"Actually triggered the group mission?"

The chatting crowd was stunned at first, and then quickly entered the task page.

Chat groups have triggered similar team tasks before, and as a result, no one invites other group members to team up as required by group tasks.

The master of the Shifting Flower Palace snatched a team task and only invited to team up with Daxian.

Not long ago, Zhang Sanfeng grabbed a team task to ensure that Zhang Sanfeng's birthday banquet went on normally.

As a result, he completed the group task alone, and did not invite other group members to team up at all.

Quick hands!

Slow hands!

Although this time the group mission can invite three group members to team up, everyone can be very sure.

No matter who grabs the group task, he will not invite three group members to complete the group task according to the requirements of the chat group.

"Ding-dong, group member Master Wing Chun Yip has taken this mission!"

With the prompt of the group system, the people who did not grab the task looked extremely disappointed.

The world will help the lord: "Ip Man, you still have serial tasks to perform, are you busy? "

Da Qin Zulong: "I only need three percent! I have thousands of troops under my command, and the points and rewards I get are definitely more than the heroes." "

The world will help the Lord: "???"

Xiongba's face was livid, and his fist instantly hardened.

The world will help the master: "Master Wing Chun Ye, if Ying Zheng enters the world of high values with thousands of troops, the rules of time and space will find out at the first time, in order to maintain the stability of time and space, maybe directly summon a meteorite and destroy his thousands of troops." "

The world will help the lord: "How powerful the meteorite is, it may bring you fatal damage." "

The world will help the master: "The people who can participate in the group task this time can only be the people of the chat group." "

Xiongba did not hesitate to stab the government.

The world will help the Lord: "Yicheng! I only want Yicheng!"

"Ying Zheng, see how you still compete with me?"

Xiongba gritted his teeth and said.

Since the price is pressed, see who presses whom.

Huashan sent Yue to the head: "You simply did a good job for Brother Ye." "

The corners of Yue Buqun's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and his face was speechless.

He originally wanted to shout Issei.

As a result, the hero shouted.

Shouting further down, it really doesn't do any good.

In this case, Ip Man may really invite three group members to complete the group task together.

After all, teammates do not need point rewards, and the point rewards of missions are all his.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Master Wing Chun Ye, if you invite Lao Dao to participate in group missions, no matter how many group mission rewards Lao Dao gets, Lao Dao will only need to be one percent!"

Great Qin Zulong: "Master Wing Chun Ye, only one percent of Wing Chun Ye." "

The head of the Huashan Paiyue: "Master Wing Chun Ye, I only need one percent." "

The chatting masses also said their bottom line.

Working for Ip Man for Bai is definitely not possible.

As for how much benefit to ask, when Xiongba shouted out Issei, they had no other choice.

"I actually grabbed the group mission?"

Ip Man World, Magic Capital, Ip Man was also stunned, his expression was extremely stunned, and then ecstatic.

He just tried to grab the group mission, and he had no hope at all.

As a result, it turned out to be a huge surprise for him.

"Is it just a benefit of Issei?"

Ye Man looked at the request of the chatting masses, and did not rush to reply.

In the case of the chat masses as long as it is one percent of the benefits, inviting three group members to complete the group task together will definitely get more points than he will get more points than he completes the group task alone.

"The mission of the group is to change Gao Yao's life against the sky, if I change the historical trend of the Qin Dynasty and make the historical trend of the Qin Dynasty deviate greatly, how can the rules of time and space take care of Gao Yao?"

Ye Man smashed a rockery in the courtyard with a punch, and a fine light flashed in his eyes.

He felt like he had grasped the key to the group's mission.

"If I tell the history completely to Qin Shi Huang of the Gaoyao world, and even sprinkle the history books after the Qin Dynasty throughout Daqin, let everyone know the future history. "

"Before that, I will transmit all the important historical figures such as Liu Bang, Han Xin, Xiang Yu, Lu He, and Hu Hai from the High World to the worlds of other group members. "

"According to this method, I should complete the group task to a certain extent. "

Ip Man affirmed, said.

The importance of these historical figures is even higher.

Once all of them disappear, the rules of space-time are bound to fall into chaos for a period of time.

After the rules of time and space return to the normal historical trajectory, I don't know how many years later, Gao Yao's fate has long changed.

"But that's not perfect. "

"Although Gao Yao will not become Zhao Gao, Gao Yao still can't grow spiritual food in his own world. "

Ip Man couldn't help but be silent.

He may have changed Gao Yao's original historical trajectory, but Gao Yao's life is still affected by the rules of time and space.

"In the chat group, only the Great Immortal has the means to resist the rules of time and space, and I am afraid that no one else can. "

A figure flashed subconsciously in Ye Man's mind. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Therefore, of the three group members invited, one must be a great immortal. "

"The other two group members invited the two strongest ones, one is Xiongba and the other is Zhang Zhenren. "

As for Ying Zheng, Ye Mo hesitated to deny it.

Xiongba is right, if Yue Zheng mobilizes thousands of troops into the mythical world, it may really lead to meteorite falling from the sky.

Not only may the soldiers and horses of the government be completely wiped out, but even they are in certain danger.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Immortal cultivator, Daimy, I would like to invite you to form a team mission." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Wudang 100-year-old Taoist, the world will help the master, I would like to invite two team members to group tasks." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "No problem. "

The world will help the Lord: "You can go at any time." "

Whether it was Zhang Sanfeng or Xiongba, they all agreed at the first time.

Even if the group mission can only get a few hundred points rewarded, it is also points, which add up to a lot.

Otherwise, if you do not participate in the group mission, you will not have a single point.

Immortal cultivator: "You guys go first, and then I'll enter." "

Ye Hao naturally agreed.

He wants to make sure that the group mission can get as many points as possible.

It's about his strength.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "Thank you Tai Shan, thank you Cheung Zhenren, thank you Hung Gang Master." "

Seeing Ye Hao's agreement, Ye Man completely let go of his heart.

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I plan to first teleport important historical figures such as Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Lu Hei and Hu Hai to other worlds"

Ip Man sent his thoughts to the group.

Master Wing Chun Ye: "Wudang 100-year-old Taoist, the world will help the lord, Zhang Zhenren, the male gang master, how do you feel about this plan?"

Ip asked his two teammates for advice to see if there was anything missing.

The world will help the master: "Since we chose to teleport important historical figures who influenced the direction of the Qin Dynasty to other worlds, why don't we teleport all the important historical figures in the world to other worlds?"

The world will help the Lord: "At that time, the historical trajectory of the whole world will have problems, and the rules of time and space will be busy." "

Xiongba's brows couldn't help but frown 110, still a little dissatisfied.

The world will help the Lord: "However, under the influence of the rules of time and space, Gao Yao still cannot grow spiritual food. "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "There is a way for the old way. "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "What way?"

Not only Ip Man was curious, but the rest of the chat group was also extremely curious.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Send the sword saint of the Xionggang Lord World to the world of Gaoyao, give him a small creation pill, and break through to the realm of heaven and man, there is no big problem." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Then give the sword saint cultivation to the peak of the foundation building realm, the five elements true technique, as well as spirit stones." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "As a condition, the Sword Saint needs to send the key figures who will affect history in the future outside the territory of the Qin Dynasty. "

The methods of correcting history in the mythical world are nothing more than natural disasters such as meteorites, earthquakes, diseases, etc.

These means simply cannot kill the powerhouses of the Heaven and Human Realm.

Not to mention the powerhouses of the Heavenly Human Realm after cultivating immortals.

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Even if we don't intervene, the Sword Saint will be able to fight with the rules of time and space for three or four hundred years." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "With the Sword Saint, the big shark that disrupts time and space, coupled with the historical trajectory that we have disrupted, I even doubt that the rules of time and space will collapse?"

Zhang Sanfeng was very hesitant.

If the rules of time and space collapse, it will hurt the mythical world too much, and will it destroy the world.

Even if it doesn't collapse, the rules of space-time are bound to be reversed.

In this case, how can the rules of time and space still have the power to influence Gao Yao to cultivate the spirit field?

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Maybe you can still see the sword saint of the Heaven and Human Realm, and the two sword masters and three swords collide with the rules of time and space." "

Chat masses: "???".

You are so showy, does the Sword Saint know?.

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