

This Zen powerhouse growled loudly.


A low voice came out.

On top of that war chariot, a golden silhouette flashes slowly, and the voice is transmitted from the other’s mouth …

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