Chapter XNUMX The Resurgence

This thing seems to be like a wave floating in the sea. It doesn’t cause a lot of ripples, and everyone is a new student.

For powerhouse, it is destined to be the focus of attention, so everyone quickly moved towards those powerful students began to run, and some small groups began to be combined very quickly. .

It is King Dao who has strength in this Academy, and dregs who have no strength. This has already reached a consensus, so now those powerful beings have begun to combine together.

After all, after the start of school, those old students have already begun to enter Academy, and soon after each newcomer is admitted to the hospital, the test that must be endured has begun.

Every time at this time, the old students can get a part of the points of the new students, of course, some benevolent ones will make less, while the more cruel ones are quite not much left, and they will be eliminated directly. More than half.

But Ye Fantian and several of his housemates have no interest in the general existence of these divided gangs.

“Come on, come on … I really want to fight.”

Lei Lei said eagerly.

“Well … I think so …”

I do n’t need to ask and know that it is the Zhuge Mingjing. This guy’s growing environment is enough to make him a fighting freak, while Ye Fantian and Bai Caotian are the most calm two on the contrary.

Ye Fantian closed his eyes and kept thinking about one thing-Qing Xuanzi!

His Master has been asleep for a long time, but during this time Ye Fantian found that the other party did not have any movement at all, and thought of the time when Qing Xuanzi helped himself to illuminate most of his physical strength It was so helpless to fall asleep.

“There must be a way to heal the Master ’s injury, but relying on this soul body to appear will be bad for the Master itself, especially if the injury is too heavy, the soul will fall into it. In a state of deep sleep, if he goes on like this, his soul will definitely fall into a state of collapse. What should I do? “

Ye Fantian’s brow began to frown.

Pā pā pā ……

“Fourth child seems to be in trouble?”

Huang Lei’s brow frowned slightly and said to Zhuge Mingjing sound transmission.

Sound Transmission Technique is not uncommon, and there are many types, and it is quick to start, but it is also difficult for ordinary people to own, so after hearing the boss’s sound transmission, Zhuge Mingjing’s face suddenly showed a surprised expression, very Quickly helpedlessly said: “The fourth child has its own secrets. I already knew that the fourth child is not easy, especially in terms of strength. I feel that this kid must have concealed it, but it can’t be said for some reason. , But since he doesn’t want to say now, we have no way to help him, we can only pay attention to it first. “

Huang Lei also agrees with nodded. Although the four people have not been together for a long time, it does not mean that their relationship is very shallow. On the contrary, although the relationship between the four people has not reached the point of death, But it is already extremely deep.

Peng peng peng!

A rush of voice came out suddenly, and then a young man in a martial arts gown came in slowly. The proudness of his face and the horror of the body locked on it really made people feel. To my surprise, there were not many people in this classroom at this time, so we didn’t care about the appearance of this person.

“hmph ……”

Suddenly, the sound of coldly snorted sounded like a thunder blast in the ears of many people, and many relatively weak students were already softened by the shock of this sound.

Ye Fantian, who was still doing their own, opened their eyes slightly and moved towards each other and gave them a slow glance.

This person is about twenty years old. He has long brown hair. Although the facial features are not good-looking, they have a handsome feeling when they are combined, especially the clothes on this body look quite Gorgeous, so in this case it has attracted the attention of many ignorant women.

“Hmph … it’s a wasteful martial art.”

The man seemed to move around towards him without feeling anything, but after seeing Little Bai on Ye Fantian’s shoulder, those eyes suddenly radiated two horrible rays of light.

Slowly moved towards Ye Fantian.

“Hey … who the hell are you?”

Soon everyone saw that something was wrong, so there is a person The man first asked.


With the emergence of a strong wind, the guy with a martial artist mid-grade level was immediately beaten out.


In the eyes of the four Lei Lei, the light flashed slightly. At this time, the other students in this class also started to stand up. The guy in front of him is definitely not in his class, but Lei Lei and the Others began to think about it, because the wind just now was extremely fast.

“I said this friend, what did you do when we came to our class? And while speaking, it hurts, I’m afraid it’s a little overkill.”

A faint voice came out slowly, and the Ye Fantian four could not help but be a little surprised at this voice, but it quickly became clear, and the person who spoke was not someone else, it was just Ye Fantian and the Almost contradictory one.

Ye Fantian didn’t care at all about this person, but it was just a martial art with a samurai grade. Of course, the reason why he noticed this person was also because the other party apparently concealed a part of his own strength, and was able to be in the new At the level of samurai among the trainees, it is obviously either that the family has a certain status and advantages, or that their own qualifications are quite good. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to reach the level as it is now.

“I’m Gao Cheng, a senior student. Who are you?”

The three words of senior students instantly startled many people present. In any case, among the people present were one year later than the other party, and those who could become senior students were both qualified and cultivation base. Compared with them, they all have rich experience and manpower, so after saying this, a timid expression has suddenly appeared in the eyes of many people.

In response to the crowd’s reactions, a proud expression suddenly appeared on Gao Cheng’s face. Normally, it is quite rare to encounter such awesome eyes, but in the face of these novices, everything is easier. .

“I am a member of this class, Situ Nangong.”

As for the identity of the other party as an advanced student, Situ Nangong had already guessed long ago, so he did not show much anomaly in his speech, and his physical momentum began to slowly develop.

After feeling that the other person ’s momentum was not weaker than himself, Gao Cheng’s face was surprised. Although there were also powerhouses of samurai level among the junior students, he didn’t think of his own. Luck happened so suddenly.

Situ Nangong said lightly: “As far as I know, it is not possible to grab points in the class. Does this Senior want to make an exception?”

“Che … is it great to think you have some strength?”


The body ’s True Qi spurred, and the terrifying energy began to move toward Situ Nangong in front of him, and then a terrifying popping sound started between the two people ’s bodies. The body couldn’t help shaking, but it didn’t step back.

“Good strength, but you are still too tender.”

After this statement, a mysterious power flow turned to the back of the opponent inconceivably, and then with no difficulty the True Qi of the opponent’s body was immediately broken.

This clever technique suddenly brightened Ye Fantian’s eyes. At this time, the entire Stuart Nangong began to be rushed by the energy, so he flew towards the high city.

“It really is a novice.”

Gao Cheng didn’t hesitate anymore, his fingers moved quickly, and then the five fingers turned into sharp blades and generally moved towards the other side and hacked.

“I’m afraid more than that.”

The reason why Situ Nangong was in his early complete must be in order to establish his own prestige in front of everyone, so how can it be so easily solved, so that the right foot without the slightest hesitation has become a Taoist disability Film, directly gathered together.

嗤chi chi…

The horrible energy directly formed a lacquered black flying leg.


Both hands quickly turned into a parcel of fiercely and pressed the other side’s foot, but at this time Gao Cheng no longer underestimated Situ Nangong in front of him, and the two learned the strength of each other in one shot Birds of a feather. It ’s more difficult to win the game, but Situ Nangong is very clear. The other party has been practicing here for a year. The skills and various experiences in normally are more absolute than themselves. Rich, so it is still difficult to say that you are better than the other side.


It was made like this by a junior student, and Gao Cheng’s face began to look a little ugly. Although the struggle between the two was a small confrontation, the degree of danger was really felt. Terrifying and torn terrifying.

Just when Gao Cheng wanted to continue, suddenly a footstep slowly passed in. Then a tall man walked slowly, then frowns glanced at Gao Cheng, and his face was uneasy. Yuezhuang said, “Did you get it done in so long?”

After seeing this tall man, Gao Cheng’s face suddenly showed a horrified expression: “Sorry Senior, there are really a few tricky issues here.”

The man glanced at Situ Nangong slightly, his face slightly revealing expression:

“So it turned out that I met a samurai guy, huh, but Gaocheng, you still need to improve your strength. I will give you a portion of the points paid at this time, so you can cultivate well Just a moment. “

Immediately after this remark, a grateful expression was revealed on Gaocheng’s face: “many thanks Senior for help …”

The man was slightly nodded, and after looking around for a while, he looked towards Ye Fantian, and said lightly in his mouth, “Is this the kid?”

This ambiguous discourse suddenly made Ye Fantian startled a bit, totally did not expect that this guy seemed to be directed at himself, but after thinking about it for a long time, he did not think of the other party’s information.

Situ Nangong’s face began to look extremely ugly, because he only knew at this time that his shot at this time basically gave a head for the waste in his eyes …

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