The release of Long Wei, the bright glow of the divine glow, rushing up the galaxy, and hanging down the Jiuyou, flowing invincible breath …

There is a blessing from the god’s robe, between the eyebrows. A section of Panlong’s mark appears to be extremely clear. This dragon’s mark is like a living creature. It can be clearly seen that the panlong in this eyebrow seems to be entangled constantly. With the gesture of roaring to the sky, Longwei bursts into the sky, and can clearly perceive the void, and the Divine force of Sun, Moon and Stars is paying attention to it.

It’s just a mark, but it’s as powerful as Divine Beast, which is really frightening.

His face seemed to be surrounded by a stream of Qi of Chaos. He couldn’t see the other person’s true face at all, but his eyes were cold, like a poisonous snake.

The moment he saw this man appeared, the ancient Emperor of the Ancients also secretly watched, and looked at each other with a bad expression.

“I didn’t expect Paragon, the Zen dragon, to come here!”

The sound was indifferent, and no emotional fluctuations could be heard at all.

“Hehe … Elder Supreme’s emperor has heard it a long time ago, but it is better to see it than to hear it, and it is more admirable than rumored.”

Although Paragon’s face couldn’t see the other person’s true face, it felt like this guy was laughing.

“The Dignified generation of Zen great guardianship, the existence of Supreme. In the whole Zen, I am afraid that there is no Supreme Deity besides Zen, and this emperor has been fascinated for a long time.”

Emperor Huanggu’s face is still expressionless, but the words of admiration are revealed in his mouth, but even an idiot knows it. At this time, the two are clearly guarding each other.

“Frankly, the little monk didn’t want to come out at this time. This was not a moment ago, there was a breakthrough, so I chose to appear here, but after I came here, I felt that this place is really not simple. Ah, although there are Qi of Evil everywhere, but it has its own vitality. The little monk pointed it out and found out that there is a big fate here, so I hurried here. One step early! “


Go to your uncle’s fate!


Looking at the mouth of this girl is a fate, so that the ancient Emperor even has no way to refute, and really gave him the general feeling of eating a stool, angrily slap this girl.

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly began to change.

In the stillness, there is a kind of invisible pressure flowing, and a strong oppressive force appears in people’s hearts.

And when the dragon Paragon saw that the ancient Emperor had not spoken, he even shut up, seemingly waiting for the other party to speak in general. Although the facial features on the face were vague, it gave a general smile.

The silence of the two giants suddenly caused the disciples of Zen and Tianzong to be on alert. Although Tianzong and Zen were respected as two major terrorist forces, there was not much exchange in normally. , Let alone say that there is nothing to say at all.

“I didn’t expect this place to have a connection with Paragon. It seems that it is a good place. Unfortunately, my people found a long-lost thing in Tianzong here. Although this thing is not Supreme Treasure , But it has extraordinary significance for our Heavenly Sect, so we have to ask for a lot of forgiveness here, and when we find the things of this Heavenly Sect, this place is yours! Of course, because It’s here with you, so we definitely won’t choose to move it! “

The original pair of eyes of the dragon Paragon suddenly stunned, the cold glow flickered, and slowly moved towards the ancient Emperor looked at it.


In order to get the fragment of the heart of the wild, even sect was lifted out.

The dragon Paragon never expected that this girl in front of him would be shameless than himself, especially when he looked at the smile of the ancient Emperor, at this time, the dragon Paragon finally had an urge to scold his mother. It was like a ton of fuck your mother fiercely crushed over, very depressed.

“Really?” Paragon said slowly in his mouth.

Now both words have been made very clear. The ancient Emperor wanted the sect’s antiquities, but the dragon Paragon was behind him, but he only wanted this place.

This time seems that there is no reason to challenge the other party, but the shameless and cheeky of this Zen once again manifested from the dragon Paragon: “I originally pointed out, the reason why here will be with the monk, The big reason is because there is something in this place, which is very important to the little monk, so we might as well go in and see how? “

“Cheesy, man!”

The ancient Emperor Emperor had a sudden black face with a smile on his face. Only the word “slut” was surging in his heart. Looking at Paragon, he really wanted to slap each other with a slap, but now it is not At that time, the senior officials of Tianzong had long had a taboo. Do n’t be against Zen. This saying has existed since ancient times. Even the great ancient emperor is not easy to violate. It can only be coldly snorted, without speaking, quickly moved towards This piece of space like Qi of Chaos rushed past.

“Na mo Amitabha … Go!”

After the Buddha’s horn, Paragon also shouted quickly …

“dong dong dong ……”

The waves of vibrations rang in front of Ye Fantian, no, not just in front of them, it was clearly in his heart, the things in front of him, like Ye Fantian’s heart, the kind of ringing sound even made him have a kind of The inexplicable sense of intoxication seems to be returning to his own mother.

The strong sense of familiarity and the quiet atmosphere made Ye Fantian sleeplessly with his eyes closed.

“Not good !”

When this feeling became more and more intense, Ye Fantian’s heart suddenly felt a shock, and his mind surged violently, and then his teeth fiercely bit on his tongue. With the intense pain, Ye Fantian’s mind was in a while. Wake up.

Immediately fiercely looked at the things before me!

This is a round object full of a basin-size, with a golden divine glow on it, and more of which is purple glow flowing, looks round and integrated, and has a majestic atmosphere flowing, rolling Flowing, the densely packed divider runes above are full of trillions, and each one counts as mysterious and esoteric.

“The Shard of the Wilderness is ten times larger than it was!”

Whispered in Ye Fantian’s mouth.

At the same time, a burst of ecstasy in my heart became more apparent.

In this space, one by one, the various glows of Divine Glow are like the flames, and these Divine Glows constantly open up their own space around them and evolve their own World.

The power of wind, fire, water, and soil is endless. If it were not for Ye Fantian’s own power of the wild, instead of ordinary people, he would have been assimilated by direct destruction.

But even so, Ye Fantian still felt the pressure in front of him.

“shua ……”

Ye Fantian’s body suddenly moved, and immediately cast Dragon Snake Step moved towards the other side.

“pa pa! pa pa! ”

Bursts of shattering appeared, and the densely packed divider runes suddenly began to riot, and the seals moved, setting off a long river of divide runes, each of which could shatter a time and space.

But Ye Fantian’s eyes closed at this time. The whole person was like walking in a quiet court. After the surrounding atmosphere approached him, he wouldn’t hurt him at all, but the divine runes fiercely After getting on his fleshhy body, not only did he not get scars, but he got into it crazy.

A strong feeling of fullness develops in the heart.

This feeling is very comfortable. For Ye Fantian, the other party seems to be connected by Bloodline. The power of the Wilderness has begun to become more and more rapid, and the speed of the surrounding divine runes is getting faster and faster.

“shua ……”

Finally, when Ye Fantian’s arms slowly stretched out, his palm was finally pressed against the Shard of the Wild Heart.


An immense amount of energy was quickly filled into Ye Fantian’s fleshhy body. This strong feeling made Ye Fantian even feel his breathing began to rush, meridian crackling, Supreme’s energy, unable to The masked breath, many divine runes, all kinds of laws, strange illusions, laws, illusory shadows …

Everything, as if all broke out at this moment.

Ye Fantian ’s mystic soul grew immensely. Nascent Saint made the full sound of each and everyone, and his eyes were filled with satisfaction. The whole person ’s mind began to be released. Under the control of this mystic soul, the number of squares was ten Thousands of miles, hundreds of millions of miles are under his control.

At this time, two forces also appeared in Ye Fantian’s sight.

“Here it is …!”

A voice appeared, and the other party was rushed towards here, and the speed was very fast and arrogant.

Whole body or mighty righteousness, or Supreme Buddha!

“This is Heaven Sect and the Zen powerhouse, who are the two, damn it?” Ye Fantian’s heart shook, and he finally saw the great ancient Emperor and the dragon Paragon.

Although the breath on both of them is inherent, Ye Fantian’s mystic soul is now growing infinitely, and can even feel the existence that could not be felt before, the terrifying breath and the lawlessness of the law and of natural morality The powerful fluctuations of Ye Fantian finally opened his eyes.


Ye Fantian, who didn’t think about it, quickly moved the palm of his hand, quickly released his powerful power, and began to forcibly move the fragment of the Heart of the Wild.

“pā pā pā ……”

The thickness is like a mountain, as if it is carrying hundreds of Immemorial Divine Mountain. This powerful weight makes Ye Fantian’s complexion change fiercely at this moment.

“Your uncle’s … so heavy ?!”

But the other party’s speed is getting faster and faster, I’m afraid it won’t take you an hour or three to get here.


With a roar of madness in his heart, the energy on Ye Fantian’s body crackled, and a sudden divine force suddenly set off, and the shards of the wild heart began to move.

“Give me-up!”

Roaring in his heart, Ye Fantian just felt his hands sinking, and suddenly the shard of the wild heart was finally picked up by him.


Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, everything is depleted, it is like taking life away from this space, a powerful destruction breath begins to generate quickly …

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