Chapter XNUMX Soul Avatar

Clouds and mist, birds and beasts chant!

The vitality continues to start in the air at a frequency that is hardly noticeable by ordinary people. It starts to radiate the ripples of the bad way even in the surrounding space. This is clearly because of the excessive strength of the vitality Caused by.

A large amount of astral qi in the sky full of clouds began to rush straight into the sky. After the astral qi appeared, the surrounding vitality began to gather slowly, and then directly followed the astral qi. The direction began to form thousands of silver white light-dotted silk threads began to move fiercely moved towards and began to envelope the past.

This is the mountainside of the Kaye Academy. Since the Peerless Martial Sect incident, few people have come here because of this. Besides the powerful martial arts, others need to be cautiously when practicing. After all, here It is not a safe place. Demonic beast clusters can be regarded as an overstatement, so it is better to spend it safely in Academy than to practice here, even if the vitality and energy here are extremely abundant!

But this is nothing for Ye Fantian. After all, with his strength and Purple Phoenix Feather behind him, he can come to the cliff.

Here close to the power of the earth, more energy and energy appeared.

After obtaining the second day of “Absolute Dark God Soul”, Ye Fantian is already eager to cultivate. Although he said that the “Absolute Dark God Soul” he obtained is not complete, it does not represent the cultivation. Techniques and methods are not worthy of cultivation. On the contrary, Ye Fantian pays more attention to the cultivation technique.

Two-thirds of the cultivation technique obtained contains part of how to use the power of your soul to achieve resistance.

Sword of Soul!

This is the most powerful offensive method in Absolute Dark God Soul, and of course it is said in the cultivation technique he obtained

The Sword of Souls pays attention to transforming the power of one’s soul into an extremely sharp long sword. Generally, it quickly breaks the opponent’s defense and then directly splits the opponent’s soul instantly.

This is a means of terrifying. After all, when used against others, once used, even if the other party is immortal, they will be cultivated for a long time because of the great damage of the soul power. Has an unexpected effect.

However, there is a chicken-like feature in it, that is, the power consumed by the sword of the soul is too strong, after all, it is not something ordinary people can do to split a soul, especially the soul. It’s an extremely mysterious thing, so Ye Fantian’s level now is just the most chance to launch three times.

Then I need a good rest, but it is enough for Ye Fantian, which can basically be regarded as a Sect’s Exclusive stunt of his own.

For other attack methods, it is totally unsuitable for Ye Fantian to cultivate, because the things involved are too complicated, and it is difficult for ordinary people to have any power if they do n’t spend more than ten or even decades. Ye Fantian can be regarded as Tianzi Genius, but he will not do such a useless job.

Now what he wants to cultivate is the most secret cultivation technique in Absolute Dark God Soul-the soul Avatar!

The so-called Avatar soul is tempering out a part of the soul’s power and blending into the void space, and then with the control of the deity, then the effect of cultivation is achieved.

That is to say, this is equivalent to your second Avatar. Although it is not as powerful and flexible as the deity, it is also enough to greatly increase your strength. The most important thing is that if one person cultivates a few more, According to Avatar, the effect achieved by combining them is probably unimaginable.

It is said that after this soul Avatar has reached the highest level, it is enough to allow him to have as many as nine people. After seeing this introduction, Ye Fantian could not help but be sucked in a cold breath. According to his judgment, it can be seen naturally. What a horror of value and power.

“If I meet a very powerful opponent, as long as I give my soul Avatar to tempering, then the deity departs, and I will fight with my soul Avatar, my security will also play a large role in safeguarding.”

Ye Fantian murmured.

But when it comes to here, Ye Fantian’s face once again showed a smile of bitter smile. For martial arts, except for those high-level powerhouses, other people have not been involved in the power of the soul at all. However, if Ye Fantian had not contacted the power of the soul early because of the action of Xuan Jing, I am afraid there is still a long section of the road to go when he involves the power of the soul.

Even with the method of cultivation, the process of tempering the soul’s Avatar has reached an outrageous level. The True Qi consumed by Ye Fantian just now has exceeded the level of fighting people, whether it is in this True Qi Consumption or consumption in mind is extremely huge.

After slightly taking a deep breath, Ye Fantian once again took a medicine pill from the Ghost Ring and took it, then closed his eyes slightly, and after about a quarter of an hour, two horrors Cold glow also turned into a sharp blade and suddenly blasted out.

“I did not expect that after excessive consumption, I could make my True Qi even more abundant, and with a touch of enhancement, it seems that my guess is also correct. In this True Qi and the power of the soul There is an absolute connection between them. If I comprehend it, I am afraid that it would not be a problem to revive the Master. “

While speaking, Ye Fantian once again immersed his mind in the body, and then Zhizhu kept flowing in his mind. All the secrets seemed to be that tightly closed program. What Ye Fantian is now doing is to This degree has been cracked.

From the beginning to the present, Ye Fantian has never tempered this soul, and after so many experiments, Ye Fantian also felt that it was not a problem with this cultivation technique, it seemed that he had deviated from this. The track of cultivation came to a misunderstanding.

“Slowly release the power of the soul and suddenly compress it. Although the power of the soul is related to the sword of the soul, it is actually still a way of energy just like True Qi, but it can let It is quite difficult for these dead energies to become living conscious things. “

The power of the soul is not covered at all by Ye Fantian’s mind. At this time, the power of the soul has been rolling like a torrent of rivers and seas, and the amount of such power is entirely because of the absorption of Ye Fantian. Caused by all the wandering souls in the ferocious soul land.

This piece of energy is also referred to by Ye Fantian as the Sea of ​​Souls, and the location is in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, where Ye Fantian lies, and in this Sea of ​​Souls, a horrible dragon constantly wanders in it, from time to time Send out terrifying rays of light.

Evil Spirit!

This is the place where the spirit of the evil spirit is located. Originally hidden in the body of Ye Fantian and True Qi constantly nourishing each other, but now that they have obtained “Absolute Dark God Soul”, Ye Fantian knows this True Qi and soul Although there is a connection between the forces, in fact, the effect achieved is very small if put together, even if there is no strong strength as support, it will also achieve the opposite effect.

So he opened up this sea of ​​souls in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, and then introduced the spirit of fierce souls into it.

“Why has Avatar never been created by me?”

Slowly, Ye Fantian’s mind began to think about this problem again, and his hands began to intentionally or unintentionally seal, which is the control method of soul Avatar.

A finger accidentally touched a plant, and then the power of the soul on the body seemed to be rolling into a typhoon, and the madness began to change.

A large amount of soul power was continuously gathered in Ye Fantian’s hands, and then slowly injected into the fragile plant near Ye Fantian’s body.


There seemed to be a tearing sound of terrifying matchless in his mind, and following this tearing sound, Ye Fantian’s heart suddenly flashed.

Suddenly his eyes opened quickly, staring closely at the plant in front of him.

“Jurassic grass is an inconspicuous plant, so the key problem is not on this plant.”

Ye Fantian whispered in his mouth, but the ray of light in his heart began to become more and more dim, his eyebrows wrinkled fiercely, and then his mind became calm and watery, and the feeling in his heart was like a bright mirror. , Constantly began to grasp the ray of light in his heart, Ye Fantian felt that as long as he grasped this sensation, everything will be completely unlocked, but what he has to do now is to control this ray of light Don’t let it disappear.

“Plants … plants, wait! Plants!”

Ye Fantian’s eyes shot two terrifying cold glows madly, then completely removed all the energy from the body, and immediately took the plant in his hands.

“Yes, the plant, the soul itself is nothing. How powerful the soul is, but it is also invisible. At my level, no, it is difficult for any martial art to temper the soul from being born. Therefore, even if I try hard to build a soul Avatar a thousand times, then what I need to do is not to simply temper the soul, but to find him a Where they rely, they are substitutes! “

After thinking about it, Ye Fantian’s face gradually filled with a happy smile, and the various problems in his mind seemed to be gradually solved.

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