Among the lovable body, it is a set of empress’s robes, with a complex and esoteric divine runes flowing on it, every few breaths will flash a star-like divine glow, bright rays of light. Shoot, stand there, illuminate the Shifang sky.

Her hair is like a waterfall, her facial features are beyond description, her temperament is cold and arrogant like moonlight. The queen was quietly bathed in that sacred light, as if covered with a coat of silver radiance.

Majesty is inviolable, sacred is inviolable, majesty is inviolable!

The pair of golden beautiful eyes flashed the noble divide glow, which is a gesture of looking down on the students, and treating them as a trivial ant.

The other party stood there, although not say a word, but it seemed to treat everything as a trivial ant, completely ignoring it.

Lonely! No match!

Who is this person who is not Goddess?

Behind, a pair of pairs of wings flickered, setting off trails of waterfalls and rivers, rendering everything all around extremely powerful.

Golden beautiful eyes opened and closed, slowly moved towards Ye Fantian, looked at the past, cold glow radiated, and made Ye Fantian’s heart secretly smile bitterly, the energy of his body this week, he can no longer suppress it, it is about to burst I came out, but I didn’t expect that I actually met this little girl here, and that’s too bad luck.

“The strength of this chick has not yet reached this level last time. Now it has reached the immortal Paragon Level of an era cultivation base. These guys are more powerful than one!”

Ye Fantian smiled secretly.

And looking at the wings behind the opponent, it was so full of sixteen wings that it reached the extreme of the gods.

“Does it mean that not only the blood of the gods, but also the Bloodline of Ancestral God?

Whispered in the old broken knife’s mouth.

Ancestral God!

This is an ancient title. Of all Bloodline, the successor of the first generation Bloodline, even if inherited by Ye Fantian and the others, is only the War God lineage, but it is not the Bloodline of the Ancestral God lineage. .

The bloodline of the Ancestral God lineage is too horrible. It is so powerful that it can make people practice thousands of times faster than ordinary people. But even so, the original Goddess emperor had only the strength The immortal higher-level cultivation base that’s all is simply not enough to compete with the current strength.

“hmph ……”

Seems to be seeing Ye Fantian observing himself, Goddess emperor’s mouth wrinkled slightly, marking a dazzling trace, but such traces combined with the cold temperament, not only did not lose a trace of beautiful and alluring, but An extra playfulness and charm.

“His life … is mine!”

The arrogant queen’s stance, arrogant and terrifying, did not give people a chance to breathe. They were overbearing and completely ignored everything.

“Hehe hee … big satyr, this time, but we saved you!”

A burst of laughter hehe appeared, and saw a pretty family of gods glaring at a pair of beautiful eyes showing a naughty smile to Ye Fantian. The woman looked young, but the development on the lovable body was quite Not weak, especially the fullness of the pair on the chest, soaring into the clouds, giving people a shock that can’t be discerned.

Ye Fantian recognized the woman. The other person was the Goddess Ming who she saved last time. Ye Fantian took a casual look at all around and found that there are really a lot of gods, and each of them is Bloodline. very.

“Hmph, dare to discipline us, I see you are courting death!”

Huang Longzun roared with anger in his mouth.

“Do you really think you are in the Archaic period? To tell you the truth, in the Archaic period, the age of your Commander sky has passed, and your gods are just stray dogs. This is our Zen thing, get away, otherwise I do n’t Mind the taste of Goddess! “

The voice of the Emperor Dragon has a touch of covetousness, which can’t blame each other. After all, this Goddess emperor’s lovable body is perfect and hot, and the temperament is gorgeous, and the combination of the two is enough to produce a The strong desire to conquer is difficult to control. The original Emperor Dragon is the Soul Dragon Buddha, and the other is an evil dragon. In nature, it is disgusting to the extreme, a bastard.

Although there is only one mysterious soul at this time, it is also difficult to understand the nature!

“I think you’re courting death!”

Goddess emperor’s pretty face was tensed tightly, and two cold glows were shot out of the beautiful eyes, and quickly shot.

The jade hand waved is a vigorous bright cross cut. At this time, the cross cut is many times stronger than the original, and the shot speed is as fast as lightning. In an instant, it has exceeded everyone’s imagination and came to the Emperor Dragon. Before.


“Ah …” “pu 噗 pu …”

Blood swelled and the limbs scattered. This bright flash of light shattered a fleet of fleshhy bodies of more than a dozen people. After all, the Goddess emperor was a Supreme powerhouse with an era cultivation base. At this time, an angry shot, what? Not to be disturbed, how effective will not be strong enough.


It was a god blade, the Bright God blade, with illusory shadows of countless sage gods lingering on it, and the sky-like momentum began to rise.

The Bright God blade in his hand danced slowly and aimed at this emperor dragon, coldly said:

“It’s your turn!”

The expression of Huanglong Dazun’s face changed slightly. Obviously, the Goddess emperor’s strength was so arrogant. After all, the powerhouses just shot were not simple, and even contained an epoch with the same level as his own. Level of Immortal Paragon.

But who is he? He is the Soul of the Styx Dragon, a mystical soul of the Nin Dragon, although there is only a trace of it, but the powerful energy contained in it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. What is more important is his experience. A trace of coldness, slowly opening, eyes blinking, the muscles on that face continued to evolve, and finally formed the original look of Huanglong Dazun, a look that looked extremely cold.

Insidious, cunning, poisonous, and cruel … Many words are not enough to describe this face. This should be the true face of the Ninghe Dragon Buddha:

“Unexpectedly, there is such a character in this god, it seems that your god is planning to rise!”

The pair of cold dragon eyes of King Huangzun slowly moved towards Goddess. The king looked, and the glory released by the eyes of poisonous snake seemed to be Divine Sword. It was cold and biting, but when I saw this Goddess King The lovable body, especially after the pair of towering breasts, still can not help but burst into a trace of heat:

“The deity wants to train you into a slave woman and make you regret what you did today!”


The divine runes flickered, and the Buddha’s horns began to form. In the void, the evil dragons entangled, setting off endless suffocation.

The momentum began to rise continuously, and this guy’s strength even reached the peak of an era’s cultivation base, and even a faint gesture of breaking through.

“shua ……”

A section of demonic beast, the long blades of teeth, slowly emerged in his hand, and the spit gas kept flashing, making people very heart-wrenching.

“You are dead!”

Goddess Emperor stood there and said slowly.

“boast shamelessly !”

“Hah! ”

An outcry came out, and all the men who stood next to the Emperor Dragon King suddenly enlarged their eyes, their bodies began to melt away, and quickly became Changhong. Long Dazun swallowed down, and the fleshhy body of Huang Longzun crackled the next moment:

“Let me come here and how does Goddess name taste!”

The cold tone was quite uncomfortable, especially the pair of cold eyes of the other person, and it looked disgusting, but the next moment, the Emperor Dragon chose to shoot, and the long blade in his hand raised a cold The cold wind moved towards Goddess with the roar of the Buddha. The emperor shrouded the past.

The wave filled with the breath of death hangs down quickly, this breath is a kind of stench and cold, if you smell a little, you will feel that your life force is quickly dissipating.

After seeing this Emperor Dragon shot, the Goddess emperor smiled coldly, and the wonderful lovable body marked a trace of lithe and graceful, and quickly moved towards the other side to cast the blade.

The energy within the body is released like a storm.


The huge astral qi and divine light began to move brightly, setting off a long river, forcibly resisted each other.

“peng! ”

The two hit fiercely together, and the energy surrounding the body began to burst out in unison.

“Jié jié 桀 … little girl, you are dead this time, come here for me!”

“Shin of the river!”

The flow of energy like a long river actually set off a frenzy, and quickly created a huge tombstone with a scream of screams on it, which will cause endless negative emotions in both ears. .

“The glory of light is boundless-the gate of light and glory!”


The gods roared and roared again and again, the set-up of the long river began to wave violently, and instantly picked up endless energy, and in an instant, it opened up endless energy.

It was the roar of the ancient gods and then the roar, opening up ten ways.

They are either holding a magical halberd, or a sharp knife, or a magic stick …

All kinds of bombardment and killing to the other side of the Minghe monument, as the evil light shattered, the expression of that emperor dragon’s face suddenly changed.

The body hurriedly moved towards the back and tried to dodge this move.

“Hachibara Bright God!”

Goddess gave a coquettish sound, a movement behind him again, and a huge light scepter represented fiercely suppression of infinite power.


Huanglong Dazun’s face was completely pale, and his mouth screamed loudly, but his head was directly shattered by the bright scepter into nothingness!


Is this dead?

For a while, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath.


A mysterious soul suddenly radiated from the fleshhy body of the emperor dragon. The speed was amazing, and it contained the Buddha’s sound, which quickly broke the void and disappeared into place. This speed was too fast Well, even Goddess had no time to respond.

“hong long long ……”

At the same time, the ground began to rise, the void began to oscillate, and the endless sound of the Buddha’s trumpet appeared.

“Not good … these guys are here!”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a shock that could not be masked. This time, it may really be finished.

But no one has found that the body of the battle fighters Paragon and Battle Saint, which are currently being cultivated and restored, seems to be slowly moving their bodies …

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