Chapter XNUMX The So-called Yinzhendu Point

“big sister ……”

Xiao Muyu’s voice had cried at this time, and because the injury had just recovered, the pale face was scary.

Several men dressed as mentors were constantly looking for something on this golden retriever’s body, and the expressions on their faces became more serious, even in the eyes of everyone.

“Tutor … is there a problem?”

Chi Lianyue first had to find the abnormalities of these mentors, so she asked involuntarily. On the one hand, Xu Qingru, who was in blame, hurriedly began to use her beautiful eyes to start tightly on the mentors. Watching back and forth physically.

“cough cough cough…”

One of them was the oldest mentor who gently touched the little beard on the bar. He hesitated and said, “We have also analyzed this Demonic beast, which is exactly One Hit. Kill, and the most important point in this is that the golden-haired green tiger was hit by the astral qi operated by the human martial arts. Then, I think this white jade cherry should be no problem, maybe It has been rescued. “


Xu Qingru’s pretty face showed an expression of surprise and surprise, and then hurriedly said, “That said, maybe the big sister is back now?”

Several mentors barely nodded: “Maybe go back”

Ye Fantian is now called an egg pain, for no reason, there is a big problem in front of him, Bai Yuying in front of himself is now in a state of coma, and the lovable body is shaking slightly. Everything shows that she is suffering from the pain of True Qi backlash inside the body.

Although the two people at this time said that they were in a hidden cave, they were basically safe. Coupled with Little Bai, they took one of their eight-character steps in front of them and did not know where to find them. The wooden stick was on his back, and it really smelled like a dog-head general.

But Ye Fantian was stunned at this time. Of course, it was not Ye Fantian who was unwilling to save the other party, because he was facing a big problem now.

There is a stunt in ancient China, that is, the silver needle crossing point method. The so-called silver needle crossing point is to infuse it with the silver needle on its own True Qi, and then with the silver needle continuously on many points on the body Sprint back and forth to achieve the effect of penetrating meridian.

The current meridian on Bai Yuying ’s body is basically showing a variety of atrophy and entanglement. If you want to completely correct the other ’s meridian, there is only this method of Yinzhendu acupoint, but it is quite difficult. Yes, although this method of Yin Needle crossing points has been learned from Master Qing Xuanzi’s hands, it has not been really tested. Therefore, if you want to have the perfect treatment, what you need to do is to change each other ’s meridian each An inch of the place was identified.

“Frank and relative? This plot is too bloody.”

Ye Fantian’s face showed a more and more embarrassing expression. Ye Fantian and the other party were not familiar at all, and even more understandable, so even if they touched each other’s buttocks, it was because of necessity.

Now you need to completely untie the other’s dress? Imagine Ye Fantian feeling terrifying.


Another coquettful voice came from Bai Yuying’s little mouth. The other’s lovable body has now turned into a beautiful white snake, constantly twisting in front of itself, the various charming states on that lovable body. It’s really tempting, but the sweat flowing from the lock on the snow white forehead of the other person is nothing more than the terrifying of how painful the other person is now suffering.

“Sister, fight!”

Ye Fantian’s mind suddenly said that this was not because he wanted to do this, but if he didn’t do it, such a beautiful and stunning thing might cause his own shabby to cause the fragrance to disappear. This is No one wants to see things.

Slowly poking out the opponent’s lovable body out of his palm, a slippery texture between the tentacles could not help Ye Fantian’s entire body for a while.

But at this time it seems that if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off, and it is also at this time, the two terrible cold glows slowly open from the beautiful eyes of the other party.


Ye Fantian’s fingers fiercely choked, fiercely swallowed, Ye Fantian said with a smile: “You … you’re awake.”

Seeing Ye Fantian’s fingers and looking at the blouse that was about to be untied on her lovable body, Bai Yuying almost did not faint again, but the intense pain made her lovable body tremble even more. .

“what do you want to do?”

Bai Yuying’s voice grew colder and colder, but because of the pain in her body, she said with a strong laziness gesture, this Ye Fantian’s heart could not help but appear a tingling heartbeat.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to take advantage of you. Although you are in good shape, I’m not a casual person.”

Looking at the firm gesture of Ye Fantian’s face, Bai Yuying couldn’t help wrinkling those good-looking eyebrows on her face, but still staring fiercely at the other side and said, “Touch and touch me again and again … Yes, is this still casual? “


This sentence suddenly caused Ye Fantian to be speechless again, but quickly said again: “cough cough … this is how you say it, now that your injury, you should already be Got it? Although I do n’t know what forbidden technique you have used, it ’s clear that you ca n’t stop talking about it. For someone like you, you ’re starting to become a bit painful. A lot, now the meridian problem doesn’t need me to talk about it, let’s discuss the problem of treatment. “

It seems that the excessive pain on the lovable body has begun to spread to more serious places, so at this time, her eyebrows are almost together.

I didn’t expect that the other party didn’t even cry at this time. Ye Fantian himself was a little surprised by this concentration and endurance, and he had a lot of admiration for this strong woman.

“Can you treat my injury?”

Bai Yuying’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help showing a surprised expression, but she soon became alert, especially forcibly finishing her dress on her lovable body again slowly.

“… when is there time to take care of this?”

Ye Fantian suddenly felt like didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but he or said: “You can think of me as a refining martial artist …”

The astonishment in Bai Yuying hearing this beautiful eyes does not need to be covered at this time: “Are you an alchemist?”

While speaking, her lovable body was forcibly pressed down by jade hand again. Obviously, the injury on the body began to boil again. Ye Fantian stroked her chin lightly saying: “If you want to If I want to talk about these things with me at this time, I am actually very happy, but the premise is that you can persist until this time, after all, your injury, if you drag it on, I have no assurance that I can treat you Okay, at best, it can save you, but it is difficult to say whether the cultivation base can be saved. Now, do we need to discuss this? “

“My cultivation base … will it disappear?”

After hearing this result, Bai Yuying’s pretty face has begun to panic at this time. For a martial art, strength is the second life, especially for the existence of a proud god like Bai Yuying.

“So I need to get a needle for you, and then use my Sect’s Exclusive method to clean up your meridian. Of course, it seems to you that it is quite impossible to completely eliminate it in such a short time. Right. “

“But … why do you want to.”

Bai Yuying’s tone faded slightly, but the alert never disappeared.

“How do you say? Because my strength has not yet reached the level where I can send and receive easily, and I rarely use this skill, so if I want to pierce the needle perfectly on your meridian, I need to see you very clearly Look … “

After Bai Yuying’s lovable body trembled for a while, she felt that her meridian was already boiling at this time. After a lot of True Qi could not be released, she began to crash in an inch of meridian, not only So there is even a little bit of fragmentation in it.

“I … I … need everything?”

Looking at Bai Yuying’s panic-like gesture, Ye Fantian couldn’t help but be a little surprised: “Speaking of … you wouldn’t just be … single?”

However, after seeing the other person’s angry face, Ye Fantian’s words behind him naturally chose to shut up, but his heart sighed incomparably. It is no wonder that the other party has not yet found a boyfriend. .

“Cough cough … I said it beforehand, I’m just helping you. If anything happens afterwards, don’t blame me.”

After this statement, Bai Yuying really had an impulse, and she wanted to slap the guy in front of her. “Damn, asshole, it makes me feel like nobody wants me.”

After the creation of a response qi, she suddenly said coldly: “Get off, hurry up!”

What is this gesture, this tone, like a seriously injured person who is about to be treated?

But this also saved Ye Fantian a lot of trouble, but in fact, this white jade cherry was not as strong as it was on the outside, but was extremely timid.

In front of a strange man? So this … Bai Yuying’s pretty face became crimson …

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