Linghe City.

The most prosperous city in the Linghe Sect within a radius of hundreds of miles, and the largest Immortal Cultivation Trading Market in the surrounding area, is controlled by the Linghe Sect.

With the shock of the Linghe Sect, Linghe City can be called one of the safest trading markets in the Zhao Kingdom.

Therefore, many scattered cultivators and some disciples of the Immortal Cultivation Family often went to Linghe City to trade.

"Buy some medicinal herbs first and refine elixirs."

Ye Hao walked out of the Linghe Sect, transformed into the appearance of an ordinary man, and walked on the street.

He now has the strength to build a foundation realm, and he is a first-class alchemist, so he should earn some spirit stones.

He's so poor!

Bethan Pavilion.

This is a shop that buys elixirs and sells elixirs, and behind it is a family of immortal cultivators who have many Foundation Building Realm cultivators.

In order to break through the fourth layer of gas refining before, Ye Hao purchased the Qi Gathering Pill in the Baidan Pavilion.

"Senior, what do you need?"

A female cultivator with five layers of refining qi, beautiful appearance and a coquettish physique, quickly greeted her, her expression extremely respectful.

The cultivator of the late stage of refining in the Baidan Pavilion felt that Ye Hao's aura was unfathomable, and he suspected that he was a strong person in the Foundation Building Realm, so he asked her to personally receive Ye Hao.

"Help me prepare an alchemy room, as well as a hundred medicinal materials of the Condensing Qi Pill, and after the alchemy is over, I will pay for the spirit stone."

Ye Hao ordered, said.

When he was in the Linghe Sect, he let the chat group cover his breath, only exposing the strength of the fourth layer of refining qi.

After entering Linghe City and changing his appearance, he showed the strength of the Foundation Building Realm.

With the strength of the foundation building realm, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Yes, senior~"

Without any hesitation, the female friar obediently led the way in front.

The Condensing Qi Pill was a pill used by cultivators in the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm, and the value of each medicinal material was ten spirit stones.

A hundred copies of the medicinal materials of the Condensing Qi Pill are worth a thousand spirit stones.

For the cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm, this may be a great fortune.

For the cultivators of the Foundation Building Realm, it was just an ordinary number, and any magic weapon on his body was worth at least thousands of spirit stones.

Therefore, she agreed to Ye Hao's request without hesitation, not afraid that Ye Hao could not afford to pay.

She couldn't have imagined that this Foundation Building Realm cultivator in front of her, just an hour or so ago, was just a cultivator of the third layer of refining qi, and his strength was not as good as her.

"Could it be that this Foundation Building Realm senior is learning alchemy?"

The female friar secretly guessed that the delicate and charming body walking in front became more and more flexible in its twisting arc.

"The foundation building realm of the entire fairy world, I'm afraid I'm poor."

Ye Hao was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery in front of him, he just wanted to earn spirit stones now.

In the chat group, he is a well-deserved boss.

In the Immortal World, not to mention the cultivators of the Foundation Building Realm, any cultivator in the middle of the Qi Refining Realm is richer than him.

"Senior, this is the high-level alchemy room of the Baidan Pavilion, you can use it as long as you want."

The female cultivator led Ye Hao to an alchemy room, smiled and said.

"Thank you~"

Ye Hao ignored the delicate smile of the female cultivator and entered the alchemy room directly.

"It is worthy of a high-level alchemy room."

Ye Hao looked at the situation in the alchemy room and was very satisfied.

About 30 square meters, the floor is incense wood, which can calm the breath and concentrate.

One hundred medicinal materials of the Condensing Qi Pill had been sent in advance.

A black medicinal magic weapon is also the best among the magic weapons at the level of the Qi Refining Realm.

The aura in the alchemy room was more than five times that of the outside world.

"One Condensation Pill can sell forty spirit stones, the cost of one medicinal herb is ten spirit stones, and if one medicinal material is refined into one Condensation Pill, you can earn thirty spirit stones."

Ye Hao adjusted his mood and secretly calculated in his heart.

It wasn't that he didn't want to refine the elixir that earned more spirit stones, but because the Condensing Qi Pill was the only pill he mastered.

[Immortal Cultivator].

[Points: 461.] 】

[Realm: The first floor of the Foundation Building Realm. 】

[Exercise: Shui Yuan Sutra is complete. 】

[Spells: Spring Wind and Rain (366/1000), Gengjin Sword Technique (335/1000), Fire Control Technique (889/1000). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10000). 】

[Danfang: Condensing Pill (13/100)].

When the level of the alchemist was upgraded to the first grade, Ye Hao's personal page added another column.

"Improve the experience of refining Qi Condensing Pill."

"Dingdong, deduct 87 points, congratulations on your successful experience in refining the Qi Condensation Pill."

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Dan (Completion)].

As soon as the system prompt sounded, he felt as if he had entered a wonderful situation, constantly refining the Qi Condensation Pill.

"I'm afraid my success rate in refining Condensing Qi Pill is one hundred percent now."

It seemed like an instant, and it seemed like thousands of years, when Ye Hao came back to his senses again, he found that his proficiency in refining Qi Condensing Pills had reached an incredible level.

"Although it is a martial arts chat group, the function is really powerful."

Ye Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile blossomed on his face.

Even if the Qi Condensation Pill is only the most ordinary one-pin pill, however, one hundred percent refining power is definitely not something that a first-grade alchemist can do.

[Spell: Fire Control Technique (Perfection). 】

"I can't imagine such benefits, directly saving more than five hundred points."

At the same time, Ye Hao also noticed that after his alchemist realm was upgraded to the first grade, his experience in refining Qi Condensing Pill had reached perfection, and his fire control technique had also reached a complete realm.

"Start refining!"

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