Chapter 240 Moon Demon Divine Crystal

Moonlight is like water!

The icy moonlight began to slowly fall to the ground, bringing an icy breath that could not be masked to the ground. The night of the forest was the most terrifying moment. There were pairs of them or jade green or scarlet demon everywhere. Hitomi.

Night is the world of Demonic beast. Except those Demonic beasts that are always active during the day, the other Demonic beasts will choose to be active during the night, and there are bursts of tearing chews everywhere, obviously these are the Demonic beasts have begun to find their prey.

In the depths of the forest, a strange sound slowly floated out.

The sound came from a small cave in the middle of the forest.

鈥渉u hu hu 鈥[€[€

This resembles the fluctuations of human panting sounds, continuously from deep to a touch of dignity, and the subsequent changes become smooth breathing sounds.

Ye Fantian’s face was struggling and staring at the spring, where Bai Yuying now basically belongs to a sluggish state, and the body of a very lovable and graceful lovable body, under the illumination of this month Looks particularly sharp.

The breathing sound of both of them is endlessly heavy, and the flame is constantly burning, but the flame comes from the hearts of the two.

Bai Yuying ’s beauty now has almost reached a shameful anger gesture. After two people’s process lasted for more than ten seconds, Bai Yuying suddenly responded, and quickly opened the package on her body. Then he shouted to Ye Fantian, “You … haven’t seen enough? Turn around.”

This voice began to tremble, even with a little bit of crying in it, apparently at this time Bai Yuying had begun to get out of control.

“Ah … oh, I turn around.”

Ye Fantian naturally knows that if he can’t handle it at this time, the other party will definitely get out of control, and the consequences will be quite serious. Imagine if the students in the Academy knew that Goddess in their hearts had been seen by them. , The feeling of terrifying matchless made Ye Fantian’s hairs start to rise.

With that sparse sparse friction sound, quickly said to Convenience again coldly: “Okay …”

Turning around, I saw that Bai Yuying’s whole body had been covered by the black robe of God at this time. Obviously, she never thought she would spend the night in this place, so the black robe of this body was not heavy at all. On the contrary, it is slightly thin, but the ordinary robe is more and more charming on her body because of the uneven and lovable body.

Ye Fantian is sitting there right now, his eyes do not look at each other at all, heaven knows if at this time if she goes to reveal a little bit of horses, will this woman be completely crazy.

“You won’t say go out.”

Bai Yuying’s faint voice carried a hint of tension, but the voice was exceptionally cold and pleasant, and after hearing the other party’s words, Ye Fantian waved his hand directly and said, “Of course, of course not, I want to live longer Well, after all, the consequences of this incident are also quite clear to me. “

Looking at Ye Fantian seems to be a gesture of evasiveness. Although Bai Yuying’s heart was slightly happy, it was more angry, especially the next sentence of Ye Fantian made Bai Yuying’s heart again. Shame began to peak: “And I already have someone I like.”


Powerful rage!

Bai Yuying didn’t know how she would be so angry, but she had to admit that she was quite angry now, although she said that she had no other feelings about Ye Fantian, at least she thought so, but she heard it After a salty answer, the kind of dominance in women’s hearts still occurred.

Women attach great importance to their first time, especially Ye Fantian is not his first man, but he is the first man who has seen his whole body. This white jade cherry tree is naturally to Ye Fantian. I have a unique idea, I do n’t want to get it myself, but I do n’t want to hear that the other person has been taken over by another woman.

“Hmph !!!!”

The cold hum seemed to be particularly clear at this time. Ye Fantian could not help becoming more and more helpless after the awkward laughed.

“How old are you today?”

Bai Yuying asked suddenly.

“Sixteen … what happened?”

Ye Fantian said curiously.

“It’s okay, can you ask?”

Bai Yuying’s heart began to get more and more upset, but at this time a strange sound was uploaded from the two people’s bodies. It was a very familiar sound, and the direction of the sound was from They came from the stomach.

In order to get the other person’s body to operate the Yinzhendu acupoint, they now have almost one day without eating, although for military training, they can stay away for a long time without eating. They will starve to death, but both of them have reached the point of exhaustion now, both in the mind and in the body, they are spending too much too much, so they need energy supplement urgently.

“I’m going to catch some Demonic beast.”

Ye Fantian laughed.

“You … sit here without moving, I’ll go.”

Bai Yuying didn’t know why she suddenly thought of something ordinary, and said in a hurry.

Ye Fantian just wanted to speak, but Bai Yuying shouted without hesitation: “Sit!”


Ye Fantian’s face suddenly showed a look of suspicion, but he hadn’t waited for him to react, Bai Yuying had quickly moved towards the distance and flew away.

After looking at the fading lithe and graceful back, Ye Fantian couldn’t help showing a surprised expression, and then said weirdly: “Do you know where there is a demonic beast to eat?”

While speaking, Ye Fantian’s face was already showing a touch of helpless expression. After waiting for about half an hour, the expression on Ye Fantian’s face had become helpless, and then slowly from Ghost He took out a silver hot pot in the ring, then threw out the little Bai who was asleep, and lightly said, “Go, pick up some firewood, of course you can resist, but I will Make gourmet hehe, if you do n’t want to lose the barbecue and fresh soup, then you can go. Hey Hey Hey Do n’t forget to bring some Demonic beast back. The chick does n’t know if she can catch Demonic beast that can be eaten . “

“Chick ?!”

The sound of coldly snorted came out suddenly, and at this time Bai Yuying didn’t know where it came from, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Fantian fiercely coldly.

“Ha … well, are you talking to me?”

Ye Fantian was laughing and said.

“Chick ?!”

Bai Yuying continued to ask.

“Cough cough … oh little Bai, you’re finally back, I want to kill you.”

Little Bai carried a pair of firewood and five or six rabbit-sized Demonic beasts and ran quickly. At this time, Ye Fantian realized that Little Bai was so cute. Then she held her little Bai tightly. That excitement on my face.

With Little Bai ’s IQ, it ’s quite difficult to understand why Ye Fantian has changed so much. After seeing the demonic beasts on Little Bai ’s back, there is no way Bai Yuying can theoretically discuss with Ye Fantian. ‘The problem.

“Three-eared beasts at Level 3, wind beasts at Level 2, hare rabbits at Level 3, and even flame beasts at Level 4, this guy … is this guy really a pet?”

Looking at the many Demonic beasts, the surprise on Bai Yuying’s pretty face naturally does not need to be explained, especially in this, although the levels and power of these Demonic beasts can be coped with, but like a patrol beast Although the level is not high, the speed is surprisingly powerful. Even if she wants to capture, it takes a lot of effort, but this looks like a pet that is only the size of a slap. She could catch so much that she really had to be surprised.

“This guy is just a big mystery. There is no mysterious body everywhere, no matter who is he?”

After slowly cleaning the hot pot, Ye Fantian took out a little water from the bag and poured it in. Then he slowly tore off a few pieces of hard-boiled pancakes and quickly smashed some of them. Put the dried meat in it, and then add the seasoning.

Looking at Ye Fantian’s highly skilled gesture to handle these foods, Bai Yuying began to quietly look at the delicate and pretty teenager in front of her.

Snow white’s skin is more slippery than ordinary women. A face that is not handsome, but full-looking and delicate and pretty. The cross sword mark in the eyebrows looks extremely sharp, but it does not damage the other person. The touch of delicate and pretty, on the contrary, adds a bit of perseverance and sturdiness.

“This guy doesn’t look ugly.”

Feeling that the other person’s eyes were constantly on his own body, Ye Fantian could not help but look at the other person curiously.

I did not expect that Ye Fantian would suddenly raise his head. Bai Yuying’s face suddenly became hot, and then “brushed” and twisted his head. Ye Fantian is quite strange for such an effect, but it is still He said curiously, “In other words, this is the depth of the forest. Although it has not been used as a place for training, no one will deny it. The demonic beast here is very powerful. Why did you choose to be here? ? “

After Bai Yuying froze for a moment, she slowly said, “Because we are looking for a treasure, this treasure is very important to us.”

Ye Fantian is gently nodded.

Seeing that Ye Fantian didn’t care, Bai Yuying suddenly burst into a weird thought, and then blurt out and said, “Have you heard of Divine Crystal this month?”


The firewood in Ye Fantian’s hand was a sudden meal …

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