
The silence is extreme!

In the space, as if the air had to condense. % & * “;

“pa ……”

A low voice came out, breaking the silent environment.

Blood, that is, the blood of the fighting demon Buddha is slowly dripping down, the blood drips turned into blood rain, and it splattered quickly in the void.

The peacock king of glass with a terrifying expression on her pretty face, beautiful eyes open, it seems like an incredible expression, at the moment just now, she even felt that she was going to die completely, kind How clear was the breath of death that she had to give up.

But the severe pain that was supposed to happen did not appear, and some were just a warm embrace, a embrace that made her feel very fulfilled.

“Silly girl …”

Faint two words, but it contains infinite feelings.

Her heart throbbed, her heart throbbed completely, and an inconceivable emotion began to fill her heart instantly.

The first guy who dared to take advantage of himself, the first guy who dared to make himself his woman, the first guy who dared to tease himself, and the first …

Everything seems to be eternal at this instant, but the warmth in that embrace gradually dissipates.

Is starting to get cold.

“Do not……”

The irresistible cry of pain passed from the mouth of the great peacock king Liuli, and the voice contained an emotion that was difficult to hide.

Crazy, excited, painful, hysterical!

“Little Junior Sister, what are you doing? Don’t hurry to take this traitor away, even if it’s a corpse, but we can take this mysterious soul away!”

Shouting from the tiger, Paragon.

The voice was cold and commanding.


A pair of eyes suddenly moved towards the direction of the sound, beautiful eyes scorched, flashing chills.

The big peacock king of glaze slowly looked at Fuhu Paragon, as if he was treating a stranger.

“Peacock, what’s the matter with you?” Fugon Paragon’s heart startled, suddenly yelling, the same attitude as a stranger,

“Miscellaneous … too fucking!”

Zhan Xiong roared in his mouth, and his face was full of anger. This tiger, Paragon, clearly saw through the fighting demon Buddha like the big peacock glass king. At this time, he deliberately shot, it seems to be beheaded In fact, the peacock king of glass is indirectly beheading and killing the fighting devil in this way.

This move can be seen as long as it is not an idiot.

That is, at this time, inside the Tower of Forgetfulness. i ^

A silhouette slowly opened his own pair of scarlet, the scarlet flickered, like a blast of electricity, the glass kept flashing, and it flickered, setting off an endless tide.

“Finally, it has been cultivated. The operation of this means and energy is really terrifying …”

Ye Fantian’s face showed an expression of excitement, slowly speaking.

But also at this time, a scream of grief passed to the extreme, and the sound rolled like a boundless wave, with grief and endless hatred, passed out, dancing wildly With.

“pa ……”

Ye Fantian’s complexion slightly changed, an unknown hunch came to mind …

“kill him!”

The night war emperor’s face changed fiercely. This group of Zen hybrids is too impudent, dare to kill people here. Isn’t this humiliating?

And at this time, the face of that tiger, Paragon, changed fiercely, and a terrible horror burst out suddenly.

This momentum began to become extraordinary horror, as if it were to envelope the sky, and the sweat brush on his body suddenly stood up.

This feeling is extremely dangerous.

It was as if he had been stared at by an extremely evil being.

Under this strong feeling, Fuhu Paragon’s face changed drastically, and quickly moved towards looking in one direction.

Scarlet flashes!

It was a pair of scarlet eyes, with icy and piercing bones that could not be covered,

“Ye Fantian …”

Looking at this person, Fuhu Paragon’s face changed slightly, and then a cold smirk appeared.

Ye Fantian’s eyes looked at Fuhu Paragon tightly, and then moved again in one direction, where a man was hugging a burly guy, and tears fell.

It’s a fighting demon!

This guy hurt the fighting devil!


Silhouette flickered, Ye Fantian came to the Devil and the Warrior Buddha, watching the peacock king who was crying. Ye Fantian secretly felt a joy in his heart. It seems that this time the injury is not an unreward.

Fingers move slightly, fleeting in the eyebrows of this fighting demon Buddha.

Suddenly the power of the mysterious soul began to surge.

But Ye Fantian’s complexion over time, just a few breaths, has become iron blue, iron blue is amazing.

The radon gas was flowing slowly.

The internal organs are almost fragmented, and the meridian collapses. If the fleshhy body had the innate Bloodline blessing, I’m afraid it’s already completely finished, and the mysterious soul is nearly discernible.

This injury was too serious, even beyond Ye Fantian’s imagination, especially in the memory of the fighting demon Buddha, Ye Fantian saw the incident.

Zen, Fuhu Paragon!

Ye Fantian remembered the name deeply.


A flash of azure sparkles, and the birth of Greenwood Emperor Tree Qi of Life begins to nourish to the fleshhy body of the fighting demon Buddha. With the nourishing of the Qi of Life, the injuries on the fighting demon Buddha suddenly begin to work together. The Bloodline within the body had no power to continue to nourish the fleshhy body, but with the effect of Qi of Life, it seemed like nectar appeared on the dried up ground, and quickly turned this Qi of Life is completely divided up, and nothing is wasted.

His life was saved, but the injury on this tiger, Paragon, was extremely serious, especially this mysterious soul. The impact he received was too strong, and even Ye Fantian was a little helpless.

However, only have life, all this is easy to say, the main problem now is to solve the Zen thing.

“Why did this little ancestor come out, didn’t the Elders stop him?”

Zhanxiong’s face could not help but screamed a bitter expression.

“Always on guard, this time can’t be good anymore, you must guarantee this kid!”

Zhan Yaoguang looked at Ye Fantian slowly, and his expression was extremely firm.

“How come this guy …”

The Night War Emperor’s brow frowned. He disapproved of Ye Fantian’s appearance at this time. Ye Fantian was their hope. If something happened, the loss would be unimaginable.

Ye Fantian’s eyes glowed with a slight glow of divine glow, and he slowly said to the big peacock Liuliwang: “Take care of him! And save!”

The peacock king’s dull beautiful eyes suddenly radiated a bright brilliance, fiercely hugged the fleshhy body of the fighting demon Buddha, firmly nodded.

“Large peacock king, are you trying to betray Zen?”

A Zen powerhouse roared loudly with an angry expression on his face, not only him, but also other Zen disciples.

Some powerhouses even fiercely looked at the fighting demon Buddha, and could not wait to kill this guy directly, especially those young powerhouses, whose jealousy could not be masked.

Who is the Great Peacock King Liuli? Not only is the Zen method of protection, it is also a stunning beauty. There are countless natural seekers for this beauty, and even the kind of temperament is more attractive, enough to attract countless powerhouses to go crazy.

Such a performance is naturally reasonable.

Ye Fantian’s body slowly rose.

It was just this action, but the next moment, a chill was madly fired.

As if a demon had awakened, the entire sky must be subject to it, a slight sway in the space, and then it became dignified and abnormal. The heavy pressure was like crushing the human fleshhy body .

At this moment, all the powerhouses began to change color. Although Ye Fantian is expressionless, it is like a volcano about to erupt. Once the riot, it is storm and rain, and everything is destroyed.

“kill him!”

Fuhu Paragon’s eyes glowed with chills, and a whispered sound transmission shouted in his mouth.

“I dare … Fuhu Paragon, you are fighting with my War God lineage!”

The night war emperor’s face with a crazy expression, a mark in his hand dancing wildly, and then the power of rowing mountains began to be released.

Each ripple is a powerful force that can’t be covered, and it is powerful enough to break the mountain.

The same is true for the magic heart Paragon, which is like controlling Nine Heavens in his hand, and constantly releases strange fluctuations in the Tao.


The three immortal Paragon Level powerhouses moved towards Ye Fantian roared, and the weapons in their hands turned into a torrential rain, opening up the Quartet, and instantly breaking down all the vitality around Ye Fantian, without even a hint of evasion. .

“Save him!”

The Night War Emperor’s complexion has greatly changed. I did not expect that this Zen powerhouse dared to be so shameless. This is clearly to start the real and entire War God lineage.

There are three immortal Paragon Level powerhouses, among them there is a master who has gone through an era of disaster. This combination is enough to kill Ye Fantian.

A respected War God lineage powerhouse, regardless of the scars on his body, desperately moved towards Ye Fantian and rushed to protect Ye Fantian.

The three Zen powerhouses had a horrible face and looked at Ye Fantian. At this time, Ye Fantian seemed to be stunned and completely motionless, which also made the three Zen powerhouses secretly sneer.


The world is the same!

A cold glow appears, Between Heaven and Earth, as if there was only this cold glow, cold glow shot at Nine Provinces!


The tear of the cold glow came out, like shredding everything.


Fuhu Paragon’s face turned wild. I never expected that things would turn out like this. This is going to turn against the sky. Is this a huge huge might that can be released by an immortal advanced powerhouse?

“Can’t resist ?!”

The immortal Paragon, who had gone through an era of robbery, screamed sternly. In front of him, this cold glow didn’t stop at all. There was only this cold glow in the entire space. It couldn’t escape or resist!


The flesh dances wildly, and the cold glow flashed is fleeting, but in this void there are countless pieces of minced meat and blood rain.

Long hair violently dancing, a pair of scarlet flashes and swallows, holding a strange long knife in one hand, standing proudly and domineering, at this moment, it seems to become eternity!

This knife … raging into magic!

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