Chapter XNUMX “Absolute Dark God Soul”

“hu ……”

Looking at the leaves that are still a step behind, Ye Fantian’s face shows a touch of relaxed expression. This cautiously controlling the power of the soul is also the first use, although I don’t know if the leaves are hidden What kind of existence, but the ephemeral feeling from the moment he touched the other person made him instantly judge that this is a cultivation method of soul power, that is a very mysterious feeling as if it is related to Born to be average.

For such a long time, Ye Fantian has never discovered the cultivation method of Soul Power. Therefore, the value of this leaf is obvious, and there is only such a leaf. Therefore, Ye Fantian is naturally afraid to take care. Be careful! Be careful! Be careful!

“The last frame …”

After taking a deep breath, Ye Fantian’s face also began to get serious again. There was no trembling in the palm of the hand. The power of the soul slowly moved to the limit, and then quickly surrounded it. With his movements, this leaf also slowly floated into the air, and as the leaf slowly began to rotate, the fluctuations began to change at this time.

The whole leaf looks like a dark green dagger, and it looks sharp.


A strange and crisp sound came out suddenly, although the sound was very small, but in front of Ye Fantian, it seemed as if a big bell echoed in his ears.


Ye Fantian’s heart was suddenly cried out in surprise. Although at the last time he opened the only one line of text, the sound now is clearly because of the fragmentation when it was destroyed by powerful forces. sound.

“It was ruined ?!”

Ye Fantian’s expression on his face is extremely angry. He does not anger others, but angers himself. The cultivation method of this soul power is a rare existence, and even if it exists, let himself encounter The possibility is even more remote, and even to a certain extent, this may be something that is hard to encounter in my life, but the leaf in front of me is destroyed by myself, which makes Ye Fantian almost Crazy enough to destroy the entire villa to fiercely.


The incomparable cricket burner suddenly passed into Ye Fantian’s ears, and the sound was particularly prominent in the quiet room. After hearing this sound, Ye Fantian’s eyes could not help revealing a strange expression, Then he stared at the floating leaves above.

I saw that the leaves floating in this mid-air had completely disappeared at this time, and some were only a faintly glowing liquid, and these liquids were constantly distorted by Ye Fantian’s unremoved soul power. Rotate and make terrifying popping sounds from the surrounding space from time to time.

“what is this?”

Ye Fantian’s heart could not help revealing a strange expression, and then the power of the soul suddenly moved, and then the liquid immediately floated in front of him.

He slightly stretched out his fingers and tried to touch the liquid. Ye Fantian’s face couldn’t help getting weirder: “Is that the leaf is just an illusion, only this body of ye is the most fundamental Is the soul tempering? “

However, this idea is really ridiculous. Ye Fantian has never seen the inheritance method of this cultivation technique under the teachings of Qing Xuanzi and his own experience and energy. After all, the ye body is too secretive. Who can use the ye body? Leave your own cultivation technique on it?

嗤chi chi…

When the palm touched the liquid, it suddenly changed and suddenly rose, and suddenly the body of ye quickly twisted and wriggles, as if a living creature started to wind around Ye Fantian’s palm quickly, and followed this The palm of the hand quickly drilled.

This “drilling” is a forced break, fiercely drilled along Ye Fantian’s pores.


The pores themselves were not large, and Ye Fengtian’s palms began to tremble violently as a result of this liquid forcibly drilling into them. Ten fingers and an unstoppable pain in his heart suddenly spread through his palms. The whole body.

The intense pain caused Ye Fantian’s facial muscles to start twisting. Even the entire palm has now lost consciousness, but the powerful pain has not been curbed.


A slight crackling sound was uploaded from Ye Fantian’s palm, and there was no emotion left in the slightest, and the Ye Fantian’s palm began to explode along his arm.

The blood flew across, but instead of splashing on the ground, it floated in the air and quickly surrounded Ye Fantian’s palm again.

In the flesh and blood, Ye Fantian can clearly see that a bunch of ye body is crawling from the surface of his skin as if it is a parasite.


Ye Fantian, suffering from severe pain, couldn’t help but fell to the ground, and the twisted and creeping movement made his mouth leak blood: “What’s going on? Isn’t this what I think? The tempering method of your soul power? “

Ye Fantian’s heart roared loudly.

At this time, these liquids suddenly accelerated, and the speed was like a mosquito sting, and it disappeared quickly and instantly.

The blood also converged on the palm of Ye Fantian like a tide, and then surrounded the entire palm of Ye Fantian, and continued to squirm, but gave Ye Fantian a very refreshing and crispy feeling, This feeling is just as different as heaven and earth.

At this time, the palm has been completely restored, as the spiritual root of the Bodhi Sacred Fruit at this time has once again exerted its original powerful effect, and if it is not for the tensioned nerves that have not completely dispersed, Ye Fantian It is almost necessary to suspect that you are dreaming.

But the intense pain is still so clear even though the injury has completely recovered so far!

Ye Fantian hadn’t responded yet, but his head was instantly shaken, and then the blue cross sword mark on his eyebrow quickly issued a faint blue glow!

The head seems to be full of stars in an instant, and the lacquered black dots of each and everyone exudes secret and faint rays of light, as if they were cold blades, terrifying but strange but smart.

A faint smile finally appeared on the corner of Ye Fantian’s mouth, and his heart began to breathe a long sigh of relief: “Absolute Dark God Soul is indeed tempering the soul as I guessed Cultivation technique, but I never thought it would exist in this body, and … the degree of terrifying of such an effect is really not something that ordinary people can handle. “

After thinking of the terrifying pain that just happened, Ye Fantian’s smile on the face began to become quite reluctant.


Ye Fantian, who was talking to himself, suddenly felt a sudden sudden shock in his body, and then the soul in his head trembled. At this time, the blue cross sword mark in his eyebrows began to suddenly send out a rising rays of light.

roar roar roar ……! !!

It seems that the horrible roar of dragon yin constantly oscillates in Ye Fantian’s mind, and then it oscillates again, and then turns into an endless giant wolf, which makes Ye Fantian’s entire person fall into a half-sleepy state.

Ye Fantian’s mind began to recover in a blurry manner, and his body fluttered as if he was drunk, but soon Ye Fantian’s heart was suddenly stunned.

I saw that in front of myself everything had changed tremendously at this time. There was no dormitory in front of me, no familiar atmosphere, but the opposite was a strange and incomparable environment.

This is an incomparable space, and the rays of light in this space are a mysterious paint black, but there is a flickering taste in this paint black.

After carefully looking at these flickering light spots, Ye Fantian found out, where are these light spots? It is simply the energy that forms the black rays of light.

It can completely compress the energy to such a degree of rays of light, and it is not subject to the same color constraints. It can be seen how terrible the energy is after compression.

“No matter who you are, it is a fate to be able to come to the inheritance of the deity. Now that you can come here, it means that you have now experienced the test of Life and Death, hehe, yes, yes, Mexico. The mighty ordinary people of jade sword leaves can’t withstand it at all, and even if they can withstand, the entire hand may be discarded, but without the appearance of this jade sword leaf, I would not be able to use the cultivation technique Inheritance goes on, so kid, I’m happy you can survive. “

A huge, sharp claw appeared in front of Ye Fantian, slowly tearing, the endless air flow was torn by this sharp claw …

Full of muscles, Ye Fantian’s expression on the face is extremely crazy. If he can, he really wants to punch the guy who is talking about him, but he knows who he is, I don’t know where or even all the information, how to get to him. If I didn’t say that I had the help of Bodhi Spirit Root, I would have died. How could there be a chance to come here.

“Of course, I think you must be angry now, hehe, don’t blame the deity, the deity also uses a gentle way, but other plants except Mo Yu sword leaves can not bear the power of” Absolute Dark God Soul “. “

“Wait … deity ?!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes suddenly opened round at this time, and there is only one person who can be called the deity, and that is the Martial Venerable super powerhouse.

Martial Venerable level! !!

What a title of pride!

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