
Deafening and mighty, like a thunderbolt in the sky, ten days of shaking boiled for it!

ten thousand horses galloping, general roar!

At this moment, all the powerhouses felt that their blood within was rolling madly, and the power of vibration made this blood almost fly out.

“This voice …?!”

A sudden expression of excitement suddenly appeared on War Bear’s face.

“Yes, there is nothing wrong, this is Ye Fantian’s voice!”

Zhan Yaoguang’s face also had such a smile.

He was forcibly resisting an immortal Paragon Demon War Buddha, and at this time also showed an excited smile:

“This boy, is finally back!”

I am afraid that the person was still far away, but the long howling sound did not stop, but it became stronger and stronger, and finally deafened!


There were several roaring sounds again.

This is like the roar of a giant dragon, among the highest peaks of the sky, they all crackle and start to shatter.

“Okay! Good! I’m going to see who it is, dare to touch Laozi’s Bloodline!” The sound changed, and the voice of this time carried a Supreme’s overbearing spirit!

Sovereign world, who will let me go!

Such a domineering gesture has made all the disciples have their eyes widened, and all the War God lineage and even the powerhouse of the gold Demon Ape Clan have begun to roar with excitement and growl constantly.

“Old Ancestor, this is Old Ancestor’s voice!”

Of course!

“What? How is that possible ?!”

Instead, the powerhouses of Zen Tianzong began to tremble.

This is simply impossible. At that time, that many powerhouses were dispatched there. For so long, they have no news. In other words, both the War God lineage and the old Ancestor of the gold Demon Ape Clan should fall. Dropped, no matter how powerful they are, it is not possible to fight so violently with so many powerhouses after all.

“Impossible! Someone is playing tricks, quickly suppress them!”

The impact of Asking Paragon is the strongest. I thought that he was scrapped an arm by this Fighter Paragon. He has created some kind of shadow on the Fighter Paragon. He wants to treat the opponent as his natural enemy. Your own natural enemy!

The palm evolved and moved, setting off a fierce sharp edge, moved towards that big demon axe rushing away!

With this Paragon ’s shot, all the powerhouses also started to have momentum. They quickly chose to shoot, and the bone-eating demon was moved towards the bear in the hands of the war bear. Among the wands, the demonic energy was soaring and flying. And move!

“Hmph …!”

A cold humming came out instantly, and there was boundless Murderous aura in it, which drove the energy of the heavens and the earth to boiling.


One hand, white as jade, moves slowly. This Heaven and Earth seems to be the only one, and some are just this hand.


The palm moves slowly, as if slowly and urgently, grasping the wand of the Ebon Demon.

In the astonished expressions of all people, in their incredible eyes, there was an entire group in front of them.

Snow white’s long hair hunts and dances, the scarlet flashes, containing endless chill.

The palm of his hand firmly controlled the wand of the biting demon, and a pair of scarlet looked at each other, carrying the terrible murderous aura.

Who is thisentire group not Ye Fantian and the returning Old Ancestor?

“Give it to your deity-get off!”

The moment he saw the Paragon and the others, the biting Demon snarled and roared loudly.

In the body, a roaring demonic energy began to boil like a storm.

“courting death !”

Ye Fantian didn’t shy away, and immediately started shooting.

Fist of the gods!


The punch of glory and breath of the boundless gods quickly began to shoot out.

Fiercely hit the opponent’s head.


Flesh and blood splattered, and the white brain mixed with it began to move towards all around.


The power of one punch turned out to be infinitely powerful, and the opponent’s head was broken apart.


With the appearance of the bone-breaking demon statue being broken, all powerhouses couldn’t help but be sucked in a cold breath.

How can this be?

This is simply not realistic!

“That’s the piercing demon, is this … is this a dream?”

A powerhouse could not help screaming.


Ye Fantian danced with his fingers, shrouded his five fingers, and threw the boneless monster’s fleshhy body into the air. With the uncomfortable roar of the opponent, his five fingers quickly pressed into a fist.


Immediately, the fleshhy body was completely broken, forming countless flesh and blood, and set off a blood rain in this hostile camp.

“Old Ancestor … you are finally back!”

The war bear and the others cried with excitement.

“Ha Ha Ha … the little Thirty Three Heavens black Demon Realm also want to suppress Lao Tzu there?” Warlord Paragon’s face looked infinitely cold, looking at a powerhouse around him, Disdain said with a smile.

“Today’s matter seems to have to be resolved!”

Battle Saint’s mouth cracked, with a disgusting smile.

“Kill! Kill these clutter for Lao Tzu!”

The two looked at each other, and Qi Qi growled and growled.


It was enough to provoke the roar of the violent waves and release the killing intent from these two Old Ancestor.


Both the Night Warrior and the Golden Beast are like Dragon-Tiger. The fleshhy body of both is infinitely tyrannical. Incarnation has become a bloodthirsty madness. The weapons in his hands are constantly dancing, or his fists, or Divine Weapon. There is no limit to slaughter.


Asked Sky Paragon to have no ambition to choose to continue his escape.

This is the case for people like him, who feel that something is wrong. Once they cause a crisis to themselves, the first moment is to choose to run wild.

But this time, he absolutely does not have this ability.


Stepping under the Dragon Snake Step, Ye Fantian’s silhouette flickered, and his body stood in front of the other side, blocking the other’s way.

Obviously, Ye Fantian intends to confront the opponent forcibly.

“Junior, dare you stop this deity!”

Paragon’s nose will be distorted when asked. Although he is the weakest of the eight immortal Paragons, and even a puppet who is called an immortal Paragon, it is not a junior to insult. .

“You … just a puppet, what dare not stop it?”

Ye Fantian stood there, carrying his hands on his back, slowly speaking, looking at the guy’s angry eyes, his eyes were cold:

“You asked Skylineage for such a big obstacle to me, and today I’m going to get back a little interest from it!”

At the time of asking the lineage, I had the request of asking Paragon, and I almost killed Ye Fantian. If it wasn’t for his own Old Ancestor, I’m afraid he’s really finished. This account Ye Fantian has been firmly remembered In your own heart.

“Junior, this is your courting death!”

Asked heaven Paragon secretly moved towards all around and looked at, and found that both the war fighter Paragon and Battle Saint did not find them in general, and it seemed that they didn’t care about it completely, and a sudden surprise in their hearts.

“As long as I catch this little bastard, I can use this as a threat and leave here!”

After thinking about this, his face suddenly showed a pleasant expression of expression, quickly moved towards Ye Fantian grabbed the past:

“Boy, this is a courting death, but you can’t complain about it!”

嗤chi chi…

The cold ice layer began to appear, and the ice layer released countless arrow thorns, and the mighty moved towards Ye Fantian rolled up.

These arrows are no less than divin weapon, once fleshy body is punctured.


Gods Tyrant Fist!

Ye Fantian didn’t care about the opponent’s shots, and killed them with a punch.

“Idiot! This time we still have a chance to flop and leave here!”

The plagued emperor felt a joy in his heart and thought secretly.

“Dare to fight this question Paragon with fleshhy body, this kid is in courting death!”

“It’s just too proud. This is the entrusted university. We have a chance to leave. As long as we ask the Paragon to control this kid, we can have two ancient races and leave here again!”

Many powerhouses found this out and were secretly surprised.

“peng peng peng! ”

The mighty fist burst out, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Generally, in the eyes of everyone’s astonishment, all the ice arrows stabbed, all disintegrated and dissipated into nothingness!

“How can it be?”

Such a violent attack immediately made all powerhouses widen their eyes, and even felt that their brains had stopped working.

“No … No way ?!”

The face of the Devil and the Devil had incredible waves on his face, his lips narrowed, his eyes stared round, as if he was looking at the other Ye Fantian for the first time, secretly sighing in his heart, Ye Fantian Has become stronger again, no, it should be said to be more powerful than before!


Wentian Paragon’s fleshhy body was hit, and he sent a stern roar, and then the body expanded infinitely, directly setting off a frenzy. The fleshhy body began to twist fiercely, and then a huge silhouette appeared to everyone’s before!

Nine giant demon wings are dancing wildly, and the giant demon dragon’s head stared at Ye Fantian with great disgust, sending out a mighty momentum, and there were countless dragon scales lingering around.

Like a dragon!

Nine-winged ichthyosaur!

This is the true body of Asking Paragon!

This fist by Ye Fantian not only shattered Wen Tian Paragon’s shot, but also defeated his human form with one punch, forcing his true body out.

Nine-winged ichthyosaur, this is the true body of Sky Paragon!

“How could it be so powerful?”

The cataclysm’s face turned wild, but the next moment, Ye Fantian turned into a wild tide, opened the endless long river, his fists began to move towards the other!

“Today’s dish is you!”

Ye Fantian’s fists crackled and growled loudly.


The nine-winged ichthyosaur roared upward, and the two silhouettes collided with each other.

“peng peng peng! ”

Flesh and Blood Splash!

Ye Fantian’s fists are boundless and arrogant, just like two ancient gods, and they seem to be the falling stars outside the sky, and each fist asks Heaven Paragon to mourn …

[Author’s digression]: ps: The upload time is basically earlier now. The upload yesterday was more than XNUMX minutes earlier than before, and it was said that the upload was late. I do n’t want to embark on the school with a neon sign. Iridium shoots are swollen. It ’s better to mess with old things and blow dumplings.

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